Issue 14 Friday 16 September 2022
Date Claimer
Public Holiday for the Queen's Birthday is on Monday 3 October 2022.
First day back to school for Term 4, 2022 is Tuesday 4 October 2022.
The next P&C Meeting is on Tuesday 4 October at 4pm in the Administration building. All welcome.
School Watch over the holidays
School Watch
The School Watch program encourages everyone to look out for and report any after-hours crime in our schools.
Empty schools can become targets for unlawful entry, arson, stealing, graffiti and property damage, especially during school holiday periods. This comes at a cost to the whole community and not just the financial cost of repairs.
The School Watch program is a partnership between the Department of Education and Protective Services Group, Queensland Police Service, providing a way for members of the community to report anything they see that is suspicious, even if it seems minor.
On average, more than 700 calls are made to School Watch every year, helping to keep our schools safe.
Look, Listen, Report. Call School Watch on 13 17 88.
If you see a crime in progress, call Triple Zero (000).
Acting Principal Sonya Wilson
Dear parents and carers
As another busy term draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge the contributions of staff to the successes and achievements of this term.
Thursday’s Celebration of Learning was a wonderful opportunity for parents to informally meet with teachers and for students to share and celebrate their learning. It was pleasing to see so many families present. I was personally very proud to see the variety of learning on display and took great pride in hearing how the Bands have progressed and how polished their performances sounded.
Parent-Teacher interviews conducted over the last two weeks, I want to thank our teachers for being super organised during these recent parent teacher interviews. These meetings provide an important opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their teachers.
An action packed last week with students in Years 1, 3 and 5 attending daily swimming lessons and Prep, Years 2, 4 and 6 attending the Surf Awareness Program. The feedback from staff and students has been overwhelmingly positive. These programs reinforce the notion of students experiencing learning ‘out of school context’.
More opportunities will arise in term 4, with Gala Sport Competitions of students in Years 5 and 6, students recruited into the Instrumental Music Program and student leadership opportunities for our Year 5 students.
Thank you also to our P&C, while they are small in number they are strong in resolve and commitment. I acknowledge also the valuable contribution of the many volunteers at the recent Father’s Day Stall, Disco and Prep Open Morning. We eagerly anticipate the Colour Exposion Fun Run Friday 21 October.
Wishing all our Carbrook State School families a safe and happy holiday. I look forward to seeing you all again next term, as Mrs Kim Egan has extended her leave until November 2022.
Kind regards
Sonya Wilson
A fun day at the Surf Awareness Program.
Celebration of Learning
What a wonderful evening we had celebrating the learning of our Carbrook kids on Thursday 8 September! We got to see the wonderful learning undertaken across the various subject areas of the curriculum including visual arts, science, design and technology, mathematics and literacy. We also saw the wonderful learning that has happened in the Arts with instrumental music and dance. Thank you to the amazing teachers for opening your classrooms and organising the collection of work to showcase our students' learning to our school community. Thank you families for coming along to our 2022 Celebrating of Learning.
NAPLAN student reports 2022 have been sent home to parents in Years 3 and 5.
All students who participated in the NAPLAN tests receive an individual report of their results. NAPLAN individual student reports provide information about what students know and have achieved in reading, writing, conventions of language and numeracy. The reports also provide information on how students have performed against the national average (over one million students participate in NAPLAN tests each year) and the national minimum standards.
How schools have performed in relation to other schools and against the state and national averages are yet to be published. Over the next coming weeks our staff will go through the NAPLAN results in much greater detail to look closely at the areas to improve performance. Although NAPLAN results form a useful piece of information, they are not the total picture upon which to judge a student’s success. It is important to remember the results represent a point in time test over a few hours each May. The NAPLAN results are important but are just one of the many pieces of information our school uses to improve learning outcomes for our students.
As per the updated national and Queensland Health guidelines, from Friday 9 September 2022 the mandatory isolation period for COVID-19 will be reduced from 7 to 5 days, when a person tests positive for COVID-19 and does not have symptoms.
As a result, any staff or students who test positive for COVID-19 from this Friday can return to their school (or other Department workplace) after completing 5 days of isolation, if no symptoms are present.
Tree donation
To celebrate National Threatened Species Day, our local Division 10 Councillor Miriam Stemp, on behalf of the Logan City Council was pleased to donate a Plunkett Mallee Eucalyptus curtisii tree to Carbrook State School. Thank you Councillor Stemp and Logan City Council. Carbrook State School community will enjoy watching it grow in our school grounds for years to come.
Deputy Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
Computer for Students – Laptop Resource Scheme
At Carbrook State School, we place value on developing our students as digital citizens in a community. That is why our school has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into upgrading the school’s wireless network, server, and bandwidth to allow students to utilise electronic devices such as laptops and ipads throughout all the learning spaces across the school.
In 2021 the school introduced a Laptop Resource Program (School Owned/Parent Pay Take Home Laptop Resource Scheme) for Year 4 students with payment options over the program period of 3 years. Due to the success of this program, this program will be offered to Carbrook State School students in Years 4 – 6.
The goal for the scheme is to provide technology options that are affordable to families while, at the same time, meeting the needs of our staff, students and school.
What are the benefits of a Laptop Resource Program?
o Students are provided with a personal device for home and school use
o Enables personalisation of student learning through access to online learning resources
o Students can work on their own individual computer (reducing log in times throughout the day and ease of data retrieval) and have access to the digital tools when necessary
o Allows continuous access to educational materials, allowing learning efficiency to happen anywhere, anytime (home and school)
o Provides an engaging, interactive environment for learning
o Strengthens links between home and school, giving parents the opportunity to see first hand, every day, what your child is learning at school and have relevant, timely, accurate and quality conversations around your child’s learning and progress
o Develops digital literacy skills in our students for life-long learning
This program only supports school owned devices, being provided to students for educational use at school and at home. In order to maintain the security of Department of Education and Training (DET’s) network and supported Managed Operating Environment (MOE), privately-owned devices cannot be connected to the network.
Year 3 parents will receive information in Term 4 regarding the laptop resource scheme for 2023.
iHUB Fiona Broquesa
Parents, please find attached the latest information and fact sheet on the change over of support funding for schools, provided by Education Queensland.
Prep News
On Thursday 8 September we acknowledged R U OK Day by wearing yellow or orange to school. The Preps watched a social scenario with Healthy Harold, demonstrating what we can do to help someone, if they are feeling sad. We had many great discussions, and the students answers were impressive. Kindness crowns were also completed, which they all enjoyed doing.
Book Week - Dress Up Day
Book week was a blast! We had many superheroes, fantasy characters, and even some animals. The students loved showing their costumes to the rest of the class, and enjoyed writing who they came as during the writing session. Thank you to all the parents for supporting our special days at Carbrook State School.
Year 1 News
Our Year One students received a visit from the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services this afternoon. Lots of fun had by all.
Music News
Instrumental recruitment 2023
Our Instrumental Program is continuously growing with students joining each year to further develop their music skills. Students are committed to daily at home practice, a weekly ensemble rehearsal and a weekly half an hour intensive music lesson. All students in Years 2 and 3 are tested during Term 3 for the instrumental recruitment process to begin in Term 4 of each year. The students are able to enter the strings program in Year 3 and the band program in Year 4.
At Carbrook, we have a large Instrumental Program offering students the opportunity to learn a string or band instrument to further develop their music skills. The Instrumental Music Program forms an integral part of our school functions and celebrations throughout the year. Students are invited to participate in the Instrumental Program after aptitude tests have been completed and teachers have been consulted. Entry to the program is by written expression of interest at the end of Year 2 or 3 (strings) and Year 3 or 4 (band) on forms issued by the Instrumental Music teacher/s. Students who have their own instrument and wish to play are automatically invited to apply for the program.
All students within the Instrumental Program (regardless of whether they have a school instrument on loan or not) are required to make an annual contribution to the running of the program. This money is used for whole band/string resources (e.g. entry to competitions, hire of transportation for ensembles, purchase of music stands and sheet music/books and maintenance of equipment and instruments). School instruments are loaned to beginning students for a period of one or more years depending on the type of instrument and negotiations with the Instrumental Music teacher and the Principal. All students must return a signed Student Resource Scheme form and students loaning instruments will all return an Instrumental Loan Agreement and pay the annual contribution before the instrument will be issued.
All attempts are made to keep the costs involved with the program to a minimum. Each year expenditure is reviewed and amounts are adjusted for the successful running of the program. Cost for 2023 are as follows:
- Instrumental Levy $45.00 per instrument (all students)
This levy covers the cost of entry fees to competitions, set pieces for contests, and the purchase of percussion instruments and special requirements for performances. It also pays the school’s subscription to the regional music library of $5.50 per student.
- Maintenance support fund instrument hire $45.00 per instrument (loaning students only)
This covers the cost of repairs, maintenance and replacement of the school’s instruments. It is paid by students who are using instruments owned by the school, including percussion students.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Mrs Dillon at
Sports News
Students in Years 5 and 6 have been invited to participate in a range of sporting opportunities in Term 4. Selected students will be travelling offsite to compete in Basketball – Girls and Boys and Touch football – boys. This competition will be held over the first five Fridays of Term 4 with the exception of week 3 due to The Colour Run. Students that are remaining at school will experience two weeks of volleyball and two weeks of softball.
All notes are due back to Mrs Dillon as soon as possible. Payments (basketball and touch football only) are due no later than October 6. If you make a payment over the school holidays please email Mrs Dillon at so records can be updated.
Book Fair
WOW! What a Book Fair!
Book Fair gives students the chance to have access to books, choose books they love and ignite a reading culture.
Carbrook State School’s Book Fair was not only a fun opportunity for children to see, touch and connect with books they want to read, but it was our major fundraiser for the year to purchase new titles and grow our school library.
Throughout the term and Book Fair, we have been asking students for their ‘Library Likes’ - what books they would like to see in the library to borrow. Some popular titles have been the latest Bad Guy books, the new Anh Do series’ and a variety of graphic novels. With the support given by the Carbrook Community, we raised $2000 for our library which will allow us to purchase these titles and many, many more.
The library team would like to thank all students, parents, carers and teachers for visiting this extraordinary event. We hope that your child’s love of reading grows with their new books and all the upcoming titles that will be available in the library.
Also, a huge thank you to some amazing Carbrook Kids. Brooke, Murphy, Oscar and Jenna volunteered their time before and after school and even play times to assist with menial jobs throughout the Book Fair. They were an invaluable help and showed some true leadership and teamwork qualities.
Look out for Book Fair in 2023!
Happy reading,
The Library Team
Thank you to our amazing library team and volunteers for organising and manning the Book Fair. It was a great opportunity for our community. Thank you from the Carbrook Kids
Look what we bought with our vouchers
P&C News
Colour Explosion Fun Run
Our Colour Explosion Fun Run is coming up and time is racing by.
We currently only have 44 children who have created profiles, which means we will only have 44 children running.
We have 3B in the lead with the most donations, and 6C with the most profiles created.
Please remember that if you aren't collecting donations, but still want your child to participate, you will need to pay $5.00 per child for their participation to cover the cost of powder, wristbands and glasses.
This is the first time that Carbrook State School have held a colour fun run, and we really want it to be a success and something that we can hold annually, so please join in the fun and get your children registered, remember that with each donation collected your child can also choose prizes as a reward.
We wish everyone a safe and happy two week break, and we are looking forward to a very busy Term 4.
The next Carbrook State School P& C meeting will be on Tuesday 4 October at 4pm in the administration building. All welcome.
Thanks, Bec, Jade & Mel.
School Locker
School Locker is informing all parents and carers as of 31 October 2022 they will be increasing their retail price of school uniforms.
Over the past several years they have experienced significant increases in supply costs. The cost of raw materials, freight at both factory and onshore have increased exponentially, as has wage costs for our local retail teams. Every level of their supply chain including local suppliers are passing on ballooning supply costs.
New price list below as of 31 October 2022.