Term 4, 2021 W2 School Newsletter
2022 Enrolment and Intentions
Acting Principal Sonya Wilson
Deputy Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
Administration and Carpark
Academic Coach Leonie Barnham
SEP Fiona Broquesa
Music Melissa Dillon
STEM Sheri Walls
Physical Education Brett Reese
Student Council Tegan Simone
3B Cinquain Poems Alana Cutler
Bookclub Marion Brooks
P&C Update
Date Claimer
Creative Dance Flyer
Auskick Flyer
Roar Active Program Flyer
We are pleased and excited to inform you that we’ll be producing a new eNewsletter with Schoolzine. The move to this new format will enable us to communicate with the school community across multiple channels. It will promote and enhance our engagement with parents, students and the wider community.
We believe you’ll find the eNewsletter highly engaging, as it will provide us with a more efficient and effective means of connecting with you. The new format will allow the inclusion of video, photo galleries, online bookings, mobile app, feedback forms, calendars and so much more.
The newsletter also has a sponsorship section which provides a great opportunity for local businesses to engage with our parent community. If you would like to be a part of this, please contact Schoolzine.
Phone Jude 07 5414 2363
2022 Enrolment and Intentions
As well as the many demands of Term 4, we will be completing significant planning for our 2022 school year, including class composition and staffing allocation. To this extent, we ask that families please contact the office phone 32090888 or email principal@carbrookss.eq.edu.au if your child is not returning to Carbrook SS in 2022.
Acting Principal Sonya Wilson
Hello and welcome to Term 4! I would like to extend my thanks to the Carbrook school community for the warm welcome I have already received. I am excited to join Carbrook State School as Acting Principal and continue the journey of academic, sporting and cultural success. Over the coming weeks, I look forward to the opportunity of meeting more of our community and importantly learning more about the school, its operations and developing positive relationships with our learners, staff and parents.
I have been impressed by the pride the students take in their school. This is demonstrated by the way they proudly wear their uniform and the care they take with our school environment. It is further represented by the manner in which the students manage themselves before school and successfully transition to learning. It is heart-warming to witness students with books to read, colouring-in, rubik’s cubes and other puzzle challenges as means to focus and manage their time before school from 8:15am when supervision by staff begins.
Please ensure students are not arriving before 8:15am. If supervision is required the YMCA offer this service.
As a team, we are all committed to every student succeeding and I am excited to be part of this vibrant school community.
Sonya Wilson
Deputy Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
Term 3 Interim Reports
Last week you would have received an email from your child’s class teacher which included an interim report for Term 3. This Interim report provides you with an update on how your child is achieving in Maths, English, Attendance and Behaviour. Teachers have invited parents to meet with them to discuss these interim reports further if you wish. As educators we value the opportunity to provide feedback on your child and also value your feedback as a parent. Educating children is a partnership between families and schools. A real partnership is one in which families and schools share information, using what they learn from each other to change how they work with students.
Research has shown that formal education is only one place where learning occurs – 70% of students’ waking hours are spent away from school. As a result school is only one place where children learn. Children learn first in their homes, families and communities. Formal education is only one factor that influences the learning, development and health outcomes of children and young people.
As educators we certainly see the impact that families have on a child’s development and we value your positive input into your child’s development. Working together in a partnership means a win win situation for our children.
Class Newsletters
Each term, our teachers put together a class newsletter forefronting the upcoming learning students will be engaged in for different key learning areas. In this newsletter teachers provide some digital links that students can tap into to connect with the content and field knowledge on the content that they will be exposed to in various key curriculum areas. Please assist your children in accessing these newsletters which have been emailed to you.
School Facebook Page
If you want up to date information on school events and activities students are in engaged in during the term, please connect to our school facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/CarbrookStateSchool
In addition, the P&C has a facebook page up and running to keep our school community up to date with upcoming community events. Please connect to this facebook page via
Please be advised that facebook is used as a tool for sharing information to our community. It is not a tool used to communicate, make queries, air grievances or concerns. We ask all members of the school community to use the appropriate channels of communication via email or phone.
Administration and Carpark
As you are aware, the school administration building refurbishment is under way and the administration team has relocated to the resource centre.
Unfortunately the work site for the administration building refurbishment has impacted on the spaces utilised for after school pick up. Thank you for your patience and adjusting to these changes.
To assist with traffic flow in the pickup zones, can you please ensure that you drive all the way along the drop off zones and not stop in front of the school gates as this causes traffic to bank up. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
The traffic lights at the intersection are due to be commissioned by Energex by the end of October. Hopefully this will assist with traffic flow and exiting the school safely and in a timely manner.
We warmly welcome the YMCA to our school community. There has been a lot of changes that have occured in our school this year. Providing after school hours care is one of them.
Kristy Daly is the Coordinator of the program and she is excited to be working within our school community. Please do not hesitate to speak with Kristy if you have any questions regarding the program they offer.
YMCA is utilising our hall and school facilities before and after school. Therefore, if you see Carbrook children on the oval or on the play equipment in the mornings and afternoons, these children are part of the YMCA program.
There are vacancies available at YMCA. So if you are in need of before and/or after school care, please make contact with them
Academic Coach Leonie Barnham
It is difficult to believe that we are in the last term of 2021. Despite it being a turbulent year globally, my work as the Academic Performance Coach has been both busy and rewarding. I have continued to deliver intervention and enrichment to students across all year levels, working on Literacy in particular, but also delivering weekly extension Maths lessons.
By using the researched-based and evidence-based Powerful Practices of Reading, and Visible Thinking Routines, students have been able to discuss and reflect upon their own thinking when reading and interpreting texts.
The Powerful Practices of Reading enable students to engage thoughtfully in reading texts for real purposes. These practices focus on the need to TEACH fluency through a combination of explicit teaching strategies, modelling and supported practice. Students engaging in the Powerful Practices have shown improvement in achievement, motivation and engagement in reading.
Improving student fluency has been a key focus for Reading intervention and enrichment this year.
Research suggests that there are four key ways to build reading fluency:
- Model good oral reading: Read aloud to allow students to witness fluent and expressive reading.
- Provide oral support and assistance: Provide support for students as they read alongside you.
- Offer plenty of opportunities for practice: Practice is required to gain proficiency. Readers need to read wide and deep, orally and silently and most importantly- often.
- Encourage fluency through phrasing: the changes in meaning that occur when words are read in different patterns.
Remember to talk positively about reading so your child also values it. Continue to read as much as you can with your child. When they feel confident, encourage them to take over some or all of the reading.
(Harvey & Goudvis, 2007) is a Powerful Practice that helps readers
engage actively in reading and processing texts. Footprinting requires readers to take
notes on small sticky notes, and place these directly on the text/in the book at the
spot where they stopped to ponder/analyse.
The practice is called footprints
because the notes represent a trail of thinking across a text.
What is it?
A Three Level Guide is a powerful, metacognitively focused tool for teaching reading
While working on the guide, students read
with purpose and have opportunities to engage in the different types of thinking involved in
developing a full understanding of a text.
Unlike most comprehension activities that give importance to questions, Three Level Guides
are focused on statements and on students’ thinking about those statements.
SEP Fiona Broquesa
Social Skills SPRINTS
This year at Carbrook, we have taken on a slightly different approach to social skills, aligning it to the ‘whole school approach to differentiated teaching and learning’ inclusion document and providing the Social Skills SPRINT to all students at a whole class level (replacing the previously labelled PBL lessons) and then double dipping students in smaller group lessons, as required.
We have focused on several topics and strategies, including:
- Hands and Feet down
- Stop, Think, GO!
- High 5
- Being a Bucket Filler and not a Bucket Dipper – building self-esteem
- Zones of Regulation
For many of our students we are now looking at coping and resilience strategies as we look at transitioning to a new year, class and teacher.
Please feel free to try or discuss some of these strategies with your child.
Upcoming Dates
- ISP/ICP Parent Meetings – Weeks 8-9 of this term. More details to come in a few weeks.
SEP Gallery
Music Melissa Dillon
Instrumental music recruitment for 2022
Our instrumental program is continuously growing with students joining each year to further develop their music skills. Students are committed to daily at home practise, a weekly ensemble rehearsal and a weekly half an hour intensive music lesson. All students in Years 2 to 5 are tested during Term 3 for the instrumental recruitment process to begin in Term 4 of each year. The students are able to enter the strings program in Year 3 and the band program in Year 4.
At Carbrook, we have a large instrumental program offering students the opportunity to learn a string or band instrument to further develop their music skills. The instrumental music program forms an integral part of our school functions and celebrations throughout the year. Students are invited to participate in the instrumental program after aptitude tests have been completed and teachers have been consulted. Entry to the program is by written expression of interest at the end of Year 2 or 3 (strings) and Year 3 or 4 (band) on forms issued by the instrumental music teacher/s. Students who have their own instrument and wish to play are automatically invited to join the program.
All students within the instrumental program (regardless of whether they have a school instrument on loan or not) are required to make an annual contribution to the running of the program. This money is used for whole band/string resources (e.g. entry to competitions, hire of transportation for ensembles, purchases of music stands and sheet music/books and maintenance of equipment and instruments). School instruments are loaned to beginning students for a period of 1 or more years depending on the type of instrument and negotiations with the Instruments Music Teacher and the Principal. All students must return a signed Student Resource Scheme form and students loaning instruments will all return an Instrumental Loan Agreement and pay the annual contribution before the instrument will be issued.
All attempts are made to keep the costs involved with the program to a minimum. Each year expenditure is reviewed and amounts are adjusted for the successful running of the program. Cost for 2022 are as follows:
- Instrumental Levy $45.00 per instrument (all students)
This levy covers the cost of entry fees to competitions, set pieces for contests, and the purchase of percussion instruments and special requirements for performances. It also pays the school’s subscription to the regional music library of $5.50 per student.
- Maintenance support fund $45.00 per instrument (loaning students only)
This covers the cost of repairs, maintenance and replacement of the school’s instruments. It is paid by students who are using instruments owned by the school, including percussion students.
Entry to the music program
- Term 3 – aptitude testing performed by the classroom music teacher
- End of term 3 – aptitude tests marked, recorded in an excel document and emailed (from classroom music teacher) to instrumental instructors
- Beginning of term 4 – consultation with classroom music teachers to ensure students are capable of:
- catching up on missed class work should they join the program
- managing and maintaining their behaviour
- homework practices (students required to practise at least 4 times a week)
- Term 4 – expression of interest letters sent home for students to complete and return
- Term 4 – Recruitment and information evening (TBC accounting for restrictions at the time)
- End of term 4 – Acceptance letters and loan forms sent home to accepting students
- Beginning of term 1 (following year) – collection of all loan agreement forms before issuing instruments
- Term 1, 2022 – all annual fees due for continuation in the program
- Term 4, 2022 – all school instruments returned by end of week 9 for cleaning and repairs
Christmas concert 2021
This year the Christmas performances will be filmed in class at the end of the term and sent home for parents to view. Each class will prepare a performance instead of an entire year level. Students will also be learning one song that we will be able to sing as a whole school. This will also be sent out and uploaded to the school’s Facebook page as it was last year.
STEM Sheri Walls
We have had a wonderful start to the term in STEM! This week all classes started learning about coding. Prep and Year 1 learnt all about algorithms and how important it is to make sure our instructions are correct! We practised following an algorithm to draw a raccoon.
Year 2 learnt about the Spheros – a codable ball. They had lots of fun sending them all around the STEM room!
Year 3 had their first experience with coding using Micro:bits. Students were able to write code to make the Micro:bit display their names.
4A learnt about circuits and how to make a closed circuit by using Makey Makeys. They turned themselves into a piano and were playing beautiful songs to each other. 4B have started learning about robotics with the new Lego Spike robotics kits. They started making a dancing robot, which they will finish next week.
STEM Gallery
Physical Education Brett Reese
Physical Education this term has some exciting games and experiences for all students across Carbrook. It is great to be back this term and help the students learn some new skills and have fun whilst moving. This term will have our upper school learning volleyball with coaches from Volleyball QLD which will help build a good skill base as they move towards high schools in the local areas.
Our middle and lower school will have the opportunity to engage with some exciting evasion and team games. Already this term our students have learnt poison ball and tag belt games, the students don’t stop running and laughing all lesson. With all the running and movement, as this term heats up, it is very important for everyone to bring a water bottle to all lessons. Thank you for the warm welcome back following my shoulder surgery last term.
Student Council Tegan Simone
It’s that time of year for our student’s talents to shine! The Student Council will be running Carbrook's Got Talent this term. As our students have so many diverse talents we have decided to use a digital platform this year. That means keen students from Prep to Year 6 will be required to submit their entry as a video through email or USB. Please submit all entries by the 28th of October.
The Student council are asking submissions to include the following details;
-videos approximately 3 minutes in length;
-student to introduce themselves and their grade;
-video submission can be edited at home but not required;
-please name the video file with the student’s full name and class.
Student Council will be selecting finalists from junior and senior school to present to the school at the end of the term. After the school viewing, judges will vote and award prizes at the following parade.
So get dancing, singing, skating or anything else and show us what you have got!
Submissions: Please send to tssin0@eq.edu.au or on a USB to the class Teacher by Thursday, 28 October 2021.
3B Cinquain Poems Alana Cutler
Intelligent, energetic
Leaping, jumping, flipping
Joyful in their happiness
Calm by Evie
Fluffy, cuddly
Run, play, sleep
Perfect as a pet
Friends by Amelia
Outstanding, brilliant
Spinning, creating, living
Hard work with success
Beautiful by Jayden
Intelligent, elegant
Swinging, jumping, leaping
Lovely in their cuddliness
Wonderful by Emilie
Cute, loving
Sniffing, jumping, licking
Perfect in their cuddliness
Soft by Ruby
Flawless, fabulous
Flying, dancing, flowing
Always bright and colour
Beautiful by Nixie
Smart, fluffy
Running, catching, sleeping
Always full of playfulness
Calm by Liam
Fluffy, playful
Run, play, drink
Always cute and friendly
Playfulness by Toby
Fluffy, cute
Running, catching, sleeping
Always full of happy
Friend by Elliot
Squishy, slimy
Swimming, eating, pooping
As pure as gold
Tiny by Sam
Wonderful, fluffy
Playful, athletic, sleepy
Always cute and grateful
Friend by Angus
Bookclub Marion Brooks
The last catalogue for 2021 is the Christmas issue. This will be given to the students to take home this week.
There will be many great ideas for gifts, activities and books to read for the holidays.
Orders can ONLY be made and paid for online though Scholastic Book Club (Scholastic.com.au/LOOP).
Orders can be placed now and NO LATER THAN 22 October 2021, for pre-Christmas delivery.
Thank you for your support throughout 2021 as every order earns free books and resources for Carbrook State School.
Thank you
Marion Brooks,
Scholastic Co-Ordinator
P&C Update
Date Claimer
Date Claimer Year 6 Graduation
Creative Dance Flyer