Issue 17 Friday 11 November 2022
Principal Sonya Wilson
Dear parents and carers
It is that time of year when we begin planning our priorities for the upcoming year. A major focus in 2023 will be to further enhance our inclusion supports for academics as well as for social and learning behaviours. Historically we have had two teams delivering this support – SEP teachers (Special Education Program), lead by Fiona Broquesa, providing mostly social, emotional and behavioural support; and the APT teachers (Academic Performance Team) lead by Leonie Barnham, providing the academic support. It is our intention to streamline and concentrate these supports in 2023 by combining the two teams. The two teams will operate from the newly named iHub.
Under this inclusion model, one staff member will be assigned to each year level. Previously an SEP teacher and an APT teacher could be providing support across multiple year levels. The appointed inclusion teacher will now be responsible for supporting students’ academic, social, emotional and behavioural needs in a particular year level. The Inclusion Team will operate under the leadership of HOSES Fiona Broquesa. Unfortunately, due to the extension of her leave, Leonie Barnham will not be joining the Inclusion Team for the start of the year.
This new model is the result of consultation with teachers and researchers around how best we can support the diverse needs of our students. The model will utilise the best practices already occurring at Carbrook State School. These include- small group interventions in Guided Reading, Maths Consolidation Sprints, Reteach/Maintain/Extend Maths lessons, Phonological and Phonemic Awareness, as well as Tier 2 Behaviour Lessons.
This inclusion model is not new in Education and borrows on the research of Richard and Rebecca Dufour, Marilyn Friend and Brene Brown. As a school we have been researching this model and exploring best practice with the support of our Regional Inclusion Advisor. This is a very exciting time for us and we look forward to keeping parents informed on our journey and achievements.
I have confidence in knowing that I can support and lead this transition to a more Inclusive Model, now that I have been permanently appointed to the Principal position at Carbrook State School.
I look forward to our continued partnership, supporting all of our students to achieve their fullest potential.
Sonya Wilson
New School Leaders 2023
We are proud to announce our new student leaders and look forward to witnessing their accomplishments and achievements next year. Students will be inducted in a Badge Ceremony in February 2023. Families will be invited to attend this ceremony as part of our whole school assembly. There will be a handover from the current School Captains to the 2023 School Captains at our final school assembly this year on 6th December.
Congratulations to all of our Student Leaders for 2023.
Deputy Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
Dear Carbrook Community
It is with a heavy heart that I share with you, my departure from Carbrook State School. In January 2023, I will take up a temporary role as a Deputy Principal at Stretton State College. My last day at Carbrook State School will be December 9, 2022.
Carbrook State School will always hold a special place in my heart. I started my teaching career at this school 22 years ago with a passion to lead learning, to nurture children’s love of learning and to create a nurturing and positive learning environment for all. I have been extremely privileged to have worked with many exceptional teachers during my journey as an educator at Carbrook State School.
Being a teacher/lead learner is not an easy job. It requires persistence, patience, passion, motivation, compassion, resilience and most of all a love for learning and children. Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. I believe a great educator is one that empathizes with kids, respects them and believes that each one has something special that can be built upon. I do hope I have been able to lead staff and students at Carbrook State School in pursuit of excellence, with respect, dignity and integrity. If my actions have inspired others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, I feel I have succeeded as a leader.
It is time for me to spread my wings, learn and grow, impart my knowledge and lead learning in a new context, with new families, colleagues and students. I will never forget what I have learnt, the memories created and the positive connections I have made with students, parents and staff of Carbrook State School. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your child’s learning journey. Wishing you all much happiness and success for the future.
iHUB Fiona Broquesa
Autism Queensland Webinars
Autism Queensland's webinars and face to face workshops are:
- Practical and easy to understand
- Interactive (limited numbers allow participants to interact with each other and the facilitator in either format)
- Drawn from current and evidence-informed practice.
Below is the current schedule of upcoming AQ workshops & webinars.
Should you require futher information please email
We look forward to welcoming you.
PBL Charlotte Minty
During weeks 6-10 of term 4 our PBL focus will be: Be a Learner by following instructions immediately and being an active participant in all activities. Students will focus on what it looks like, feels like and sounds like to demonstrate Excellence Over the Shoulder- to be ready for learning, track the teacher, actively listen in class and complete all set activities.
This focus further assists with embedding Carbrook State School expectations at a Tier I level.
Students demonstrating these behaviours will be able to make a contribution to a class reward system, therefore making it a team effort.
Please ask your child to explain how the reward system looks in their class and how they are tracking.
Happy 145th Birthday to Carbrook State School!
When I was transferred to Carbrook State School in 2004, to work as a preschool teacher, I was delighted to discover that Year Seven students had the daily task of ringing the large hand-held brass bell to signify break times. “How wonderfully quaint!” were my first thoughts. Carbrook felt like a country school, with a supportive and caring community.
Since my arrival, there have been a great many changes. That lovely bell was replaced with an automated system, (which is not always as reliable, I might add); the preschool building was extended and became Prep; the SEP building, (now known as iHUB) was added; we received a hall with a kitchen for the P&C use and a lovely new resource centre. Covered walkways were added, playgrounds have been upgraded, demountable buildings established as classrooms and most recently, a fabulous upgrade to our administration block and car parking facilities. Air conditioning, computers and laptops and the addition of interactive white boards in classrooms and other teaching or meeting spaces have been gratefully welcomed. There have been a great many improvements and additions over the years that it is difficult to name them all.
Since 2004 I have seen a few Principals and Deputy Principals come and go, along with a great many changes in staff, students and families. Carbrook, I believe, has maintained its caring community. Snakes and wildlife have always been a factor! As Mrs Kerry-Ann Reese, Mrs Karin Geiger, Mrs Kathy Kelly and Mrs Julie Liddell can attest, there were a great number of changes before I arrived too. These lovely ladies have been associated with Carbrook State School for even longer than I have.
Gramzow Provisional School, (as it was first known), opened on 5 November 1877. Local German farmers, August Fischer and Herman Meissner, who understood the importance for their children to receive an education, had provided the land for the school. The school building was built on low timber stumps with a timber shingled roof, unlined weatherboard walls and without a verandah. 23 pupils were enrolled in the December quarter and there was one teacher, the Headmaster, Horace Heywood, who had come from England.
These days, change is constant, but in the first 100 years of the school, changes were slow but each made a profound difference.
Firstly, the school became a State School on 20 January 1879, and was first inspected on 7 June 1879 at which time there were 33 pupils enrolled.
In 1916 the area’s name of Gramzow was changed to Carbrook, and in November of that year the Department of Public Instruction approved the change of name of the School to Carbrook State School. The war created anti-German sentiment and the use of the German language was extremely unpopular.
In September 1936 electricity was connected, and what a big change that must have been!
The school celebrated its centenary in 1977, and a time capsule was buried to the northwest of the school building on 1 October 1977. The school building was restumped with concrete and steel posts, corrugated iron sheeting around the underfloor area was replaced with weatherboard and louvres, and the school was carpeted and repainted.
Due to drainage problems on the original school site, it was decided in 1983 to procure a replacement school site. Stage one of the replacement school was completed in January 1987, and it opened for the new school year. The official opening of the replacement school, our current site, was not held until 14 May 1988.
The former Carbrook State School was listed on the Queensland Heritage Register on 21 October 1992 as it demonstrates the evolution or pattern of Queensland's history, is aesthetically pleasing, and has a connection to the early German settlers of the area.
Carbrook State School’s long history is certainly worth celebrating, and hopefully it will remain a place where caring and education go hand in hand for many years to come.
Deidre Klatt Teacher 3B
HPE Melissa Dillon
Our Year 5 and 6 students have completed their Gala competition. The Touch Football and Basketball teams proudly represented our school while playing against some highly competitive teams. Thank you to all students for their outstanding behaviour during the competition. Thank you to all the staff that were able to support our students and to all the parents that were able to come along to support our team. Congratulations to all teams!
The Touch Football team finished 8th overall.
The Year 6 Basketball Girls team finished 1st in division 1.
The Year 5 Basketball Girls team finished 6th in division 2.
The Year 6 Basketball Boys team finished 3rd in division 1.
The Year 5 Basketball Boys team finished 7th in division 2.
Music Melissa Dillon
The Music Department would like to invite you to our end of year concert. Students from band and strings will be performing. We also have some smaller group items and a stage band.
Date: Thursday, 17 Nov 2022 – In the hall
Time: Arrive: 4:45pm
Play: 5:30pm
Finish: 6:30pm at the latest
Wear: Band Uniform – music shirt, black shorts/skorts, white socks, black shoes
Bring: Instruments, Music and Water bottles
Ensembles: String Ensemble, Concert Band, Stage Band and some smaller items.
Please return the end of year concert notes or contact Mrs Dillon –
Library News
Students in the library have been celebrating Carbrook State School’s 145th birthday. Many students decorated posters and explored the vast array of memorabilia; including photos, the old school bell, sporting shields and even the old cane. Carbrook State School has had many changes over the years since opening in 1877, including a name change in 1916 from Gramzow Provisional School to Carbrook State School and in 1987 a change of location. It has seen the classroom go from 1 teacher with a handful of farming children that sometimes used a wireless for learning to a campus where the staff body are committed to delivering a highly effective curriculum that could not be achieved without the use of wireless devices.
Happy 145th Birthday Carbrook State School.
Enjoy reading some student accounts of Carbrook State School over the years.
Nicole. School years 1956-63 (excerpt taken from Recollection – Stories of Carbrook)
I enjoyed my schooling. It was a one teacher school and was very good. We walked to school. I also led a calf, Strawberry. Poor Strawberry went to school every year. Calf days were good as mothers would come and bring us lunch. We had to lead them around for inspection by the man from the Department of Primary Industries. A good day would be had by all.
I entered an apron in the Beenleigh Show and got first prize.
Talis. Year 7, 1999 (excerpt taken from Recollection – Stories of Carbrook)
I was one of the first children to go to the new Carbrook State Pre-School in 1992.
The part I liked the most about pre-school was that we grew vegetables. The thing I hated the most about pre-school were the toilets. I never used them because they had no doors. I also disliked nap times as I found it hard to go to sleep.
We also had a mini library where we could borrow books to take home and read or our parents could read to us.
I was so excited to hear that it was Carbrook’s 145th birthday. Throughout the years, students have written about their school experience. This year I’ve been chosen to talk about my schooling experience for the newsletter.
Carbrook State School is so different to what it was a long time ago. Grades 4-6 have computers to help them learn and complete assignments. New playgrounds have been put in. New events have taken place. We also have an assembly hall, an updated resource centre and more recently a new admin and a YMCA before and after school care.
My favourite thing about this school is how many options you have at playtime. If you like sports, there are multiple areas for footy and soccer. If you like to read, draw or talk with friends (quietly), the library is always available at second break. If you like adventure, you can play in the wetlands or on the playgrounds.
Speaking of, there are now five playgrounds in the school. This year they installed a ninja warrior course on the oval. Back when I was in prep, there were only three playgrounds. One for prep, one for the 1-2, and one for 3-4. The 3-4 playground was located in-between the demountable and the junior toilets. Sadly, it got taken down and replaced with the Quiet area, which is the year six eating area and where you should go at break if you would like to chill. Then the new 3-4 playground got installed and a little while after that the 5-6 ninja warrior course was made.
Back on 23rd October 1993, the basketball court we all know and love was first opened. That’s 29 and a half years ago! Ever since, the court has survived in the dreadful rain which has made the oval and court flood, the scorching sun and overall bad weather. This year we are having the school’s first ever colour run! It’s a fundraiser for our basketball court which is not in the best shape. But with the money that has been raised, we’ve hit and even passed the goal of $15,000. The renovations are said to start in the new year.
We now have so many teachers. There are 16 classes, including 2 Preps. We have over 20 teachers and countless teacher aides. It’s so weird to think that Carbrook started with only one teacher, one classroom, and a couple kids. We even have a Principal and a Deputy Principal.
This year, we have had a movie night to celebrate Carbrook’s 145th birthday, Colour Run, multiple Gala days, a Book Fair, a different Acting Principal, Book Week, Heart of Carbrook days, Anti-Bullying days, Sports Day, Cross Country, Kindness Day, National Sorry day, Science week, R U OK Day, Remembrance Day, Anzac Day Parade, Mother's and Father’s Day stalls, Pyjama day, and a Disco.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Carbrook. I have loved working with the amazing teachers and spending my time with the great students.
Jackson H-S Year 6, 2022
Student Council
National Recycling Week
To further our discussions about developing a school garden and composting system, we invited some Year 4 representatives to speak with the Student Council. During the year, the Year 4 students have conducted a waste survey of our school. The speakers shared their data and class goal of implementing a compost system. This system would look like a bin in each classroom for students to place their organic waste, which will then be collected daily and put into the school compost bin. Student Council members asked questions and discussed the types of bins each class would need, the style and placement of our school compost system and a collection system. This was a great opportunity for the Student Council to listen and understand the wants of our school community as well as minimising waste within our school.
Year 6
Kids Helpline-Transitions Session
The Year 6 cohort had the opportunity to participate in an online session with Kids Helpline about transitioning to high school. This discussion was organised as part of the Health unit and the transition plan put in place to support the students with their upcoming change of schooling. The students were asked to share their feelings about the change. Responses included a mixture of excitement and worry. The Riverbank Analogy was shown to the students. This visual showed Primary School and High School as parts of land separated by a river. Students were invited to share their worries which were symbolised by the river. Once the river was full, we collaboratively discussed strategies to work through the worries students may have. These strategies then formed the steps to a bridge across the river. Before the end of the session the class was given the opportunity to reflect on their time in primary school and share their hopes for the future.
P&C Bec Allpress
Thank you to our wonderful Carbrook Community!!
What an amazing night last Saturday was. We felt a great sense of community spirit, which is what it's all about.
There was lots of laughter and hundreds of smiles and we truly hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did.
A HUGE thank you to Mrs Adams and Mrs Robson for giving up their own time to be on hand for 1st aid if needed, and also to the YMCA crew for helping out at this event.
From one event, on to the next.... COLOUR RUN. By the time this is published, your children would've done the run and I'm sure they will be bursting with excitement to tell you all about it. We have currently raised: $22111.00. This is absolutely incredible! it was a mammoth effort from our community, so on behalf of Jade, Mel & myself... we thank you all for making this such a successful event.
On Thursday 17 November we are asking students to come in free dress (Christmas themed if you like). Instead of asking for a gold coin, we are asking if you could please send in something to put towards our Christmas raffles. This could be a chocolate bar, a colouring book, a pack of baubles... absolutely all items will be gratefully accepted.
For our new families who don't know how our Xmas raffle works: We make up MANY prizes out of the donations we receive on free dress day. (We usually have about 100 - 120 prizes to draw.)
This year our raffle is going to be on a smaller scale as we know so many businesses have been doing it tough lately. We haven't liked to ask for the bigger donations, so there aren't any huge major prizes like we normally have.... HOWEVER, we do have a grocery hamper from Mt Cotton IGA, a hamper from BOQ Victoria Point, a Carbrook Golf Club voucher and some bottles of wine from Corinne Gutterres (for the Adults). All tickets will be $1, and you can start purchasing tickets from next week. We will send out another email on Monday with all the information on how to purchase these.
Thanks again to you all for your continued support.
Bec, Jade & Mel