Issue 16 Friday 28 October 2022
Date Claimer
Acting Principal Sonya Wilson
Staffing Update
Morning Arrival to School
Daniel Morcombe Day
Student Enrolments
PBL Charlotte Minty
Student Council
STEM Sheri Walls
Year 5
Instrumental Music Melissa Dillon
Sports Update Melissa Dillon
Library News
P&C News
Invitation to parade
School Bus Passes
Autism Workshop
Date Claimer
The next P&C meeting is Tuesday 1 November 2022 @4pm in the Administration building.
Acting Principal Sonya Wilson
Dear parents and carers
In the last fortnight we have received the results of the School Opinion Survey 2022.
School Opinion Surveys canvas the views of parents/caregivers, students and school staff from every state school on what schools do well and how they can improve. The invitation to participate is sent to all parents, staff and students in Years 5 and 6.
See below the highlights from the report:
Common threads that require further exploration and planning for 2022.
- Positively, students acknowledge that teachers expect students to do their best work, however, students and parents report that students are not interested in their school work
- Positively, students identify that the expectations and rules are clear and that their school encourages students to respect one another, however, students and parents report that behaviour could be better managed.
School Improvement Agenda for 2022 focused on improving Positive Behaviour for Learning strategies through improved Tier 2 and 3 supports. This will continue to be a focus in 2023, as a school we seek to strengthen our behaviour management processes.
Time will be set aside to meet with parents in person to further explore and gather their feedback to identify how the school can improve through forums planned for early 2023.
To borrow a commonly used phrase, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’, we look forward to continuing to work with parents as partners in their child’s education and this will continue to be our undertaking.
Sonya Wilson
Acting Principal
Staffing Update
Replacing Carbrook State School's Guidance Officer, Emma Ryan we welcome Craig Harvey. See the note of introduction from Craig.
Hello Carbrook State School staff, students and families. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Mr Craig Harvey and I will be joining the school as our new Guidance Officer.
I have been fortunate to have worked at a number of amazing schools such as Ripley Valley, Waterford, Browns Plains and Dunwich State Schools. I am looking forward to continuing to help support the students of Carbrook.
My wife is also a teacher and I have a young son who will start Prep next year. As a family we like to spend our weekends outside exploring and being active.
If you need to contact me here at school please phone the office to make an appointment or email me at
I hope to make myself visible around the school so please stop and say hello if you see me out and about.Craig Harvey
Jamie Badrick Leaving
Jamie Badrick has accepted a new postition at Jacob's Well Enviromental Education Centre effective as of Monday, 14 November. Jamie has worked at Carbrook State School for nine years as our Schools Officer, Grounds and Facilities. Carbrook State School wishes Jamie all the very best in his new venture and thank him for his valuable contribrution to Carbrook State School over these years. Jamie Badrick has not only ensured our grounds are looking inviting but has supported our WPH&S.
The postition of Schools Officer, Grounds and Facilities will be advertised on Smarts Jobs in the near future.
Morning Arrival to School
As part of our safety and well-being policy at Carbrook State School, no child should be on school grounds before 8:30am as there is no adult supervision until 8:30am. All students are to assemble in their year level area each morning when dropped off at school. Students are to sit in their class lines and lock their eyes into something. This could be a reading book, colouring books, uno cards, drawing books, connect game, battle ships, O and Xs etc.
YMCA offer a before and after school program.
Daniel Morcombe Day
Friday 28 October Carbrook recognised Day for Daniel. The Student Council showed their support by inviting everyone to wear red in respect for Daniel, his family, and his legacy to keep children safe.
This special day is all about raising awareness and educating children and young people about how to stay safe in physical and online environments.
Student Enrolments
Student Enrolments 2023
It’s not too late for Enrolment Applications for 2023.
Children born between 1st July 2017 and 30th June 2018 will be eligible to enrol in Prep in 2023.
2023 Enrolment Packs are available from the School Office or from the school website.
Out of Catchment enrolment applications and In Catchment applications will be accepted, in person or via email.
Please email to Julie Liddell or drop them in at the front office and an appointment will be made to speak to the Principal.
Please note….sibling enrolment applications are assured without catchment criteria.
Every Minute Counts: School Attendance
Every Minute Counts encourages parents to have their child attend school for the maximum amount of time, as well as ensuring that our teachers make the most of instructional time, that we do not miss an opportunity for learning to take place.
Carbrook State School starts at 8:50am. Teaching our children to be punctual is a life-long quality habit. Ensuring children are ready for school and ready for instruction is paramount for the trajectory of their learning.
Unexplained Absences
At Carbrook State School an automated system is used to inform parents via a SMS message if your child/children have not arrived at school. As school commences at 8:50am and class rolls are marked between 8:50 and 9am, any students that have not arrived by that time will be considered absent and therefore an automatic message will be generated in the system informing you that your child is absent from school.
If/when you receive an SMS message you will be required to reply to the text to explain the absence or if you believe your child/children is/should be at school contact the school office immediately on 3209 0888.
Please phone the Student Absence Line on 3209 0860 before 9am to advise of any/all occasions when your child/ren will be absent from school.
All mobile numbers need to be current. Please advise the school immediately if your number has changed.
PBL Charlotte Minty
PBL focus: Be Respectful. Play fair games at break times.
During the first five weeks of Term 4 all classes have been focussing on Being Respectful by playing fair games during break times. In each year level students have been learning how to choose fair teams, establishing game rules and playing games fairly. Students have been practising their communication skills by taking turns at talking while also listening to their friends. Through use of the explicit teaching model teachers have been providing opportunities for these skills to be practised. Students have been monitored in their playground games and they have received ‘Fair Play’ tokens to reinforce respectful communication and play. Students across the grade levels are reporting better play times when they use the strategies taught in class.
Playground Rangers
As part of their Playground Ranger duties the Year 6 leaders are spending two weeks training up next year’s leaders. The Playground Ranger team has been busily involved with teaching and guiding the current Year 5's, in the role during first break. Year 5 students have had the opportunity to ‘shadow’ the Rangers on their duties. They have observed first hand how to support younger students in fair play and conflict resolution. As the current Year 6 team complete these training sessions, they will officially finish their work in the playground for 2022. It has been an absolute pleasure to witness the personal growth of these very special young people. They have provided support not only to younger students but also to the teaching team. Many will miss their playground duties as they have formed special bonds with the younger students.
We thank you Playground Rangers of 2022, for your contribution to our Carbrook State School Community. We are proud of the young leaders you have become. Good luck in all your future pursuits.
Student Council
This term the Student Council is focusing their energy on implementing long term projects and routines within the school.
Many of the members have shared their desire to develop a recycling system for the staff and students to utilize. This process will begin with an audit on the school’s waste, planning for a system and space for it to be set up, building community awareness and setting recycling goals.
As it is the last term of primary school for our Year 6 students, the Student Council team will be coordinating the beginning of a legacy project. The project will give our graduating cohort a chance to pass on advice, reflect on their time in school and welcome the future leaders. The team are envisioning this project will be continued on for many more years to come by the seniors. Keep an eye out in the newsletters for details on the project.
In term 1 this year students were invited to enter a contest to design a poster for Logan City Council Calendar Competition. We had student create beautiful pictures to the theme ‘Our Green City’. This week prizes have arrived from the Council for every student who entered. Students will be invited next week to select their handmade Koala Doll key rings. These were handmade by women from a small village in Borneo.
STEM Sheri Walls
This week in STEM all classes have been working on solving problems using algorithms.
Prep and Year 1 have been learning all about coding using an algorithm. They have been using the Beetbots and coding them to follow directions.
Year 2 have started to learn how to code using block coding. Over the last 2 weeks they have been learning how to use Scratch Jr. They have learnt about repeating blocks and movement blocks.
Year 3 have continued their investigation of Micro:bits and coding them. This week the Year 3’s learnt about variables and logic blocks. They made their own Rock, Paper, Scissors game.
Year 4 have been using Scratch to learn about block coding. They have been learning about variables and branching codes. This week the Year 4s will begin to make their quiz game.
Year 5
Year Five Writing
Students were given the picture to create a story. They each have selected a sentence from their writing. The focus of their writing was to ‘show don’t tell’. We are very proud of the students and how they have worked to improve their writing.
Instrumental Music Melissa Dillon
Instrumental recruitment 2023
Carbrook State School Instrumental Music Program (IMP) Has begun the recruitment process for 2023. Strings forms were handed out to all Year 2 students after attending a special strings performance earlier in the term. All strings notes were due by Week 2 of this term. If you still have this note please return it ASAP so you do not miss out on your place.
Band forms were handed out to all Year 3 students after attending a special band performance last week. All band notes are due by Week 5 of this term. If you still have this note please return it ASAP so you do not miss out on your place.
Please note the following points outlining your commitment to the program if accepted:
- Daily practice approximately 10-20 minutes
- Attend all ensemble rehearsals, when your child is of sufficient standard, usually before school
- Maintain the instrument
- Supply tutor book and instrument accessories as required
- Attend weekly lessons during school hours
- Pay a small resource fee to cover instrumental hire and maintenance
Joining the IMP is a commitment for a minimum of 12 months. It is expected that your child will commit to the full year other than under exceptional circumstances.
At these recruitment performances students were able to hear each of the instruments played both individually and as part of an ensemble/band. Students were eagerly asking questions while engaging with the performers and instructors.
All current students have been given a note to indicate whether they intend on continuing in 2023 or not. Both the band and string notes were due back last Friday, 21 October. Please ensure that all of these notes are returned so we can begin to plan for next year.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Mrs Dillon at
Sports Update Melissa Dillon
Sports update
We have a group of Year 5 and 6 students that are currently in the middle of their Gala competition. Not only are our students proudly representing our school, their behaviour has been outstanding while providing some fierce competition amongst our local schools. Thank you to the students that have been giving up several lunch times over the past few weeks to train in their chosen sports.
The Touch Football boys have been playing at Bill Norris Oval. Thank you to Tim Cheeseman who has been helping to train the Touch Football Team. Their results after the first two weeks are:
The Basketball boys have been playing at Mt Warren Sports Centre. Their results after the first two weeks are:
Library News
We have had many students visiting the library during second break. Some have been growing their mind, many have been preparing handmade bouquets of flowers for their teachers, and some have simply been enjoying a little R & R.
Thank you to all students who continually borrow and care for our books. As a thanks, we have started to recognise the 'Top Borrowers' of the week. These students are repeated borrowers who care for their books and return them on time.
Congratulations to our first 'Top Borrowers': Kai 4B, Jordon 3B, Max 3B, Izabellah 3B, Miles 2B and Lexie 3B. If students are unsure what to borrow, they can come to the library second break for some recommendations or even a mystery book!
Happy reading,
The Library Team
Growing our minds at second break
Making bouquets of thanks for World Teacher's Day.
Making bouquets of thanks for World Teacher's Day.
Thank you to all the amazing teachers at Carbrook State School.
P&C News
MOVIE NIGHT Saturday 5 November 2022
The gates will open at 5pm for a 6:15 start. The cost is Adults $5 and Children $3 .......Online ticket sales only via Tuckshop online. ****** NO CASH FACILITIES - EFTPOS ONLY*******
There will be pre-movie entertainment from the FAD Logan East Dancers/Cheerleaders and face painters will be on the premises. Lucky door prizes will be drawn throughout the evening.
Food trucks ie: Samuarai Kitchen, Koma Sliders, New York Waffles and miss. P Ice cream will be onsite for you to purchase your dinner. Popcorn, fairy floss and lollies will be available also for your after dinner treats.
This event is proudly sponsored by Melissa McMahon and Cornubia Dental.
If we get wet weather the back up date for this event will be Saturday 19 November 2022.
Colour Explosion Fun Run FRIDAY 11 November 2022
Our Colour Explosion Fun Run is coming up and time is racing by.
Please remember that if you aren't collecting donations, but still want your child to participate, you will need to pay $5.00 per child for their participation to cover the cost of powder, wristbands and glasses.
This is the first time that Carbrook State School have held a colour fun run, and we really want it to be a success and something that we can hold annually, so please join in the fun and get your children registered. Remember that with each donation collected your child can also choose prizes as a reward.
Carbrook State School will still be able to hold a minute silence for Remembrance Day as the Colour Exposion Fun Run will start at 12 midday.
Thanks, Bec, Jade & Mel.
Invitation to parade
School Bus Passes
Please find information below about school bus passes for 2023.
Autism Workshop