Issue 6 Friday 13 May 2022
Acting Principal Sonya Wilson
Dear parents and carers
While we have welcomed the move to the new administration building, the re-opening of the Carbrook State School library is a point for celebration. The library is once again open for borrowing and accessible at lunch breaks. Encouraging and promoting access to a variety of quality reading material is important for all of our students. Reading to children from birth cannot be undervalued and should continue well past children learning to read themselves.
As a parent when you read to your child you show that you value reading; you take responsibility for the cognitive demand allowing the young reader to engage with the meaning of the text, to wonder, to spark their curiosity and learn to love reading. Developing a love of reading is paramount, to ignite that passion and a love of literature.
Research describes eight benefits of reading
1. Improves Reading Skills
First and foremost, exposure to books improves children’s reading skills. Practice makes perfect!
2. Boosts Vocabulary and Literacy Skills
Reading increases vocabulary, comprehension and communication skills. In addition sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and expression will improve.
3. Improves Writing Skills
Exposure to new words, grammar and punctuation will improve children’s writing.
4. Builds Confidence and Independence
Reading every day builds independence, leading to greater confidence.
5. Broadens Minds and Develops Empathy
Diverse literature opens children’s minds to the lives of other people. Subsequently, helping children make sense of the world around them.
6. Academic Success
Regular reading promotes academic achievement across the curriculum. Non-fiction books provide opportunities for children to increase their knowledge and interests.
7. Develops Imagination
While reading children create new worlds. This develops their creativity and empathy as they immerse themselves in the lives of the characters.
8. Reading is Fun!
When reading with a child, they can tell if the adult is enjoying themselves. Reinforce the message that reading is an enjoyable alternative to video games and TV by being a good reading role-model.
Staffing update
This week at Carbrook State School we have welcomed to our staff Mrs Kirsty Gardiner. Kirsty has been employed as a permanent relief teacher for the remainder of this term and will replace Mrs Alana Culter in Term 3. Mrs Gardiner has most recently worked at Redland Special School and prior to that has taught in Victoria. We welcome Mrs Gardiner to Carbrook State School.
Digital story
Stories can be enjoyed and teach us valuable life lessons, such as empathy. This Habit encourages us to make an effort to hold back values, judgements, opinions and prejudices in order to listen to and consider another person’s thoughts.
This online book brings this habit to life The Rabbit Listened, written and illustrated by Cori Doerrfeld. This book shows how sometimes all we really need is just someone to listen. Enjoy!
Pre-Prep Open Day
We welcome new and propective families to Carbrook State School. Come along and experience some of the educational activities and meet some teachers here at Carbrook State School.
Carbrook State School Athletics Carnival has been rescheduled to Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Deputy Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
How to Help a Child Focus During School Time
I often hear from concerned parents that their child’s teacher has shared something with them, and it sounds something like…
My child is difficult for the teacher to manage.
They take too long to do the task at hand from the teacher.
She doesn’t follow directions in school.
My child has trouble focusing in the classroom.
This puts you in a really tough position as a parent because you can’t exactly control what’s happening in the classroom. The teacher is also in a tough position, needing to manage the competing demands of a large classroom of children.
It’s hard no matter how you look at it.
Here’s where you and the teacher hold common ground: You both want the child to not only be successful in school, but in life! And of course, you want to work together in cooperation.
Which begs the question…
How to Help a Child Focus in the Classroom?
As a parent, I can wholeheartedly attest to struggles in getting my kids to focus. There was a time when I could barely get them to sit at the dinner table for five minutes – literally. Waiting in line at the post office with kids was a joke. And grocery shopping involved a lot of bribery.
We’ve come a long way since then.
Most articles you read on helping kids with lack of focus in school will recommend things like seat kids away from distractions, make learning fun, vary teaching methods, set up routines, etc. We can do all these things, of which are all great strategies to use in the classroom, but what they don’t address is how you can start to help your child build focus, self-control and attention span at home.
You can’t control what happens in the classroom. You can, however, work with your child at home using five core strategies.
1. Play board games for concentration.
Board games are one of the best ways to help your child build executive function, which is the cognitive or “mind” part of self-regulation. When kids need help focusing, what you’re actually wanting to help your child do is build better self-regulation skills.
The Centre for the Developing Child defines executive functions and self-regulation skills as:
The mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. Just as an air traffic control system at a busy airport safely manages the arrivals and departures of many aircraft on multiple runways, the brain needs this skill set to filter distractions, prioritize tasks, set and achieve goals, and control impulses.
The more you can help your child practise attention skills at home, the sooner they will be able to apply those skills and concentrate in school.
You can also help your child learn to concentrate by using other self-control games like these
2. Practise waiting – A LOT – to improve attention span.
Practise waiting with your kids as many times as you can fit into the day. In the doctor’s office, at the grocery store, at the dinner table and during play at home are all places that are great for practising self-regulation.
Instead of reaching for your phone or electronic device to distract your child, practise playing games with your child while waiting. These are creative hand games or mind games to play with your child to improve focus and attention. They only require your body sitting in a chair and nothing else.
Here are some examples:
- While waiting in the doctor’s office we may play “the thinking game” where the child will describe something and you will need to guess what it is.
- While at the grocery store, play “I spy” where you describe something you see and your child has to guess it.
- Have your child place his hands out palms facing up. Place your hands hovering over his, except with your palms facing down. The goal is for your child to try and slap the top of your hands. Then switch roles.
In addition to waiting in different scenarios out and about, practise waiting at home for a toy that a sibling has, a special treat like a cookie, or a toy they want to buy at the store.
If waiting is met with tears, sadness or a temper tantrum, be sure to acknowledge thoughts and feelings and validate how hard this must be for your child. Building self-control takes a lot of work – especially for kids! Knowing that you are on their side and that you understand their point of view will make a huge difference in your child’s mental health!
Finally, have your child practise sitting at the dinner table until everyone is finished. Getting them used to sitting for about 30 minutes can help kids stay focused once they transition into the classroom.
3. Focus immensely on vestibular and proprioceptive input.
In order for kids to listen, focus and learn to sit still for a period of time, they must develop both proprioception and vestibular sense. The most critical time to develop a child’s proprioception and vestibular sense is before age six.
Proprioception is what tells you where your body parts are without having to look at them. This is the sense that helps you make sense of gravity. It’s the reason you can switch from the gas pedal to the brake without looking at your feet, or bring popcorn to your mouth without taking your eyes off the movie screen.
Without properly developed proprioception, kids can push too hard during tag, fall off their seat at the dinner table or trip while walking up stairs.
Vestibular sense provides information about where the body is in relation to its surroundings. This is the sense that helps you understand balance, and it connects with all the other senses.
Without a strong vestibular sense, kids will have no choice but to fidget, get frustrated, experience more falls and aggression, get too close to people when talking, and struggle with focusing and listening, because they literally cannot control it.
4. Cut back on screens – WAY back.
Study after study shows that kids who have more screen-time (or video games) have lower attention spans and lose focus. Without realising it, screen-time can really add up fast.
While some past studies recommend kids use a screen device less than two hours a day, new research is recommending that children only have zero to 30 minutes per day.
Some experts even recommend a "screen fast" where electronics are completely removed for several weeks to allow your child’s neurological system to reset.
If done correctly, this intervention can produce deeper sleep, a brighter and more even mood, better focus and organisation, and an increase in physical activity. The ability to tolerate stress improves, so meltdowns diminish in both frequency and severity. The child begins to enjoy the things they used to, is more drawn to nature, and imaginary or creative play returns.
5. Encourage role-play at home.
According to the late Dr.Karyn Purvis, “It takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain – unless it is done with play – in which case, it takes between 10-20 repetitions.”
Talking to your kids about what they could say or do instead when they are fidgety or bored in the classroom is always an option. However, the most efficient way to help your child problem-solve solutions, and actually have them remember in the moment, is to have them role-play with you at home.
In the example of helping your child focus, your child would play the teacher (that’s them reversing into the teacher role) and you would play the fumbling child who always gets distracted, dawdles and can’t concentrate in school.
The more exaggerated you get with your inability to focus, the more fun it will be for your child. This creates a deep connection and a safe space for you and your child to work through this challenge.
Once your child asks to play the role of the student again, you’ll know he or she is opening up to your guidance and solutions will start showing up in play.
Your child spends a long time at school and building your child’s ability to concentrate is going to assist them in being lifelong learners and set them up for success in the classroom.
SEP Fiona Broquesa
Hassle Logs
Often parents ask how they can help their child to open up around things that have happened in the day and how they can help them to think about the ‘size’ of the situation or problem.
Autism Queensland has shared this ‘Hassle Log’ resource with the teachers at our school over the years and are happy for this to be shared with families also.
The ‘Hassle Log’ is a visual/talking tool designed to help students learn the skills of assessing their own behaviours and monitoring their own progress over how they have managed their anger or emotions in a situation.
It’s a great prompt tool and conversation starter for how students can begin to problem solve situations and think about some possible new strategies for the future.
STEM Sheri Walls
This term Year 5 and 6 students were invited to join STEM club. STEM club happens every Wednesday at first break. Students will be involved in an exciting competition called “How cool is your school?” During STEM club students will calculate the percentage of shade and create a map that meets cartographic (mapping) conventions. The maps the students create are then entered into the competition. We had our first meeting last week and there was excitement in the air! The students began looking at the aerial view of the school and working out how much shade we have. We can’t wait to share some of the entries with you later in the term!
STEM Gallery
1/2 Shu Fen Lo
A growth mindset means you believe your intelligence, talents and abilities can improve with effort. Having a growth mindset is a powerful skill to develop. When kids realise they can practice a skill and get better, it can shift the way they think about failure and success.
1/2 students have been attending the Growth Mindset Lessons taught by Mrs Barnham (APT) regularly. Students learn to say and think positively, such as:
- Yes, I can
- I can’t do it YET, but I will do it
- I can always improve
- I like to challenge myself
- Mistakes help me learn
- Never give up
Our class motto is ‘YES I CAN’. Thank you Mrs Barnham for giving the incredible lessons. We see the outcome from seeing the students’ confidence and positive learning attitudes.
1/2 Gallery
Year 5 Excursion
Year 5 Leadership Program
Year 5 students have been working hard over the past 6 weeks engaging in various activities to further develop the skills of respectful communication, participation, team work and problem solving. We believe it is important that Year 5 students are prepared for their leadership responsibilities next year and they have all put in a wonderful effort. The Year 5 teachers look forward to watching the students continue to grow.
Leadership Gallery
P&C Bec Allpress
Carbrook State School P&C are running their annual winter fundraiser, Yatala Pies.
Orders must be in no later than Thursday, 26 May 2022 and they will be delivered to the school on Thursday, 2 June 2022.
You can pick up your ordered pies between 2:30 and 3pm outside the school hall on Thursday, 2 June 2022.
- Orders in by Thursday, 26 May 2022
- Pie deliveries, 2 June 2022
- Pick up pies from outside the hall from 2:30 -3:00 pm
- Online orders only via
- Email any concerns to:
Creative Dance Term 2
YMCA at Carbrook State School