Issue 10 Friday 23 June 2023
Just a Reminder
School Photos
Principal - Sonya Wilson
Deputy Principal Liz Cook
Cleaner's Day
Sports Day 2023
Health Kylie Smith
Music Melissa Dillon
Year 5 Camp at Kindilan
PE Melissa Dillon
Carbrook's Got Talent
Handball Blitz
Year 6 Market Day
PTC Sarah Turgeon & Claire Clarke
National Consistent Collection of Data
What's On June School Holiday
Redland Museum
Just a Reminder
School resumes on Monday 10 July 2023.
School Photos
School photographs are scheduled to be taken by Queensland School Photography on
Thursday 13 July 2023.
Envelopes have been distributed to all students.
Payments can be made on line directly to Queensland School Photography, the payment details will be on the photography envelopes and via the link below.
If you have not paid online directly to Queensland School Photography, money and envelope must be brought on the day, Thursday 13 July 2023.
Sibling photographs will be taken before school commencing at 8am on the photography day.
Sibling envelopes will be available from the school office or you can place your order online.
All payments go directly to Queensland School Photography,
please do not deposit school photo money into the school bank account.
Principal - Sonya Wilson
Dear Parents and Carers,
Another busy term draws to a close, and as this is the last newsletter for Semester One, I would like to thank all members of our school community for your support during this half of the year. Like other organisations, we too have experienced a significant number of families and staff members with either flu or other seasonal illnesses. The loss of staff in recent weeks has had an impact on our ability to maintain a high level of support in terms of replacement staff, however, the efforts of the team to minimalize disruptions to our students' learning has seen outstanding resiliency and flexibility; modelling this important disposition across the school. I humbly acknowledge our wonderful staff members who have ensured our school continues to thrive in this environment.
Uniform Policy
The school’s Uniform Policy was discussed at this week’s P&C meeting Tuesday 20 June, it was agreed that the current arrangement with School Locker will be extended for another 6 months to allow time for procurement agreements to be arranged long term. The school’s uniform expectations have remained the same with the exception of the shorts, which are now classified as unisex shorts for boys as part of the formal uniform and for girls as part of the everyday/sports uniform. Girls continue to have the options of culottes, skorts and the checked dress.
A friendly reminder to use the holiday period to replace lost or outgrown items so that students are ready to return next term. We have designed a uniform reminder slip, which will be used by class teachers in the event that students are not complying with the uniform expectations. The note allows parents to have a conversation with their child and assist them to resolve the issue. Your ongoing support with this is appreciated, as we seek to foster pride in our school as demonstrated in our uniform.
The school’s Sun Safe Policy has also been updated to align with Education Queensland guidelines and our obligations to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our school community, please see the link to this in the attached Uniform Policy which was again endorsed by our school’s P&C.
Staffing updates
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Mrs Claudette Green teacher of 2CG, for her efforts this semester and wish her all the very best with the imminent arrival of her baby in Term 3. Mrs Claudette Green will be replaced by Mrs Lauren Connell. Over the past few weeks, Mrs Connell has visited Carbrook State School to meet the class, receive a hand over from Mrs Green and to plan with the Year 2 Teaching Team.
It was this time last year that we bid farewell to Mrs Christie McDonald from Prep and Mrs Alana Cutter from Year 1 as they both took leave to welcome babies into their respective families. Next term both teachers will be returning in a part-time capacity. Mrs McDonald will be joining the Year 3 Teaching Team as an Inclusion Teacher on Thursday and Friday. Mrs Cutler will be joining the Year 1 Teaching Team as an Inclusion Teacher, also on Thursday and Friday.
Date Claimers
Next term is shaping up to be another busy term. Please find attached the planned events for Term 3.
Wishing all our families a safe and happy holiday. We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 10 July.
Kind regards
Sonya Wilson
Deputy Principal Liz Cook
I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Carbrook community a safe and restful break over the next two weeks. It has been another fantastic term with some fun filled events for us to celebrate our students.
I look forward to continuing in the role as Deputy Principal for the remainder of 2023.
Consolidation Sprints
This week marks the completion of the second Consolidation Sprint cycle for this term. You would have received your child/ren’s certificate indicating their success over the cycle and possibly what they are still working towards in relation to their learning goal.
The Consolidation Sprints will continue in Term 3, with a focus on Maths for Years 1 -6 and literacy being the focus for Prep.
Curriculum and Planning Days
Over the last few weeks of the term the teachers from each year have been released from class to work collaboratively with me to plan for Term 3. Years 1 -6 have dug deeper into the curriculum with a focus on Mathematics, while the Prep cohort have concentrated on English.
As a result of this planning day, teachers have strengthened and built a shared understanding across the year level of the curriculum content that will be taught, assessed and reported on for your child. This allows for this learning to become visible for the students through clear and concise Learning Intentions and Success Criteria, enabling students to understand; what they are learning, why they are learning it, what they need to do to be success and how to monitor and track their learning progress.
Throughout the term, teachers engage in Professional Learning Team meetings each fortnight to consolidate their shared understandings and to analyse student work samples to determine how students are progressing with their learning leading into their summative assessments. Teachers discuss next steps for teaching and learning to ensure success for each learner in their class.
Enjoy the break with your family and friends.
Liz Cook
Cleaner's Day
On Friday 9 June 2023, we celebrated our school cleaners. This day provided an opportunity for the whole school community to thank our cleaners for their hard work keeping our school clean in order for us to work and learn in a safe and healthy environment.
Sports Day 2023
A big congratulations to our students for their efforts during our Sport's Day. The day was filled with so many smiles, with many examples of persistence and resilience to represent Carbrook State School's spirit.
Health Kylie Smith
In Health, students have been learning about health messages. They examined a range of different health messages and how they impact health decisions. Students also viewed a range of unhealthy advertisements and discussed if the information was reliable and accurate. They explored how the media and celebrities can influence health behaviour. Using this knowledge, students created their own health messages to promote healthy decisions.
Music Melissa Dillon
"This semester the Amati Strings has worked long and hard to perform two pieces by Stephen Chin. These pieces include Bumps in the Dark and Prelude.
On Wednesday 21 June the Amati Srings performed in the undercover area before school.
The ensemble included children in Years 5 and 6. The performance included two violins, two violas, two cello and a double bass.
It was an amazing experience and a great performance." Charlotte D
Year 5 Camp at Kindilan
On Thursday 15 June, the Year 5 students set out on their first overnight school camp at Kindilan. Students participated in a series of different activities that were designed to push them out of their comfort zone and to encourage teamwork and leadership skills.
“Bushcraft is a team challenge that people had to build a shelter to withstand certain weather conditions. We got provided with rope and tarps. There were sticks, rocks and trees around the place to help build your shelter. We learnt how to tie knots so we can tie the tarp. The knots we learnt include the figure of eight, the D knot and the reef knot.” Sammy D
“In bushcraft first we learnt how to tie some knots like the D knot and the figure of eight knot. After we learnt about food and things you need to survive in the wild. Then had make a shelter that was water proof and a water catcher. When we were done we had to go inside and the lady sprayed us with the hose.” Rosie P
Possum Glider
“The possum glider was when we were in a group and one of the people will be in a harness and clicked onto a rope. The other people in the group were holding onto another rope that they would run with and the person that was clicked onto the other rope would go into the air.
The purpose of the possum glider was to overcome our fear of heights and use teamwork to have fun. “ Pipa K
“In the Possum Glider the instructors told us that there would be people who were connected to a big rope, they were called huskies. The Huskies would be connected and on a signal they would start to run. Other than the Huskies there was one more role and that role was to be a possum. When the huskies started to run the possum would get pulled up. The possum could choose two things the superman and the pendulum. The superman was when you did a pose of superman and the pendulum was when the possum would swing across.” Angus C
Flying Fox
“The flying fox was so much fun! We got attached to a zipline with 2 ropes and a harness then I went over the river with my partner we also could race our partner down and I won my first race but lost my second. The harnesses were tight, they also weren’t very comfortable either. Even Mrs Carolan went over the river! She did really well but she had to go over and unattached everyone who went on the ride. We also got to go for a walk on the trail to get back to the place we needed to be at.” Leo T
“The flying fox was simple but really fun. You had to hold on to the bars connected to a rope then run and jump. You had to lift your feet up so you didn’t touch the water because you were getting flung over a lake. Then you had to run in the air and land safely on the ground while standing up. After you landed you had to walk around the lake and go all the way back for another go. This was my first favourite activity.” Archie O
Team Challenge
“In the team challenge you had to communicate with your group without talking. There were other challenges where you had to be verbal and non-verbal. In one you had to move place without removing a body part from the rope. Another one you had be blindfolded and were in a chain but the person at the end was not blindfolded but you couldn’t talk and we were only able to tap on the person's shoulder to go left or right. “ Mila K
“During the team challenge we had to come up with a strategy that could get us to the other side of the lava using one plank and having three platforms we could stand on. The team challenge was hard but we all pulled through and most of us made it. The second challenge required us to swing on a rope to get the other side. The platform to land on was small and we had to let go of the rope and keep our balance when we landed. Another activity for team challenge was that you have to form a line and everyone except for the person at the back had to wear goggles that made you not be able to see, we also had to find a cone. This meant that the person at the back had to lead the people in front to the cone by tapping on their shoulders to indicate to turn right or left or to pick up the cone.” Toby H
“At lunch on the first day we had really yummy chicken wraps and we got to put salad on it. On the next day we had burgers which were also really good. For dinner we had lasagne and garlic bread. Dinner was really good and for dessert we had a brownie each. When we had food, we got to talk with our friends and talking about what activates we did and how fun they were. I really liked eating at Kindilan, the food was good and we all got to talk with our friends.” Millie R
“Camp was so good! I had so much fun being in a cabin with all my friends and it was probably the best time I have had with my friends. It made me come out of my comfort zone and have fun with everyone there. The staff was really nice and caring and told us more about Kindilan and what we can do and what we can’t.” Victoria P-W
“The best part about camp was the camp fire a night. My favourite activity was the flying fox. The food was so good. Team challenge was my least favourite. The cabins were nice and the bus ride was fun. Possum gilder was my second favourite. Bush craft was ok but not my favourite.” Yuiho J
“I think that this camp was so fun and the food and everything was amazing. My favourite activity was the flying fox because it was something amazing that I have not experienced before”. Kaidance W
“I was scared for camp but when I went, I loved it! I wish I could do it again. The camp required everything we learn in social skills such as teamwork, resilience, communication and encouragement. Camp taught us all a lot of lessons and helped lots of us build confidence to over come our fears. I wish we could of stayed for longer because of how fun it was. The thing I loved the most was that we all were there for each other, even in the cabins. One person was worried for their mum and one was scared because of the dark. Me and the other person comforted them both until we were all asleep.” MJ H
PE Melissa Dillon
Last Wednesday 26 students attended the Beenleigh Zone Athletics with Mrs Dillon and Mrs Stevens. These students competed in high jump, long jump, shot put, 100m, 200m and 800m sprints. Our students respresented themselves and our school with pride and respect. The behaviour was examplary as they offered cheers of support and encouragement to one another thoughout the day.
Thank you to the families that came along to support our Carbrook team during the day.
We were lucky enough to have students place in 12 events, inviting 9 students to return to compete on Friday for the championship day. Thank you Mrs Simone for supporting Carbrook competitors on Friday.
We awarded the following students with their place ribbons at assembly this week. Congratulations to all involved.
Carbrook's Got Talent
On Monday the students joined together in their classrooms to view the video of the finalists for Carbrook’s Got Talent. There were squeals of enjoyment and lots of wows as the finalists’ entries were watched. Congratulations to everyone who submitted an entry, it is always amazing to see the breath of skills and talents our Carbrook kids have.
The finalists were:
-Patrick L
-Callum S
-Charlotte O
-Henry B
-Leah J
-Vida H
-Eva H
-Archer H
-Mason O
-Lucy M
-Millie R
-Toby H
3rd place Lucy M
2nd place Callum S
1st place Leah J, Archer H, Vida H and Eva H
Handball Blitz
This year over 90 students from Years 1 to 6 participated in the competition. In Week 9 and 10 the Junior and Senior competition was held over a couple of lunch times. All players were patient, celebrated each other's achievements and most importantly had fun. The winners from both competitions have been entered in Nova’s Handball Ball Blitz competition to represent Carbrook.
Junior School Winner Parker A 3SB
Senior School Winner The final will be held in Term 3 between Xavier VW Yr6 and Samuel B Yr5.
Year 6 Market Day
In Week 1 of Term 3, the Year 6 cohort will be holding their annual Market Day Friday 14 July.
As a part of this term's learning in Business and Economic System, students investigated exports of Australia and Asia, profit, loss and a variety of services and products. In small groups they developed ideas to create and market a product or service to sell to the school community.
All monies raised will go to the Student Council to purchase equipment for the playground. Prices range from 50c-$2.
PTC Sarah Turgeon & Claire Clarke
National Consistent Collection of Data
Dear parents, guardians and carers
Re: Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).
Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:
- year of schooling
- category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
- level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.
This information assists schools to:
- formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
- consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
- develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.
The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.
The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy
Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (
If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school.
Kind regards
Sonya Wilson
This month we have been exploring countries and where our families and children originate, as well as our educators. So far, we have explored Australia, Hungary & America and we will continue our learning about countries and our families in Term 3.
Vacation care is here and we have some very exciting activities planned like Laser Tag, Inflatables, a special visit from Be Pet Smart and some cool excursions too. Do not miss out, spaces are filling up quickly, contact us at the service at for details on how to enrol.
Warm Regards,
Chantelle Dobson
YMCA Carbrook Coordinator
511-535 Beenleigh Redland Bay Road, Carbrook 4130
- M. 0457101225
- E. W.
What's On June School Holiday
School holidays - free events and workshops for children at Logan City Council Libraries
There are lots of free, hands-on workshops happening for kids and teens for the school holidays and NAIDOC week. Choose from:
Author and illustrator workshops;
Holiday shows and storytelling;
Holiday crafts and more!
Join in free Winter reading club or take home a free take home activity pack for children and teens with craft materials and ideas to take home and keep.
Choose from free workshops on: Telling stories through photos; The art of cartooning and illustration workshops; Voice recording workshop; or an online Zoom session on Cartoon characters in action. Also check out the take home activity packs for teens at your libraries!
Free school holiday activities for teens - Logan City Council Libraries (
Redland Museum
Come into the Redland Museum for the June-July holiday programs where our program celebrates Winter & the natural resources around us.