Issue 12 Friday 19 August 2022
Acting Principal Sonya Wilson
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Prep Enrolments 2023
We are excited to have extended interview invitations to our new 2023 Prep students and their families. Please remind family and friends that if they haven’t done so already to submit their enrolment application for 2023.
Carbrook State School is opening up the Prep rooms once again and having their second Prep Open Morning. If you could please contact the Admin on 3209 0888 and register your attendance.
Please see the flyer below.
Staffing update
This week we have welcomed back Mrs Camilla Davis from her leave and thank Miss Jessica Smith for her contribution during that five week period. As of this week, Mrs Leonie Barnham has taken leave for the next five weeks and Miss Smith will join the Academic Performance Team in Mrs Barnham’s absence ensuring the valuable work of supporting our students through small group intervention continues. Miss Smith will be working alongside the Academic Performance Team of Mrs Caitlin Carolan, Mrs Peta Thomas, Mrs Sarah Turgeon and Mrs Judy Allsop. These changes in staffing prompt changes to the Book Fair opening times, so please see the flyer below. Mrs Dillon will replace Mr Brett Reese as PE teacher. Mrs Dillon completed her apprenticeship when she organised the Sports Carnival earlier this year. We wish Mr Reese all the best in his new role and thank him for his contribution to Carbrook State School.
Year 5 Leadership Program
Year 5 students continue their Leadership Program having engaged in the Kindilan Leadership Experience of team building and communication development. Photos and student reflection are shared below. Thursday 18 August Year 6 students joined with the Year 5 students for a Q & A Leadership session. It was a pleasure to witness the thoughtful and reflective questions and insights students shared. Questions included “have you regretted the leadership position you nominated for?” It demonstrated that the students are thinking about taking responsible risk-taking when nominating for a leadership position and what it might mean if they are unsuccessful. It gave us the opportunity to discuss these emotions in a meaningful way. Other students shared their initial disappointment at not being successful in their initial nomination but found that other opportunities presented themselves later in the year. The support students showed to all of their peers prompted me to celebrate just how inclusive our students are of one another. The experience reminded me to acknowledge the benefits of inclusive education and how diversity is valued and celebrated amongst our school community.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
All schools in Australia are required by federal law to record the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) annually. Schools and the Department of Education must accurately report the NCCD, in accordance with the 2022 National NCCD Guidelines, to the Australian Government.
The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005. I have included in this article the broad categories of disability used in the NCCD (See attached).
From 2022 this will inform the resourcing provided to schools to support children with disabilities.
The data collection process will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is maintained.
Further information about the NCCD can be found at
School Opinion Surveys
Thank you to all the parents/caregivers, students and school staff who completed this year’s School Opinion Survey. We know that 81 parent responses have been received (around 30.6% of invitations), over 52% of staff and almost every student for Year 5 and 6.
This is the very last call for parents to have their say, as the survey closes on Friday 19 August.
I look forward to sharing our survey results with you when we receive our school report later this year.
Book Week Parade Wednesday 24 August 9:00am
Parents are invited to view our Book Week Parade. Following the first bell of the day students will proceed directly to the hall providing the opportunity to celebrate and appreciate the various Book Week costumes.
Deputy Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
Parent Teacher Interim Interviews
In the upcoming weeks, you will receive an email from your child’s class teacher inviting you to a parent teacher interview to discuss your child’s progress to date for Semester 2.
Again, we will be using an online booking system to schedule parent teacher interviews through SOBS (school online booking system).
Please keep an eye out for this email. Information will be contained in this email regarding the booking process.
Celebration of Learning
This year, Carbrook State School will host our 2022 Celebration of Learning evening on Thursday 8September. We will open the classrooms to showcase student learning in various areas of the curriculum including the ARTs, Science, Technology, English and Numeracy. Classrooms will be open from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Families will be welcome to visit classrooms and view at leisure the great learning that has occurred in each class/year level. All children are to be accompanied by an adult at all times. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of our Carbrook kids with you all.
Student Absences
If your child is absent for any reason their absence needs to be reported on the school absentee line. The school absentee line is an automated service that can be accessed outside school hours. Please leave the following details: Student name, date, class, and reason for the absence. These messages are checked each morning and the information passed onto the classroom teachers.
Carbrook State School Absentee Line : 07 3209 0860
Unexplained Absences
At Carbrook State School an automated system is used to inform parents via a SMS message if your child/children have not arrived at school. As instruction commences at 8:50am and class rolls are marked then, any students that have not arrived by that time will be considered absent and therefore an automatic message will be generated in the system informing you that your child is absent from school.
If/when you receive an SMS message you will be required to reply to the text to explain the absence or if you believe your child/children is/should be at school contact the school office immediately on 3209 0888.
Please phone the Student Absence Line on 3209 0860 before 9am to advise of any/all occasions when your child/ren will be absent from school.
All mobile numbers need to be current. Please advise the school immediately if your number has changed.
Science Week 2022
Science Week kicked off with a bang! Or more accurately an explosion! Prep were the first group to participate in some fun science activities at first break. There were lots of amazed Preps when we added vinegar to bicarb soda to make the volcano erupt. They then got to play with some small containers of bicarb and vinegar.
On Tuesday the Year 1 and 2 students got to test capillary action by drawing on a piece of paper towel and adding it to water. They tested different colours and designs to see what would happen to their image when water was added.
On Wednesday the Year 3 and 4 students tested out “centripetal force" – an inward-facing force that pulls an object or liquid toward the centre of its circular path. They created a tornado in a bottle caused by the water in the bottle spinning towards the centre of the bottle, or vortex. This was especially fun with the bottles that had some glitter in them!
On Thursday the Year 5 and 6 students got to test the properties of oil and water by making a lava lamp. We also got to watch Street Science with their show “Breaking Point”. We learnt so many interesting things from the show!
For the final day of Science Week, everyone was invited to come and play with bubbles! We really enjoyed playing with the 3D shape bubble wands!
Thank you to the P&C for allowing all of the school to attend the Street Science show. I would also like to thank Mrs Simone and the 3 Student Council members who came to help every day; Brooke, Jackson and Murphy, and to Mrs Ariel for helping get the activities set up each day!
Year 5 Leadership Day at Kindilan
On Friday the Year 5 students attended their leadership day at Kindilan. It was such an amazing experience watching the students step out of their comfort zone and use the leadership skills that they have been learning at school in real situations. On the day, students participated in a series of activities. They completed a low ropes course, team initiatives and the possum glider. The possum glider was definitely the highlight of the day for most students!
What was your favourite part of the day?
Azalyah H - The Possum Glider was my favourite part of my day because my team would be attached to this rope and would run and walk slowly so I didn't fall.
Cole W - My favourite part was the possum glider because I got to lift up super high and had to encourage Rhys to do it.
Aroha K - My favourite part of the day was the possum glider because I over came my fear of heights and going last helped me overcome it.
Taleah B - When I overcame my fear of heights and my team mates were cheering me on.
What was one thing you took away from the day?
Katie W - How my group in the carpet game kept testing everyone's ideas and if it did not work we tried again and even though we kept failing we still were trying.
Lincoln T - I took that you need teamwork for a lot of things.
Mia Y - How to deal with problems without getting mad.
Sean S - Working with a group of people I did not usually hang out with and helping me conquer my fears.
Flynn W – What I took away from the day was that now I know that everything is easier with teamwork.
What was the most important quality needed to complete the activities? Why?
Oscar B - Motivation because if everyone was quiet it was harder to do the activities because no one was helping you and helping you get through the task.
William B - The most important quality during the activities is teamwork because most of the activities need navigation, information, and communication.
Skylah A - The most important quality of the day was TEAMWORK! Because if you don't help your team you will fail.
Ethan S - The most important quality that was needed was bravery because most of the activities took you out of your comfort zone. Like being held up by people to get through the spider web or the possum glider and even holding hands with people to get through the ropes.
Year 6 Camp at Maranatha Boulder Creek
Year 6 Camp – Maranatha Boulder Creek, Sunshine Coast
From Wednesday 20 July to Friday 22 July, our Year 6 cohort attended their highly anticipated school camp to Maranatha Boulder Creek, in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. After a big three hour bus trip from Carbrook to Boulder Creek, our students were very excited to have lunch, meet their camp instructors and start exploring their new surroundings.
Across the three days, students participated in many action packed rotations in their activity groups: the tower of tremble, archery, giant swing, radio regaining, ropes challenge, bridge building, drumming, group initiatives and Minute to Win It games. Many students challenged themselves during these activities by facing their fears, learning to work as a team and interacting with a variety of peers from across the Year 6 cohort.
We asked our Year 6 students to share some of their favourite moments from their camp experience:
Mitchell, 6A: I really enjoyed the food we ate at camp and going on the Giant Swing – I was so nervous with anticipation when I was getting pulled up, but I had so much fun getting to swing through the air.
Tia, 6A: At camp, I challenged myself to push past my fear of heights by doing the ropes challenge and the giant swing. I loved spending more time outdoors and after camp I felt a lot closer to my friends in Year 6.
Molly, 6B: I loved going on the giant swing. It’s not an activity that you get to do every day and it was really cool to be able to share this experience with all of my peers in Year 6.
Jack, 6B: I liked doing the radio regaining activity. We were allowed to independently roam around the campsite to find the different checkpoints. Even though it was raining during the activity, we still had lots of fun exploring the campsite.
Harriet, 6C: At camp, I enjoyed serving breakfast to every one while I was on duty and got to give everyone their pancakes.
Jackson H-S, 6C: I enjoyed sharing a cabin with my friends at camp and hanging out with them.
Our Year 6 Camp to Maranatha Boulder Creek was filled with lots of laughter, thrills and excitement. It was a great opportunity for our Year 6 cohort to bond together as a group and develop a greater level of personal independence and maturity before they graduate from Carbrook and begin their secondary schooling journeys next year.
We extend a sincere thank you and acknowledgment to all people who were involved in the successful delivery of this Year 6 camp experience, including:
- Our attending Carbrook SS Staff: Mrs Pettit, Ms Minty, Mrs Simone, Mr Reese, Mrs Barnham, Mrs Howe and Mrs Wilson
- Our support staff back at Carbrook who always work hard behind the scenes for these events to happen: Mrs Reese, Mrs Liddell, Mrs Kelly, Mrs Finnimore
- The amazing Boulder Creek Group Leaders and Support Staff who were patient, organised and enthusiastic
- All Year 6 parents and families who helped prepare and support their children to engage with this experience
Carbrook's Book Fair
ATTENTION! Carbrook State School is in a buzz of excitement about Book Fair!
What is Book Fair? I hear you say!
Great question! Book Fair is literally a mini bookstore and novelty stationary shop in our very own school. Hundreds of books will be available for students and parents to purchase.
When is Book Fair?
Book Fair will run for a limited time only, so make sure you check out the opening times. And, yes, we will be open for late night shopping during Celebration of Learning.
Where is Book Fair?
Another great question. You will find all the latest titles in the PREP demountable. Just follow the arrows.
How can we pay for all these amazing books that my child will be asking for?
A very important question. Students will have a chance to walk through our very own Book Fair from Tuesday 6 September where they can take a ‘wish list’ of their favourites home. Prepayments for ‘wish lists’ can be made online. If you are sending your children to school with cash, please ensure the money is in a bag clearly marked with their name. We thank parents in advance for sending the correct money as change may not be available. Eftpos will also be available for parents.
YMCA Carbrook OSHC