Issue 7 Friday 27 May 2022
Acting Principal Sonya Wilson
Pre- Prep Open Morning
Deputy Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
SEP Fiona Broquesa
PBL Charlotte Minty
APT Leonie Barnham
National Simultaneous Storyline 2022
HPE Brett Reese
Sorry Day Karin Geiger
2B Amanda Kennedy
4B Chloe McKenzie & Peta Thomas
Olympics Unleashed
Student Council Physical Committee
Cultural and Academic Committee
Community Committee
Book Club
Triple P Seminar
Shailer Park High School Academic Excellence Academies
Acting Principal Sonya Wilson
Dear parents and carers
The wet weather has created a few challenges over the past few weeks especially for students at play time. While this has be frustrating, it does also provide an opportunity for increased resilience and patience! Fortunately, we have embarked on the Jump Rope for Heart campaign, and skipping has provided the students with the opportunity to expend their energy in a purposeful manner within a confined space. The students’ skills are developing as a result.
This rain has also forced us to again postpone our school’s Athletics Carnival. The Carnival is now scheduled for Wednesday 15 June. The Junior Program for students in Prep-Year 2 will run from 9:00am-11:00am and the Senior School Years 3-6 will run from 9:30am-3:00pm. We have not currently been advised of the date for District nominations. If this is before our school event Mr Reese will base nominations on data gathered during PE lessons.
We are now welcoming Prep enrolments for 2023, and have a Prep Open Morning scheduled for Saturday 11 June 9:00am-11:00am to give parents the chance to visit the school and classrooms. Please see the flyer attached and spread the word in our community about coming into the school, having a tour and observing how our Prep classrooms run.
Finally, thank you to our amazing P&C. Last week was National Volunteers Week and on Friday 22 May Carbrook State School showed our appreciation for the efforts of our P&C supporting the school community. The contribution of the Carbrook State School P&C Committee is immense and we thank them for the events they tirelessly organise and run.
Thank you Bec, Mel and Jade (Reagan stood in for Jade at assembly).
Pre- Prep Open Morning
Deputy Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
What is resilience?
Resilience is the ability to cope when things go wrong.
Resilience can also be described as:
- Bouncing back after difficult times
- Dealing with challenges and still holding your head up
- Giving things a go or trying your best
- Being strong on the inside
- Being able to cope with what life throws at you and shrug it off
- Standing up for yourself
- Getting back into shape after you have been bent or stretched
Would you like to give your kids the skills and strategies they need to manage their emotions and overcome challenges?
Carbrook State School has partnered with the Life Education Program and is offering a free seminar to parents. Please see the flyer attached to this newsletter.
This seminar will be held online, to enable you to participate in the convenience of your home.
To register your place in the free seminar please contact the school on 32090888.
SEP Fiona Broquesa
Decodable Readers
We are very excited this year as a school, to have purchased and be using the Phonic Books: Decodable Readers. These are being used not only in our speech programs but in year levels as well.
Decodable readers are books that have been created for specific phonics patterns and high frequency words learning. They provide students an ‘in-context’ opportunity to practise the specific phonics pattern and high frequency words that are being taught or focused on that week.
In addition to decoding and phonics practice, decodable readers also lend themselves to working on fluency and some comprehension. Students can answer questions about a text (orally and/or in writing), and they can reread the text a few times for fluency.
With a decodable book, students can:
- Circle or highlight words with a target phonics pattern (this is important because it helps kids make the connection between a phonics concept and actual reading)
- Discuss the meaning of the text
- Read the text multiple times, for fluency practice
- Respond in writing
Decodable books are valuable for ALL students, but are especially important for students with specific reading disabilities, including dyslexia. With practice, students experience success!
There are many free decodable readers online, but to get you started, please see the link below, provided by our EQ SLP for some initial code readers.
PBL Charlotte Minty
This fortnight our Postive Behaviour Learning (PBL) focus has concentrated on Being a Learner. As part of our explicit teaching of the behaviour expectations, classes have focussed on what being a learner looks like, feels like and sounds like. Students have been encouraged and rewarded for demonstrating appropriate behaviours. As a PBL school we believe that appropriate school behaviour increases optimal learning.
Well done Carbrook Kids😊
APT Leonie Barnham
A student’s ability to pay attention during class and completing their schoolwork, requires them to process and retain information via their working memory. Working memory is key to learning.
Working memory helps students pay attention.
Students with a strong working memory are likely to do well in maintaining focus and attention in a variety of school settings. As they are capable of processing and remembering instructions and task specific details, they are more capable at working independently.
Working memory assists in helping children become fluent readers.
Working memory is responsible for many of the skills children use to learn to read. Auditory working memory assists a reader to hold on to the sounds letters make long enough to sound out new words.
Visual working memory helps the reader remember what those words look like so they can recognise them throughout the rest of a sentence.
When working effectively, these enable the reader to read fluently without having to sound out every word they see. This helps them read with less hesitation and become fluent readers.
Working memory and comprehension.
Research has shown a distinct link between working memory and reading comprehension.
When students with weak working memory skills are reading a paragraph, they may forget the information from the beginning of the paragraph by the time they get to the end of the paragraph. These students can appear to be experiencing difficulty with reading comprehension. In fact, they are, but the comprehension problem may be due to a failure of the memory system rather than the language system.
Math strategies requires working memory.
Students who have difficulty with working memory often forget what they are doing while doing it. Often a student may understand the three-step direction they were just given but forget the second and third steps while carrying out the first step. If they are attempting to solve a math problem that involves several steps, they might forget the steps while trying to solve the problem.
Accurately completing mental computation requires significant amounts of working memory. Children need to store the information that they have heard, then recall and retrieve those facts, and then process the information correctly to apply it.
Working memory boosts problem-solving ability.
According to research, improving working memory can enhance general problem-solving ability and improve fluid intelligence. Fluid intelligence is defined as the ability to solve new problems, use logic in new situations, and identify patterns.
Working memory is associated with success in sport
A study from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden showed a strong link between executive functions, such as working memory and achievement in sport. The study showed that working memory and other cognitive functions in children and young people can be associated with how successful they are on the soccer pitch.
Executive functions are special control functions in the brain that allow us to adapt to an environment in a perpetual state of change. They include creative thinking to quickly switch strategy, find new, effective solutions, and repress erroneous impulses. The functions are dependent on the brain’s frontal lobes, which continue to develop until the age of 25.
Strong results for several executive functions were found to be associated with success on the pitch, even after controlling for other factors that could conceivably affect performance. The clearest link was seen for simpler forms of executive function, such as working memory, which develops relatively early in life.
You are invited to Carbrook State School's Reading Workshop
National Simultaneous Storyline 2022
‘It started with a seed, and that seed was me. And, over time, laughter filled my garden ... A heartfelt celebration of family, community and the seasons of life, to cherish and to share.’
The National Simultaneous Storytime 2022 was held on Wednesday 25 May at 11am. All Carbrook State School students attended the reading.
This year, the story was Family Tree by Josh Pyke. Family Tree shares the beauty of life through the growth of a tree, one that unites families and communities around the world, spreading joy, love and spirit—and it all starts with one seed.
National Simultaneous Storytime is an Australia-wide group reading and literacy event, where schools, libraries and other institutions gather school-age children together to read the same chosen picture book at the same time.
The NSS event has been held by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) since 2001. Ever since its inception, the aim of NSS has been to promote the value and fun of books, reading, and community story time activities, as well as the work of the featured author and illustrator.
We look forward to participating in next years event.
HPE Brett Reese
As we all know the weather has not been kind to us of late and as a result the school grounds are totally water logged.
Based on the predicted weather forecast and conditions of our school grounds, the annual athletics carnival has been rescheduled for Wednesday 15 June.
Both our juniors (P-2) and seniors (3-6) will be participating in events on this day. The junior events will run from 9 - 11am and the senior events will run all day 9-3pm.
Fingers crossed our grounds will be ready for 15 June and we start to see some sunshine!
Sorry Day Karin Geiger
Sorry Day 26 May, 2022
National Sorry Day has been held in Australia on May 26 since 1998 to remember and acknowledge the mistreatment of our country's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, those which we now know as 'The Stolen Generations'.
This day gives people the chance to come together and share the steps towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities.
At Carbrook, we acknowledged ‘The Stolen Generations’ by tracing around our hands and colouring them in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flag colours. It symbolized the coming together and moving forward in a future together.
Below is a link to Archie Roach explaining and reading his Text “Took The Children Away”.
2B Amanda Kennedy
Year 2 hopes that everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Here are some special messages from 2B.
Happy Mothers' Day
2B participated in the annual ANZAC day commemorative ceremony at Carbrook State School. We made poppies in remembrance of those who fought and still fight for us. We also sang the Brown Slouch Hat.
More Science in Year 2!
4B Chloe McKenzie & Peta Thomas
This Term has seen our Year 4 students continue their studies with early exploration and the colonisation of Australia, specifically relating to the stories of the First Fleet. We are studying reasons for the journey, who travelled to Australia and their experiences following arrival, with particular focus on the experiences of convicts. The impact this colonisation had on Indigenous Australians is also a focus.
During last week’s lesson where we came to understand the life of a convict transported to Australia, we dovetailed this with our writing unit on poetry, to produce Cinquains, a 5-line stanza poem that reflected life on board one of the six convict vessels.
Students researched and gathered information about their choice of one of the 6 convict vessels;
- Alexander
- Charlotte
- Friendship
- Lady Penrhyn
- Prince of Wales
- Scarborough
Students then described life on their chosen vessel through the use of Poetic devices required in a Cinquain.
Please enjoy a sample of some of 4B’s Cinquains and the vintage vessel these masterpieces are scattered upon in our classroom for our viewing pleasure!
4B Gallery
Olympics Unleashed
Year 4, 5 and 6 students were visited by olympic swimmer, Lara Davenport as part of the Olympics Unleashed program. Lara was a member of the quartet of Australian swimmers who qualified for the final with the sixth fastest time in the heat of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The quartet gained one of Australia's first gold medals in the 4 x 200m.
Lara shared her backstory and her experiences as an elite athlete. The students let out an audible gasp when Lara held up her gold medal. She explained the design of the medal and the meaning behind each component. The purpose of Lara’s visit to was to discuss goal setting for success. Her top recommendations were;
- Be persistent-even when you aren’t the best
- Relationships are important-create your dream team
- Focus on your progress-don’t give others your energy
- It’s ok to change your dream
- Set short term goals-to help build to a larger goal
- Always grow-put your best effort in
Student Council Physical Committee
It’s safe to say we have started off with a bang when it comes to Jump Rope For Heart. All this wet weather has meant lots of opportunities for skipping at break times. It has been amazing to see the progress so many of our Carbrook State School student’s have made in first two weeks of the program. As of Monday 23 May, we have raised $5 143 for the Heart Foundation and have skipped for 95 hours and 45 minutes. What an amazing achievement.
Congratulations to our Week 1 and Week 2 champions on their fundraising and skipping efforts.
Top Fundraisers | Top Skippers | Champion Class | |
Week 1 | -Mia Y -Georgina R | -Mikayla G -Lincoln G -Riley V | 4B-Most registered students |
Week 2 | -Riley N -Aiden C | -Geneva W -Adelyn C | 4A-Skipped the most combined time |
There is still time to register your child and join in on the fun.
Cultural and Academic Committee
June 6 is Queensland Day whereby our State will be 163 years old! To celebrate our wonderful state, we are holding a dress up day! On Monday 6 June come dressed in Queensland theme. You could wear maroon, dress up as our state animal the koala or even dress up as a Famous Queenslander. Please bring a gold coin donation. All monies raised will be donated to the Australian Koala Foundation. On the day we will also be conducting a vote to select out state’s new fossil emblem. With so many fossils uncovered from our ancient past, this is an exciting opportunity for Queenslanders to help choose the 10th official state fossil emblem.
Community Committee
We will be holding Carbrook's Got Talent this term. After last year's success, we will be conducing it digitally again. Therefore all submissions will be digital and all the finalists’ entries will be shown in classrooms.
If your child/ren want to enter, please submit a video showing off your talent to Mrs Simone at or to your child’s class teacher. Submissions could be on a USB or emailed no later than 17 June. We are looking for a vast array of talent including singing, dancing, movie making, magic, acting or even showing off your sporting skills.
Book Club
Book Club Term 2 Issue 4
Thank you so very much to all the avid readers who continue to support the school by purchasing books through Scholastic Book Club. A percentage of your total order spent will be given back to the school to spend on additional educational resources. This is a wonderful initiative that in turn gives back to the school community. The last issue rewarded the Carbrook Library with over $300 to spend on new books.
Reading books for pleasure has been proven to play an integral role in a child’s success during both their schooling and adult life.
Have a browse through the latest catalogue for some fantastic special prices available at club price. The latest catalogue is out now with orders due by Monday 6 June 2022.
Happy reading everyone!
Triple P Seminar
Shailer Park High School Academic Excellence Academies