Issue 3, Friday 18 March 2022
Life Education Program
Principal's Report, Sonya Wilson
School Tours and Prep Open Days
Deputy Principal, Kerry-Ann Reese
Dress Code at Carbrook State School
Year 6 Leadership Parade
STEM, Sheri Walls
HPE, Brett Reese
Drama, Melissa Dillon
Student Council, Tegan Simone
Playground Rangers, Charlotte Minty
Ditto Show, Prep to Year 3
1/2 Shu-Fen Lo
2B, Amanda Kennedy
4B, Chloe McKenzie and Peta Thomas
Principal's Report, Sonya Wilson
Staff update
This week we welcomed back Mrs Christie McDonald as our LOTE and teacher of the Arts. Thank you to Mrs Melissa Dillon and Mrs Kylie Smith who replaced Mrs McDonald in her absence.
Mrs Kim Egan has advised that she will be extending her leave until 24 June, and I will remain as Acting Principal for Term 2. I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff and parents for their continued support.
Planning for a safe and supportive school community
On Friday 18 March 2022, Carbrook State School participated in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). The NDA is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative, connecting schools and communities to find workable solutions to prevent bullying.
The theme for the 2022 NDA is Kindness Culture. Carbrook State School demonstrated a Kindness Culture by engaging in class-based discussions, to get a strong understanding of the definition of bullying, and to promote inclusiveness, respect and community belonging for all students.
Planning for a safe and supportive school community requires a whole-school community approach. Whole-school responses to bullying prevention build positive and supportive school environments by incorporating strategies for intervention at all levels, inclusive of students, teachers, parents and carers.
Three key characteristics outlined in the national definition of bullying distinguish bullying behaviours from other forms of peer aggression behaviours which do not constitute bullying.
The key characteristics of bullying include:
- power imbalance
- deliberate intent to cause harm, and
- ongoing and repeated behaviour.
While the following behaviours of peer aggression do not constitute bullying, these behaviours may still be serious and require intervention at home and at school:
- arguments and disagreements (where there is no power imbalance)
- single acts of social rejection or meanness, or
- isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation or violence.
It is important for our entire school community, including our staff, parents, carers and students to have a clear understanding of the definition of bullying to be able to distinguish these behaviours from peer aggression, and correctly identify and respond to incidents of bullying.
To demonstrate our support for the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence students and staff wore orange. Please talk to your child about what they have learnt at school this week.
P&C Annual General Meeting
The 2022 AGM and General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 March at 5:45pm. I would like to sincerely thank the current P & C Executives for their work at Carbrook State School. At each AGM the executive positions are open for re-election.
The Carbrook State School P&C has an important role in addressing a broad range of issues. It is not only a great way to involve yourself in the community, network and make friends; but to ensure a positive voice is heard in areas such as strategic school planning, school policy, financial planning, grants to support school initiatives and fundraising to name a few.
Sonya Wilson
School Tours and Prep Open Days
Deputy Principal, Kerry-Ann Reese
Parent Teacher Interviews
This term has been an irregular term of learning for our students, however class teachers would like the opportunity to share with you, as parents, how your child/children are engaging and tracking against the year level achievement standards as per the Australian Curriculum.
This term the school has implemented a new booking system to schedule parent teacher interviews through SOBS (school online booking system). Please use the link sent to you by the class teacher to make a booking. Please note that bookings close 24 hours prior to each time slot.
Parent teacher interviews will be conducted in the class rooms at the nominated time you have selected.
If you have any questions please do not hesitant to contact your child’s class teacher regarding this.
Incursion Term 2 – Life Education
Life Education is a mobile learning centre that focuses on delivering preventative health education for young people. Life education delivers a program to children, providing them with information, understanding, skills and strategies that they require to make safe decisions about their own health and well-being. Children will participate in an engaging lesson on the following topics delivered by the expert teaching team from Life Education.
MODULE: ‘Harold’s FRIENDSHIP’ – Prep
After building a model spaceship at school, Harold and his friends, Boots and Red venture into an imaginary world in outer space. As the adventure unfolds children explore:
- how to build friendships and care for others
- feelings and emotions
- safe and unsafe situations and early warning signs
- safe places and people to turn to for help
Harold and his friends are ready for their big race at the school athletics carnival. Or are they? When one member of their relay team doesn’t show up, what will they do? This fun, engaging narrative provides opportunities to discover:
- benefits of physical activity
- safety strategies in different environments
- how our body reacts in new situations
- what our body needs to be healthy including a nutritious diet, water and sleep
Harold and his friends have gone camping, but when someone gets injured on a hiking expedition, how will they look after each other and make it back to camp? This module helps children to problem solve and focuses on:
- recognising safe and unsafe environments
- how to care for others
- behaviours that maintain friendships
- places and people who we can go to for help
MODULE: ‘Harold’s DIARY’ – YEAR 3
Harold offers to share with the class his diary entries about one week at school. This platform provides the opportunity to explore relationships and friendships, influences on food choices, benefits of physical activity and the definition of a drug.
- emotions connected with new situations and change
- importance of friendships and support networks
- exploring legal drugs such as medicines and caffeine
- strategies to manage peer pressure and bullying
- benefits of an active life-style and healthy diet
MODULE: ‘bcyberwise’ – YEARS 4
This module focuses on cybersafety, cyber ethics and building positive relationships with friends online and offline. The students explore a range of issues such as password security, risks of sharing personal information, how to communicate respectfully both online and offline as well as:
- responsible and respectful behaviour when using communication technology
- skills for building positive relationships with friends
- keeping personal information safe online
- strategies to deal with bullying and cyberbullying
- exploring the role of bystanders
This module offers a unique, contemporary learning experience that explores building positive, safe and respectful relationships. Presented via a series of fictitious vlogs that resonate with young people moving through upper primary school and beyond, this module focuses on:
- Understanding how to respect ourselves and others
- Identifying characteristics of positive relationships
- Strategies to help maintain positive online and offline relationships
- Strategies to respond to unsafe or disrespectful situations online and offline
- The importance of relationships to our own and others wellbeing
This module offers a choice of content on legal drugs or legal and illegal drugs. Students explore the decision-making process and improve decision-making skills by looking at choices, consequences, responsibility, facts, and influences.
- What is a drug and how drugs are classified
- Effects of drugs on the body
- Analysing health messages about drugs in the media
- Messages around non-use – normative data – dispelling myths
- Influences on decision making – family, peers, media, culture, financial, legal
- Strategies and skills to be safe
The cost for your child to participate in this program is $11. Your contribution of $11 covers your child’s participation in the program and a student workbook. If you wish for your child to participate in this worthwhile program, please complete the permission slip sent and return to your child’s teacher by Friday 1 April.
As this program commences the first week back after the school holidays, all payments must be received by 9am, Tuesday 19 April to process payments in time for the program’s commencement on 20 April. No payments after this time will be accepted.
Please pay the $11 for your child’s participation in the Life Education program by paying by BPOINT or direct credit into the school bank account.
BSB: 064-170
A/c#: 00902152
A/c Name: Carbrook State School General A/c
Reference: Your child’s name & Class & Activity eg. T.Smith, 2B, Life Ed
We look forward to providing your child with this learning opportunity and welcoming the Life Education program to our school after the school holidays.
Dress Code at Carbrook State School
Carbrook State School is a “uniform school”. The school uniform is regarded by the school community as being important in its role in encouraging a sense of self-esteem, belonging and self-discipline in students through to their adolescence.
The school uniform is advocated by the school and the P & C Association and school staff for the following reasons:
- it gives all students a sense of personal pride in their own appearance
- provided students change into other clothes after school, it should prove long wearing and economical
- it encourages identification with the school and promotes school spirit and a sense of community
- distractions caused by variations of dress and grooming are avoided
- discrimination caused by differences in socio-economic status is minimised if not totally eliminated
- there is no pressure to endure the latest fashion craze
- Black shoes that are fully enclosed leather/vinyl lace-up, Velcro, buckle shoes or “Mary Janes” are preferable to be worn with the formal uniform and also acceptable to be worn with the sports uniform.
- No skate shoes, slip-ons, boots, coloured laces, ballet type, “Volley’s” or “Dunlop Volley’s”, canvas or suede shoes will be accepted. These shoes do not provide sufficient protection when students are participating in learning experiences or in the playground.
- A standard watch and one earring (plain sleepers or studs) per ear for pierced ears are the only jewellery items permitted to be worn at school. No other jewellery is acceptable. Other piercings or facial studs, including tongue studs, belly button rings of any kind are not to be worn to the school. Clear alternatives are not acceptable or permitted.
- No other accessories are to be worn.
- No smart watches or watches that have blue-tooth or wireless capabilities are to be worn.
- No smart watches that have the ability to take photos or videos are to be worn.
- Necessary jewellery, such as medical bracelets or neck chains can be worn.
Hair and Makeup
All students at the school are to be well groomed and the following must be adhered to:
- Hairstyles must be neat, clean, tidy and well-maintained
- Students with hair below the ear must be secured away from the face, pinned back and or tied up with a green hair tie/hair band/clip.
- “Rats tails” must be plaited neatly.
- Only green/black coloured hair ribbons/bows/scrunchies/clips are permitted.
- It is unacceptable for hair to be coloured or dyed a non-natural colour.
- Extreme hairstyles such as “Mohawks”, tracks, or shaved sections are not permitted.
- Accessories are not permitted. These include but are not limited to bandanas, beanies or other brightly coloured headwear (apart from special days that are nominated by the school)
Sun Safety
The school uniform is designed to be sun safe.
- Broad brimmed hat to cover the face, neck and ears
- Polo shirt with a collar to cover the neck, upper body and shoulders
- Black shorts or black culottes to cover the upper legs (netball, basketball, cargo pants, leggings, short sport shorts are not permitted)
Year 6 Leadership Parade
On Friday March 11, we held our first whole school parade for the year. At this parade, we formally acknowledged the Year 6 Student Leaders for 2022. All Year 6 students were introduced as the Carbrook School Leaders for the year and proudly received their leadership badges. It is evident that the 2022 Year 6 cohort are highly motivated and excited to undertake their respective leadership positions. We wish them all the best and look forward to seeing all that they will achieve throughout the year.
Carbrook State School School Captains 2022
Carbrook State School Albert Sports House Captains 2022
Carbrook State School Kruger Sports House Captains 2022
Carbrook State School Logan Sports House Captains 2022
Carbrook State School Music Captains 2022
Carbrook State School ICT Captain 2022
Carbrook State School Student Council 2022
Carbrook State School Playground Rangers 2022
Carbrook State School Year 6 Cohort 2022
STEM, Sheri Walls
This term, Year 1 students have been learning about the difference between hardware and software. To culminate their learning the students were asked to make a device to show their understanding of hardware and software. They used cardboard and paper to make their digital device. There were some very inventive creations! Their devices will be coming home with them next week.
The Year 4 students have finished working on their rules for using their laptops. They have written 10 rules to explain how they will be responsible when using their laptops this year. They have already developed so many ICT skills this year with their laptops.
STEM Gallery
HPE, Brett Reese
This term we are excited to invite parents and carers to come and watch the running of our school Cross Country Tuesday, 22March, 2022. All year levels will have the opportunity to run laps of courses suited to their age group this year. In Prep, Year 1 and Year 2, the focus will be on fun and participation. Our Years 3-6 will be running a larger course and the first 5 runners aged 10-12yrs will have the opportunity to represent our school in the Districts Cross Country Team on Wednesday, 20 April (Week 1, Term 2) at Rivermount College. If your child is successful in advancing to the District Cross Country you will receive information as soon as possible about this event.
Cross Country has been forced to be postponed over the last few weeks due to rain and ground conditions being so wet. This postponement has cost us a few weeks but does mean we can now invite families on site to watch the event. Parents will be positioned at the end of the hall or along the pathway of the carpark/pick-up zone. From these vantage points you will see runners and the start/finish line.
What to wear/bring:
- Sports coloured team shirt
- Water bottles – extra one
- Hat
- Comfortable running shoes (running shoes permitted only for the race)
- Sunscreen
- Asthma puffer if required
- Spare shoes and school shirt if we get rain and expect a wet track
Please note: Times are an estimate and will depend on the running of the day. Please use this as a guide only.
Yr 4 – 6 assemble on the oval under shade tents in ages – 9am prompt – Prep-Yr2 view from near rooms | ||||
Event 1 | Girls | 2010 girls – 12 yrs | 2800m / 4 laps | 9.15am |
Event 2 | Boys | 2010 boys – 12 yrs | 2800m / 4 laps | 9.20am |
Event 3 | Girls | 2011 girls – 11 yrs | 2800m / 4 laps | 9.35am |
Event 4 | Boys | 2011 boys – 11 yrs | 2800m / 4 laps | 9.40am |
Event 5 | Girls | 2012 girls – 10 yrs | 1400m / 2 laps | 10.00am |
Event 6 | Boys | 2012 boys – 10 yrs | 1400m / 2 laps | 10.05m |
Event 7 | Girls | 2013 &2014 girls –8/9yrs (year 3 & 4) | 1400m / 2 laps | 10.10am |
Event 8 | Boys | 2013 & 2014 boys –8/9yrs (year 3 & 4) | 1400m / 2 laps | 10.15am |
Event 9 | All | Year 2 | 1 lap | 10:30 |
Event 10 | All | Year 1 | 1 lap | 10:40 |
Event 11 | All | Prep | 1 lap | 10:50 |
#Sport Captains will run with lower school
All children are encouraged to participate in this physical activity. Please note that not all children will complete the course. Everyone will complete at least one lap, and only those still running strong and aiming for district representation will complete the entire course.
If there is a specific reason preventing your child from participating, please email your child’s class teacher by 21March.
Looking forward to seeing a lot of runners at our school cross country for 2022!
2022: Prep – Year 2 Cross-Country Course:
2022: 9-12 years Cross-Country Course:
Drama, Melissa Dillon
Drama with 1A and 1B
Student Council, Tegan Simone
Academic Committee
Our first event will celebrate World Maths Day. On Wednesday, 23 March students will be competing in an online competition. This competition consists of 20 x 60 second fast fact rounds against students from around the world. The top 3 achieving students from each grade will receive a prize. We will be also be running some hands-on Maths activities to celebrate the day.
Cultural Committee
Thank you to all the entries we have for our poster competition so far, please keep them coming! You have until next Thursday, 24 March to submit them.
Community Committee
Keep and eye out for next week's article for an update on how Anti Bullying day went.
Physical Committee
Cross Country will be held next Tuesday, 22 March. We have been holding war cry practises to build team spirit. It has been great seeing so many happy faces and loud voices calling out the cheers.
Playground Rangers, Charlotte Minty
Thankfully the weather has cleared up and our 2022 Playground Rangers have been busily at work, during first break. The leaders are ensuring that students are playing safely and fairly and that everyone has a friend to spend time with at lunch. The younger students are always happy to see the Rangers and often ask them to help resolve friendship issues or to referee their games.
Playground Rangers Gallery
Ditto Show, Prep to Year 3
Yesterday, Thursday 17 March 2022, at Carbrook State School our Prep - Year 3 students had a visit from Bravehearts and we watched "The Ditto Show". We learnt about personal safety and strategies to help keep us safe. Students interacted with Ditto, sang and danced to the songs 'Private Parts' and 'Run and Tell Someone You Can Trust'.
1/2 Shu-Fen Lo
For Science, Year Two students are learning how animals and plants grow and change. We are studying the lifecycle of a butterfly and life stages of mealworm. We are making observations and predictions and identifying stages in the life cycles of meal worms and caterpillars for the rest of the term.
1/2 Gallery
2B, Amanda Kennedy
Metamorphosis in Action!
Students in Year 2 have been watching the metamorphosis of our Monarch Caterpillars unfold before our very eyes this week. Most of our mealworms have transformed into pupas and we currently have about 9 Darkling Beetles in our observation tank. The students were amazed to watch the moulting of a mealworm and also to discover a Darkling Beetle emerging from its pupa! We are eagerly awaiting the emergence of our Monarch Butterflies which will be a few days away yet as the chrysalis are yet to turn black. Stay tuned for the next update!
Maths in Action!
2B loved getting hands on with our counting pattern practice this week. We are learning to count in patterns of 2, 3, 5 and 10. Some of us even enjoyed the challenge of counting forwards and backwards in 4s and 6s. We used counters and post it notes to help us ‘skip’ with our fingers to reinforce our counting patterns.
4B, Chloe McKenzie and Peta Thomas
In History studies this Term, Year 4 have been studying early explorers of the Age of Exploration and the ‘discovery’ of Australia. Students in 4B have developed quite an interest in the significance of Captain James Cook’s voyage to Australia and the myth that Australia was Terra Nullius (land that is legally deemed to be unoccupied or uninhabited land before contact with the British).
4B students have found Captain Cook’s interest in astronomy fascinating and how well his ship, the HMS Endeavour, endured such a voyage. He by chance discovered Australia in order to see Venus glide across the face of the sun, as this was best seen from the southern hemisphere.
As a result, 4B’s interest sparked a desire to participate in a guided drawing lesson of Captain Cook’s HMS Endeavour and we now have these art masterpieces on display in our classroom.
Great job 4B!
4B Gallery
Carbrook State Schoool P&C Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday, 23 March 2022 at 5:45pm.