Issue 4 Friday 17 March 2023
Principal - Sonya Wilson
Dear Parents and Carers
This week we have held the P & C Annual General Meeting for 2023. It is wonderful to have group of people willing to make the commitment to our P&C, ensuring that a parent group are available for consultation and that activities planned can occur, because without a committed P&C these planned events would not be available. I am pleased to announce the new executive for 2023.
- President Laura Leigh, Laura is new to the role and new to Carbrook State School with her daughter starting Prep this year. We welcome Laura and the experiences she brings with her to this role.
- Vice President Jade Partridge, Jade is returning to the role and has already been busy booking and planning up coming events. We are grateful to Jade that she has committed again to assist with this valuable work.
- Secretary Jaimie Lynes, Jaimie is new to the role but not new to the school. We are excited to work with Jaimie in the coming year and the talents she has to bring to this role.
- Treasure Melanie King, Melanie has generously volunteered to continue in the treasurer’s role until such times as the school can secure a treasurer. This is one of the essential roles for a committee to be formed, and rather than leave the school without a committee Melanie has agreed to continue, under the proviso that a replacement is sought. This is very generous of Melanie as her daughter finished at Carbrook State School over a year ago. Melanie has pledged her commitment to assisting the new treasurer with a detailed handover. Please consider if you would be interested in the role and if so reach out to the committee and attend the next scheduled meeting 9 May 2023.
Thank you to our outgoing P&C President Bec Allpress, your commitment over your three years in the role has seen multiple opportunities for the school community. We thank you and know that you are still available as a mentor and supporter of the P&C.
The carpark was discussed at our P&C meeting, 14 March 2023. Concerns have been raised by the community that parents at pick up and drop off times are not adhering to the carpark signage, in particular the 2 minute, No Standing signage. It is timely to remind parents that the carpark is not school owned but the property of Logan City Council and as such not complying with this signage could result in a fine. Please be aware that Council Officers do visit the carpark from time to time and fines are issued.
To assist with the movement of traffic right to the end of the pick-up zone, vehicles will be directed to the second gate where students will exit from the gate closest to Beenleigh Redland Bay Road. In a further attempt to move traffic, we ask that parents attach to their sun visor their surname in large enough print that one of the staff members on duty can call the students by surname to come to the gate in preparation to exit the school.
Parents are still welcome to park their cars and enter the school to collect their child/ren and then exit either the gate closest to the hall or the gates at the front of the school. We will continue to reinforce with students that they are not to walk through the carpark without an adult as we are committed to their safety, with so many vehicles in the carpark reversing it is for the safety of all that this rule is enforced.
We thank parents for their ongoing support and commitment to the safety of our all our students.
The school’s desire to review and refine students’ written reports was also discussed. Schools are required to provide parents with a written report, a minimum of twice per year. At Carbrook State School, we are seeking to review and refine this process and would like to consult with parents about how we can improve reports so that they provide clear and meaningful information to parents about how their child is progressing. The first of these feedback sessions will be held in Week 10 of Term 1. Please see the SOBS link below to register for this feedback session. We know that there are particular times at the beginning and end of each day and we would like to capitalise on these opportunities to gather parents in the library for informal discussions. Please consider registering for one of the times.
Tuesday 28 March at 2:30pm in the library – please book using the link
Thursday 30 March at 9:00am in the library – please book using the link
Parent feedback is important to us, and in addition to consultation with staff a survey will be sent to parents unable to attend these two sessions. Following this consultation, the revised process will be shared with parents in the first newsletter in Term 2.
Kind regards
Sonya Wilson
Prep Open Morning
Prep Open Morning for 2024 Prep Enrolments - Saturday 18 March 2023. The morning event will take place from 9:30am until 11am. Come along and meet our Staff and some members of Carbrook's Student Council.
Deputy Principal - Liz Cook
Wow! How quickly this term is passing us by!
Although it has been a very busy start to the school year, it is a little unbelievable we have only two weeks left in this term.
This week our Year 3 and Year 5 students have completed two out of the four NAPLAN Assessments. Next Monday and Tuesday, these students will complete the final two assessments. It comes as no surprise how these students have demonstrated our school expectations of the 4 B’s during this time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and parents for your efforts to ensure our students have been prepared to try their best and reach their full potential. I look forward to celebrating the successes of our students later in the year when the results become available.
Consolidation Sprints
This week, the first cycle of our Consolidation Sprints draws to an end. You will receive communication today from your child’s class teacher, reiterating the learning goal your child has had as a focus, which success criteria they were successful in achieving and if there were any aspects they are working towards as a result of the five-week cycle.
The next consolidation cycle will commence in Week 1 of Term 2. You will receive your child’s next learning goal and success criteria for this cycle at the beginning of Term 2.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to those parents who have booked a time slot with your child’s class teacher. The online booking portal for Parent Teacher Interviews has now closed. If you would still like to arrange a meeting; you will need to make contact with your child/ren’s class teacher to negotiate a mutually convenient time for this to occur.
Have a great fortnight,
Liz Cook
Deputy Principal - Jane Tuckett
“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”
How true is Emillie Buchwald’s quote! It sums up the importance of adults (or older siblings) reading to young children. At school, children learn to read, but it takes more than this to become a “reader”. The Oxford dictionary states that a “reader” is a person who reads or who is fond of reading.” Based on this definition, we probably all know people who can read but are not “readers”. One of our goals of our Home Reading Program is to support the making of “readers” – children who enjoy reading and therefore, will continue to learn by reading.
Research informs us that the most effective way to teach students in the early years to comprehend text (and develop a “love of reading” or become a “reader”) is through multiple opportunities to:
- be read to,
- talk about what has been read,
- read, and
- enjoy quality literature.
This knowledge and the upcoming changes to the Australian Curriculum is the driving force behind us revising our Home Reading Program for Prep. Quality books have been and are continuing to be purchased for our Prep students to take home, and together with their families read and talk about them. We are very excited for our Prep students to commence talking home these books early in Term 2.
Jacqueline Kennedy once said, “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is best of all.” With the help of our Prep families, and through our Home Reading program we plan to open each Prep child’s world just a little more. In the meantime, please continue to enlarge your child’s world by encouraging them to borrow a book weekly from the school library.
Did you have a favourite book as a child?
Does your child have a favourite book that they want you to read over and over again?
Can you recommend a book we should buy for the library or include as part of our Home Reading Program?
We would like to include some favourite books in our Home Reading program, so please help us by completing the Home Reading survey regarding you and your child’s favourite books.
Kind regards,
Jane Tuckett
iHUB News
Year 5
This Term, Year 5 have been engaging in a social skills program focused around self-awareness. Students are working through the unit to identify and react to emotions, understand diversity amongst peers, understand ourselves and our strengths and develop effective communication skills. The cohort has participated in lessons that have aided in developing an awareness of their own emotional states, needs and perspectives. We have discovered as a year level the importance of understanding ourselves and our reactions to better respond and problem solve in the playground, classroom and when engaging in social interactions. Through the exposure of hands on learning opportunities and games, the students are gaining a greater awareness of their personal abilities, qualities and strengths.
Some learning experiences the students have engaged in this term are:
- Understanding the emotional brain
- Role play of - team selection, adversity in soccer scenarios, working collaboratively in class scenarios
- Pass the water game
- My strengths – encompassing the Aus-identities personality traits
- Interacting with others and managing emotions
- Life raft game
We have enjoyed gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and our peers. We look forward to more opportunities to further develop our social skills and self-awareness in the future.
Student Council - Tegan Simone
World Maths Day!
On Wednesday 8 March, our school celebrated World Maths Day. This day is held annually to encourage students' love of mathematics and practise some of these lifelong skills. In Prep, Year 1 and Year 2, the Student Council visited each classroom and ran different games and activities. In Year 3, 4, 5 and 6, students were given the opportunity to participate in a worldwide online competition hosted by Mathletics.
This year our school
- had 150 Students Participating
- signed in 451 times
- competed for 169h 52min
- earnt 100 307 points together
- placed 161st in Australia
The top 3 achieving students for each year level that competed were recognised on parade and received a prize. Congratulations to the following students.
Neurodivergent Celebration Week
This week is Neurodiversity Celebration Week. This week is about celebrating neurodivergent people across the world, raising awareness of neurodivergent brains, and improving support and understanding.
Neurodiversity simply means “difference of the brain”. This means we are all individuals, and every person’s brain is unique! Some people’s brains work in ways that are quite similar, and this is referred to as ‘neurotypical’. Meanwhile, some people’s brains have more differences than others, and these differences can affect how they think, feel, and behave.
The Year 5 and Year 6 students are collaborating on a display around well known neurodivergent people across the globe. This display will be in the library for students to view.
Year 2 - Amanda Kennedy
World Maths Day in Year 2!
World Maths Day was Wednesday 8 March. Year 2 were super lucky to have some wonderful Student Council senior helpers come to run a session of awesome maths activities for us. We made a Roll-the-dice Maths Monster, completed some addition patterning and also got a little sweaty with a movement activity based on numbers. It was a wonderful afternoon allowing the students to engage in some very fun activities. Many thanks to Mrs Simone and our Student Council helpers.
PE - Melissa Dillon
Last Tuesday 7 March, we held our annual Cross Country. We had 329 students participating across the morning. I would like to acknowledge the effort all of students put in and the exemplary behaviour they displayed throughout the morning.
It is my pleasure to announce all of our Cross Country winners for 8 – 12 year races.
8 year old girls – Savannah T 3AP
8 year old boys – Bradley D 3AP
9 year old girls – Mabel C 4EW
9 year old boys – Sam Y 3SB
10 year old girls – Rosie P 5HP
10 year old boys – Archie O 5HP
11 year old girls – Sabine E 6TS
11 year old boys – Keenan W 6TS
12 year old girls – Pyper S 6PT
12 year old boys – Jac Y 6TS
Our house points for cross country are:
In third place on 257 points is Logan
In Second place on 310 points is Albert
In first place on 342 points is Kruger
It is timely to remind parents as we share our photos from Cross Country, that when parents are photographing at school events that they only photograph their own child as some students have limitations on their images being shared. These limitations may be due to parents’ wishes or have implications for the safety and wellbeing of individual students. This is especially important with modern technology and how images can be shared so easily on social media.
We thank parents for their ongoing assistance with this and respecting the wishes and needs of other families too.
Gala Sports Day
Beenleigh Sporting District have organised a range of Gala Sporting opportunities. Carbrook State School will be entering teams in Netball – mixed and Soccer - mixed. Friday 17 March is the first day of competition as 53 students will board a bus to represent out school gaining experience and skills Netball and Soccer.
Students remaining at school on Gala days will participate in sporting skills and an intra-school competition. They will be sorted into teams and participate in school netball and soccer games. Students will also engage in fun cooperative team building activities throughout the day.
PLM - Lara McDonald
PTC - Sarah Turgeon & Claire Clarke
Year 2
Arts - Kat Boobyer
In the Arts we have been ramping up our productivity in order to finalise some masterpieces from this term’s learnings. Prep students have been thinking about shapes and collaging some very creative views through windows. Frida Kahlo visited the Year 1, 2 and 2/3 classes to assist them in including their favourite animals in textured, emotive self-portraits. There have also been some spectacular group performances in dance! Some amazing (but blurry, due to the speed of students’ movements) stills offer a glimpse of their uses of symmetry (in Years 5 and 6) and their devised celebration dances (Years 3 and 4). We continue to work hard on our shared dance, too – watch this space for details of our debut parade performance early next term!
Logan City Council "Have Your Say" School Parking campaign aims to
gather feedback from parents, carers, teachers and users of
school parking zones on important issues regarding our
school community. Please see the flyer and link below.
The survey closes on 26 March 2023.
Main Roads
School Zones
Roadways Behaviour Monitoring System in selected Queensland school zones: In a world-first road safety initiative, new speed camera technology will soon target speeding drivers at selected school zones across Queensland. Everyone has a role in keeping our roads safe. It is imperative drivers reduce their speed to the signed 40 km/h speed limit and be aware of activity by students on or near the road. Speed cameras will only operate during school zone times at the selected schools. Parents, and carers dropping off or picking up students are urged to comply with school zone speed limits. Those who slow down will not be penalised.