Issue 11 Friday 21 July 2023
Principal - Sonya Wilson
Dear Parents and Carers,
In a previous email I shared how at Carbrook State School we are revising the Quality Habits to reflect current research and alignment to the Australian Curriculum’s Personal and Social Continuum. One of the Quality Habits we shared with parents was Resilience. Building resilience is an important quality to develop in our students as it assists them to be able to cope with everyday challenges. Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioural flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands. Resilient people are more successful in life because they persist through difficulties in order to reach success. It means that when things go wrong, resilience helps you to cope and get through the challenges that everyday life presents.
To develop resilient children, we need to be supporting them and encouraging them every day with the small and manageable challenges that face them. Examples of resilience skills include having a growth mindset, overcoming negative emotions and thoughts with positive self-talk, and sustaining self-confidence. Perceiving a setback as a learning opportunity. Trying something multiple times without giving up. Committing to a challenge and seeing it through.
Knowing how important it is that we help students cope with life’s ups and downs, we have arranged with the presenters from Life Education to offer a free seminar to Carbrook State School families.
Life Education describe their session below:
Help your kids cope with life’s ups and downs.
Like to give your kids the skills and strategies they need to manage their emotions and overcome challenges?
Triple P’s Raising Resilient Children seminar can really help. Learn more about giving your kids the know-how to tackle problems, now and in the future. This life-changing 90 minutes is free for Queensland parents and carers of children aged up to 12 years and is packed with strategies to help make family life less dramatic – and more enjoyable.
Triple P’s Raising Resilient Children seminar can help you:
* Teach kids to manage their emotions
* Develop your child’s ability to bounce back from disappointments
* Show your children how to express strong feelings in a healthy way
* Raise kids who can deal with stress
* Encourage problem-solving and a positive attitude
When – Tuesday 1 August, 5:00-6:30pm
Where – At Carbrook State School Library
Cost – Free
We would like to see as many parents as possible take advantage of this opportunity and so are offering supervision of students to allow parents to attend. Mrs Broquesa has kindly offered to open the iHUb building to provide supervision while parents attend the session.
If you are interested in attending – register using the SOBS link below.
If you would like more information about the session, please contact the school to discuss.
Kind regards
Sonya Wilson
QParents is coming
Great news: Carbrook State School will soon be providing our parent community with the opportunity to register for QParents.
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians of Queensland state school students to interact with their child’s school. Parents and legal guardians will have secure, online access to their child’s student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
QParents allows parents to connect instantly with their child’s school to access and manage their child’s student information, depending on how QParents have been set up by the school. The information parents may be able to access may include:
- Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence
- Academic report cards
- Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
- Viewing and updating personal student details, including medical conditions and address
- Enrolment details
- Upcoming events list showing school events, exam and assessment dates, and excursions.
QParents will assist both staff and parents in sharing and responding to information in an efficient and effective way.
We will be sending out invitations for parents to register for QParents soon. If you do not want to register, you may advise us not to send you any more invitations, and your child’s student information will not be available to anyone through QParents.
QParents won’t replace the traditional ways you communicate with our school, but it will provide another way to communicate with us.
More information about QParents can be found at
Deputy Principal - Liz Cook
NAPLAN update
In Term 1 of this year, students in Years 3 and 5 undertook NAPLAN assessment. This week the individual student reports were delivered to the school and will be sent home with students today, Friday 21 July 2023. The report has been sealed in a white A4 envelope with the student’s name on the front.
This year, new standards were introduced to NAPLAN reporting. This reporting replaces the previous reporting ten bands and national minimum standards. The new proficiency standards provide clear information on student achievement. They are set at a challenging but reasonable level expected for students at the time of NAPLAN testing, based mainly on what has been taught in previous years of schooling.
There are 4 proficiency levels:
- Exceeding: The student’s result exceeds expectations at the time of testing
- Strong: The student’s result meets the challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing
- Developing: The student’s result indicates that they are working towards expectations at the time of testing
- Needs additional support: The student’s result indicates that they are not achieving the learning outcomes expected at the time of testing. They are likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.
On page 4 of the student’s individual report (back page) is a more detailed summary about what students know and can do within each of the proficiency levels.
An information for parents and carers brochure has been included in the envelope, providing parents with further information about the individual report.
As a school, we will now analyse the data gained from NAPLAN, alongside other data collated to continue to adjust and plan next steps for teaching and learning in order to support the success for all students at Carbrook State School.
As we reach the end of Week Two for Term 3, you would have already received communication from your child’s class teacher regarding their learning for this term. At the end of Week One, teachers communicated to parents the curriculum newsletter and the first Consolidation Sprint goal. A copy of each curriculum newsletter is available below. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher.
I hope you all have a great fortnight.
Liz Cook.
Deputy Principal - Jane Tuckett
School Opinion Surveys
The annual suite of School Opinion Surveys will be conducted in Term 3 and will close on 18 August 2023. All families, school staff and students in target year levels (5, 6, 8 and 11) will be invited to participate. We encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say about what our school does well, and how we can improve.
An invitation to complete the Parent/Caregiver Survey will be emailed to one parent/caregiver per family in the week beginning 17 July. The invitation will be sent from the Department of Education, not the school, and it will have the subject line School Opinion Survey for parents and caregivers, 2023. Check your junk email folders if you can’t find it. The survey can be completed as soon as the invitation is received and will take approximately 5 minutes using a computer, tablet or smart phone.
Parents/caregivers who do not have access to the internet at home are welcome to complete their survey online at the school. School computers/tablets will be available.
The survey contact at our school this year is Mrs Jane Tuckett. Please don’t hesitate to ring her if you have any questions about this year’s School Opinion Surveys.
Be a Hero for Heartkids
Friday 4 August Carbrook State School will be holding a Free Dress Day to support one of our students, Jack.
Jack's Mother Kimberley has shared how Hero for Heartkids have assisted him and his family with his medical condition. Please see the flyer and Jack's story explaining the event.
Be a Hero for Heartkids
Every day in Australia, eight children are born with a heart defect. That means one family
every three hours will have their lives changed in a heartbeat and tragically four lives are lost
every week.
Jack is one of these Heartkids. When he was born, we had no prior warning that something
was wrong, and I remember that the first few days and weeks were just a blur of tests,
meetings and surgeries, all while trying to come to terms with what this would mean for
Jack, our family and his future.
Jack was born in Canberra in March 2016 and flown to the Westmead Children’s Hospital in
Sydney that night where he stayed for 7 long months of ups and downs. We almost lost him
a number of times, but our strong little fighter always defied the odds and the doctors to
fight back.
I first found out about the Heartkids charity and what they do to support these amazing kids
and their families while living at the Children’s Hospital. They were always there when I
needed someone to talk to, on the good and the bad days and if they didn’t see us for a
while they would find a way to check in on us. They supplied us with many food vouchers
and guidance as we navigated through the early days of Jacks diagnoses and now continue
to support Jack and our family as we continue to live with this awful disease.
Jack spent the week leading up to Christmas 2022 in hospital and the amazing volunteers
from Heartkids came around with presents for all the children and of course a visit from
Santa. The Heartkids charity never missed an opportunity to put a smile on the faces of our
kids whether it be while in hospital or out in the community with gifts and events to
celebrate these amazing lives.
Heartkids continues to make great strides in supporting kids and their families affected by
congenital heart disease (CHD). In 2023, their goal is to increase access to support services
and programs across Australia. We’re calling on our school community to get behind this
great charity and our Jack and dress up as your favourite superheroes and come support all
the Heartkids around Australia.
What is differentiation in the classroom?
At its most basic level, differentiation (tailored instruction) is the response to variance among learners in the classroom to create the best learning experience possible.
At Carbrook, teachers differentiate for students under the following 4 areas:
- Content – what the student needs to learn or how the student will get access to the information;
- Process – activities in which the student engages in order to make sense of or master the content;
- Products – culminating projects that ask the student to rehearse, apply, and extend what he or she has learned in a unit; and
- Learning environment – the way the classroom works and feels.
Some examples of differentiation that is provided in classrooms under these headers, is below:
Year 3
Year 3 students in Mrs Bro and Mrs McDonald’s reading group jumped straight into their learning this week by exploring a text on ‘heat’ that was linked to their Science unit. They explored the three different ways that heat can travel:
- Conduction
- Radiation
- Convection
They linked this knowledge with their English procedure writing knowledge and wrote a procedure on how to make a ‘warm’ chocolate drink.
On Thursday, the students used their procedure to make their ‘warm chocolate’ drinks and experience ‘conduction’ as the heat flowed from a warm object (the cup) to their hands.
Market Day Student Council
Friday 14 July the Year 6 Market was open for business! Over the course of Term 2, the cohort were learning about economics. To make the topic exciting and authentic they were tasked with the job to create a business and product or service with the intention to sell on Market Day. There were many steps involved in the process such as;
- Your Company-form a group and create a business name and set of norms
- Market Research-create and conduct a survey about a possible product
- Analyse your Research-Create graphs to show what the survey data shows and reflect on what they learnt
- Your Product or Service-Decide on a product or service, describe and sketch the product or service
- Manufacturing-Create the product or service including signage
When the set up of the hall was happening there was a mixture of excitement and nerves. Many students helped others set up so everyone could succeed. During both play breaks the cohort worked their magic, they were animated and friendly. The 6s were proud of their success and chatted throughout the day about their experience. Mrs Thomas, Mrs Simone and Mrs McKenzie were extremely proud of the students behaviour and the way they conducted themselves on the day.
Year 6 Market Day was a learning, social and financial success with students raising $984.00 through their individual stalls. Members of the Student Council will be visiting classes to gather suggestions from students as to how the monies might be spent around the school. Suggestions so far include, repainting the handball grids, more seating in the Quiet Area and outside Prep.
Kind Regards,
Tegan Simone
Year 6 Teacher
Student Council Coordinator
ARTS - Kat Boobyer
Each term classes vie to collect the most tickets on their streamer in the arts studio. Tickets are given when the whole class works together to show what safe, responsible and respectful learners they can be. Congratulations to 3SB, who took out the prize for most tickets in Term 2. If you visit their classroom be sure to check out their gold trophy, with another one up for grabs this term.
Turn-it-out Thursdays are back this term, with the Prep students invited to get their groove on. Students are invited to our new, larger venue - the hall - from 8:30 on Thursday mornings and we’ve added some Baker Boy hip hop moves to our repertoire!
Walkers’ Club is also now open to Prep students who would like to walk a lap or two around the oval on Fridays from 8:30.
A huge thank you to the Sports Captains who diligently count up every lap completed each week.
STEM Sheri Walls
We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you about the latest addition to our school's STEM Room! We have recently acquired brand new, innovative furniture that will revolutionize the way our young learners engage in flexible learning and group work.
We understand that every child has a unique learning style and that their needs evolve over time. With the new furniture in the STEM Room, we are now equipped to provide a more adaptable and inclusive learning space for all students. This flexibility is essential in empowering our children to take ownership of their education and foster a love for exploration and discovery.
Effective group work is an integral part of a well-rounded education. Our new furniture is designed with collaboration in mind, making it easier than ever for students to work together in small groups. Whether they are designing bridges, conducting scientific experiments, or programming robots, the new furniture facilitates seamless cooperation, communication, and brainstorming among our young scholars.
Features of the New STEM Room Furniture:
- Modular Seating: The furniture is modular, allowing students to rearrange seating arrangements to suit their group projects or individual preferences. From comfortable cushions to versatile chairs, our students will be able to choose the seating option that best supports their learning needs.
- Flexible Tables: The tables in the STEM Room are adjustable in height, making it possible for students to collaborate standing up or sitting down. This adaptability not only promotes better focus but also encourages physical movement, fostering a more dynamic and engaging learning experience.
- Mobile Stations: Some of the new furniture comes with wheels, making it effortless to shift and set up learning stations wherever they are needed. This feature encourages our students to explore different corners of the STEM Room and promotes a more hands-on approach to learning.
With the new furniture in our STEM Room, we are confident that our students will be inspired to dream big and explore the wonders of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics with enthusiasm and curiosity. We are excited to witness the endless possibilities that this new learning space will unlock for our children and look forward to sharing their creative projects and achievements with you. Check out the photos of some of our students engaging with the new furniture!
Library News
The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.” Albert Einstein
Well, if this is the case, we have many students that agree with Albert Einstein and have certainly found their library at Carbrook State School.
There were a record number of library loans last term totalling 1171.
The most popular loans have tied between the Junior Fiction titles which are all our favourite picture books and the Intermediate Fiction.
The Intermediate Fiction section is a collection of books between our picture books and the higher level Fiction read by our older students. One genre that has generated such popularity with this section is the graphic novel. Graphic novels combine written word and images in a comic strip format. Some parents may be concerned that reading a graphic novel is not reading a real book and may feel they don’t fit with mainstream literature, but these novels still have rich storylines with deep character plots. When you see reluctant readers picking them up to read, that’s confirmation enough to think these authors may be on the right track.
We have decided to get on the same page and support the students’ interests with many new graphic novels hitting the shelves this term.
Speaking of this term, watch out as it is going to be a big one with Book Week during week 7 and Book Fair returning to Carbrook starting Week 8. Look out for more information during Term 3 regarding Book Week parade, Book Week activities and Book Fair details.
Happy reading
P&C News
Creative Dance Flyer
Community Information