Issue 13 Friday 18 August 2023
Date Claimers
Prep 2024 Open Morning - Saturday 19 August 2023 9-11am
School Disco - Friday 25 August 2023 5pm - 6:15pm Prep - Year 2
6:30pm - 8pm Year 3 - Year 6
Celebration of Learning - Wednesday 30 August 2023 5pm - 6:30pm
Father's Day Stall - Wednesday 30 August 2023 Years 3-Year 6
Thursday 31 August 2023 Prep - Year 2
Student Free Day - Friday 1 September 2023
Physical Education and Health Program
Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 Students
As part of our Physical Education and Health Program, Carbrook State School organises a Learn to Swim program for all students in Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5. This important program aims to familiarise children with the water and introduce them to swimming skills suited to their level.
The program will be conducted in week 10 of this term with the swim instructors at the YMCA heated pool at Victoria Point. Students will attend swimming lessons every school day from Monday 11 September through to Friday 15 September. Each lesson runs for approximately 45 minutes. At the beginning of the program students will be organised into small groups. These groups will be determined by student ability from beginner to advanced swimmers. This means that the needs of each child can be better managed. Each group will have a designated, qualified swim instructor with them at all times. The swimming program focuses on building confidence in the water, developing and maintaining swimming strokes and teaching safety around water. These are vital skills which all Australian children need.
There is a fee of $32.00 per student. The total cost of this program includes 5 x 45 minute lessons, transport to and from YMCA and pool entry. All students participating in this program are required to travel by bus, which will transport each group between Carbrook State School and YMCA. This requires us to adhere to a very strict time schedule to ensure all classes receive equal lesson time.
Cost: Payment of $32.00 must be made via internet banking ONLY by Monday 4 September.
BSB: 064-170
A/C Number: 00902152
Account Name: Carbrook State School
Reference: Your Child’s Name & Class & Activity e.g., T.Smith 2023 Swim
Please complete the Permission Form, Indicate Swimming Ability and Consent Form
All payments must be made and forms returned to the class teacher by Monday 4 September.
Surf and Beach Safety Program
Prep, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 Students
As part of the Queensland Government’s Water Safety and Learn to Swim Programs, Carbrook State School has organised a Surf Life Saving Queensland-Beach Safety Program for all students in Prep, Year 2, 4 and 6. All students are provided with the opportunity to engage in appropriate surf and beach safety.
The Beach Safety program will be conducted in week 10 of this term by instructors from the Surf Life Saving Queensland. It is held on the Raby Bay foreshore and beach area. Students will attend a single 3-hour program with their class and will be organised into small groups for the activities. All students participating in this program are required to travel by bus, from Carbrook State School to Raby Bay foreshore. The bus will leave at approximately 9:30 and return by 2:30.
The Beach Safe practical session combines dry and water-based activities designed to be fun, interactive and a great way to educate children/adults on the important aspects of sun, surf and beach safety, whilst increasing their skills and confidence in the water and on the beach. Important safety information is integrated into activities such as swim survival, rescues, board paddling and beach games.
Supervision arrangements: Students will be supervised by Carbrook Staff throughout the day while Surf Life Saving staff conduct the activities.
Excursion details: Date: Monday 11 September – Year 2
Tuesday 12 September – Year 4
Wednesday 13 September – Prep
Thursday 14 September – Year 6
Cost: Payment of $29.00 must be made via internet banking ONLY by Monday 4 September 2023.
BSB: 064-170
A/C Number: 00902152
Account Name: Carbrook State School
Reference: Your child’s name & Class & Activity e.g., T.Smith 2023 Surf
Please complete the Permission Form, Indicate Swimming Ability and Consent Form
All payments must be made and forms returned to the class teacher by Monday 4 September.
Principal Sonya Wilson
Dear Parents and Carers
Today, Friday 18 August is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence.
The National Day of Action is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative for schools, encouraging whole-school communities to work together to implement evidence-informed positive and proactive solutions to prevent and address bullying.
In recognition of the day students at Carbrook State School have come wearing orange. Teachers across the school have revisited in PBL lessons the High 5 strategy and in Social Skills lessons, lead by the Inclusion Teachers, students have explored the topic of Anti-Bullying through song and activity. The Year 3 team share their experiences below.
Photos from Year 3 ‘Anti-Bullying’ Social Skills Lesson
Parents and carers have a key role in preventing and responding to bullying.
Understanding the definition of bullying is the first step in talking about how to prevent and respond to bullying with your child.
Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening. Bullying can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time (for example, through sharing of digital records).
Bullying of any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders. Single incident and conflicts or fights between equals, whether in person or online are not defined as bullying. National Action Against Bullying website
School responses to reports of bullying can be much more effective when parents and carers report bullying and support school staff efforts to respond to it.
Talking about bullying
Children and young people who know what bullying is, and know what to do about it if it happens, also know they are not alone in dealing with it. They know that parents and school staff will be willing to help if needed.
First, make sure your child has a clear idea of what bullying is, and point out that bullying is not just when someone is mean to you once, but it happens repeatedly and makes you feel like you can't stop it.
Tell children that bullying can happen to anyone but it is never okay. Talk about how to respond to bullying safely. Make sure children know what to do if it happens to them or they see it happening to someone else.
Encourage them to speak to an adult if it happens and to keep asking for help if the bullying doesn't stop.
Talk with children and young people about how they might handle other challenging social situations as well.
Parents and carers have an important role to help children and young people learn how to manage their own feelings and to work out how to disagree with other people in appropriate ways.
The Bullying – No Way website shares information and resources with families and I would encourage you to visit the website for more information and resources.
Book Week 19-25 August with the theme ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’.
Book Week celebrates Australian children’s literature and promotes the value of books for the education, enjoyment and enlightenment of children. At Carbrook State School and across the nation, children, educators and families celebrate Book Week.
Throughout Book Week, children will have the opportunity to participate in a range of experiences to celebrate books and learn about Australian authors and illustrators.
As children’s first teachers, families are in an advantageous position to read to their child from birth and in turn positively influence their future educational outcomes. Establishing a regular reading routine enables families and children to form a love for sharing books together. When reading aloud, families form closer bonds and create a nurturing environment, fostering a sense of belonging and wellbeing.
This is how to develop a child’s love of reading at home:
- Make reading part of your everyday routine.
- Ensure children have open access to books.
- Connect with your local library.
- Immerse children in a literacy-rich environment, both indoors and outdoors.
- Provide a comfortable, quiet place to read together.
- Converse with children throughout the story with open-ended questions and descriptive language.
The advantages of regular reading are well documented for both the immediate and long-term positive effects on children’s education, wellbeing, relationships and overall development. Children’s lives are enriched with the inclusion of quality literature together with regular shared reading opportunities with supportive, nurturing adults!
I learned to read because I had an adult that read to me. I can still recall my favourite book that my father read to me. We can both still recite pages from Mickey Mouse’s Picnic.
Book Week presents a time to celebrate favourite characters from classics through to contemporary books. At Carbrook State School we will be celebrating with a Book Week Parade Wednesday 23 August, so get your costume ready.
Happy reading,
Sonya Wilson.
Library News
Book Fair
The countdown is on until Book Fair opens right here at Carbrook State School! There will be a huge range of favourite titles to take straight home. The library has started a Book Fair colouring competition where one student from each grade will win a $10 voucher to spend at Book Fair. There have been so many amazing entries that it will be very difficult to choose.
Important things to know:
- Book Fair is a bookstore right here at our school.
- Opens Wednesday 30August for limited opening times.
- Located in the Art Room (next to the library) during Celebration of Learning.
- Best way to pay is pre-payment (see attached information).
- Cash accepted and Eftpos also available.
- Book Fair earns free new books for our library.
Book Week
Book Week celebrations have continued here with many READ, GROW, INSPIRE activities.
The READ, GROW, INSPIRE garden was a huge hit with many students recommending new reads for students. It was very fulfilling to see students choose a read inspired by one of their peers. Congratulations to Parker in Year 3. His bookmark was randomly drawn to receive a new READ, GROW, INSPIRE library bag full of goodies.
The ‘Design your own Pillowcase’ competition has begun, where students are invited to create a READ, GROW, INSPIRE themed pillowcase design. Entry forms can be picked up from the Carbrook Library.
Three designs will be chosen to be printed onto a pillowcase that the creators may keep.
Shortlisted book reading is also continuing in the build up to the Carbrook State School’s Book of the Year. Voting has opened where every student can vote for their Fiction and Non Fiction Book of the Year.
During Book Week on Wednesday 23 August, we will hold our famous Book Week Dress Up Parade where students and staff are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character. Time to start stitching, sewing, gluing, sticking and stapling to get those costumes ready. We can’t wait to see what characters are created this year.
The Library Team.
Deputy Principal Liz Cook
What a great fortnight we have had at Carbrook State School. This week we acknowledged Science Week, with our school community immersed in everything Science. The Street Science incursion on Thursday afternoon was enjoyed by all and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our P and C for their contribution, covering the cost of this experience for all students to attend.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher interviews will occur at the end of this term during Weeks 9 and 10, commencing from Monday 4 September until Friday 15 September. This opportunity provides both teachers and parents/carers to partner and discuss your child’s progress at school so far this year, identifying their areas of strength and their next steps for learning.
The online portal for parents to book a time slot to meet with their child/ren’s class teacher will become live from this coming Monday 21 August and bookings will close on Thursday 31 August.
Click here to access the booking link to meet with your child/ren’s class teacher.
If you require any support with making a booking via SOBs, please refer to parent instructions.
I encourage all parents/carers to take this opportunity to meet with their child/ren’s class teacher to continue to support your child’s success with their schooling.
School Opinion Surveys
Thank you to all the parents/caregivers, students and school staff who completed this year’s School Opinion Survey. We look forward to sharing our survey results with you when we receive our school report later this year.
Have a great fortnight,
Liz Cook
Science Week
It's that time of the year again when our school is buzzing with excitement and curiosity, as we celebrate the marvels of science during National Science Week! From thrilling lunchtime activities to an awe-inspiring whole-school incursion, our students have been diving headfirst into the world of scientific exploration.
Lunchtimes have been transformed into vibrant laboratories of learning as our young scientists have engaged in a variety of hands-on activities. From constructing boats that move using soap to investigating how static electricity works, our students have been discovering the magic that lies within the realm of science. These lunchtime activities have ignited a spark of curiosity in our students, encouraging them to ask questions, experiment, and explore the mysteries of the world around them.
The highlight of this week's celebration was the spectacular incursion by the renowned Street Science team. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the tireless efforts of our dedicated Parents and Citizens Association (P&C), who generously sponsored this enriching experience for all our students. The P&C's unwavering commitment to our students' education has allowed each and every one of our young learners to partake in this unforgettable event.
During the Street Science incursion, our students were treated to a captivating showcase of scientific wonders. With mesmerizing experiments that combined chemistry, physics, and a dash of magic, the Street Science team brought the excitement of scientific discovery to life. Our students marvelled at fiery explosions, levitating objects, and even had the chance to get hands-on and engage in experiments themselves. The hall was filled with laughter, gasps of amazement, and an overwhelming sense of curiosity that will surely leave a lasting impression on our budding scientists.
As we wrap up this exhilarating week, I would like to express my gratitude to our wonderful students for their boundless enthusiasm and eagerness to explore. I also extend my appreciation to the Year 6 Leaders – Sophie, Katie, Taleah and Sabine for assisting with the activities everyday. Last but certainly not least, a resounding round of applause goes to our P&C for their generosity in making the Street Science incursion a reality for every student.
National Science Week may be drawing to a close, but the spirit of curiosity and exploration it has ignited will continue to burn brightly in the hearts and minds of our students. We look forward to fostering this passion for science throughout the year, as we continue to nurture the inquisitive minds that will shape our future.
PBL Hayley Pattison
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an extensive framework that promotes positive behaviour and creates an optimal learning environment in Carbrook State School. It is an instructional approach that emphasises proactive strategies to prevent behavioural issues, encourage social and emotional development, and support academic achievement.
Every fortnight students engage in a PBL lesson which upfronts the behaviour focus for the fortnight. Each focus falls under one of the 4B’s: Be responsible, Be respectful, Be safe, Be a learner. Teachers follow the explicit teaching cycle throughout the fortnight when reinforcing the behaviour. The explicit teaching cycle holds profound significance when instructing Carbrook students about behaviour-focused concepts. By employing this structured approach, teachers can ensure a comprehensive dissemination of behavioural expectations and values. Beginning with clear explanations and demonstrations, teachers lay a strong foundation for students' understanding of the desired behaviours. The cycle then progresses to guided practice, enabling students to actively engage with these behaviours under the supportive guidance of the teacher. Through constructive feedback and reinforcement, students refine their grasp of the desired conduct. Finally, independent practice empowers students to apply these behaviours autonomously, fostering a sense of responsibility and ownership. The explicit teaching cycle not only imparts vital behaviour-related skills but also nurtures a positive classroom culture, setting the stage for students' holistic growth and success in both their academic pursuits and personal development.
Explicit Teaching Cycle
Hayley Pattison
PBL Coach
We are delighted to share with you the exciting news about our Year 5 social skills unit focused on leadership. Over the past few weeks, our students have been immersed in a dynamic learning experience aimed at developing their leadership abilities and fostering essential social skills. We are thrilled to witness the remarkable growth and development in our young learners.
The main objective of this unit was to help students understand the significance of positive and negative reactions, and the impact these have on various situations. By exploring real-life scenarios, and engaging in team building tasks, our students have gained valuable insights into the power of their words and actions. Through these experiences, they have learned the importance of empathy, respect, and effective communication when dealing with different social dynamics.
One of the key aspects of this unit was the emphasis on teamwork strategies. Students have been actively involved in collaborative tasks, enabling them to experience firsthand the benefits of working together towards a common goal. They have learned the art of listening, compromising, and appreciating diverse perspectives within a team. These experiences have instilled a sense of unity and cooperation, fostering an environment of mutual support and encouragement.
Another critical skill our students have developed is the ability to accept defeat gracefully. Students have been guided to adopt a growth mindset and view setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. Through discussions and reflection, they have discovered effective strategies to cope with disappointment, bounce back from setbacks, and persist in the face of challenges.
Throughout the unit, our students have had numerous opportunities to engage in leadership roles. By organizing class activities, leading discussions, and taking responsibility for various tasks, they have honed their decision-making skills and built self-confidence. Witnessing their peers take charge has empowered the entire class, creating an atmosphere where everyone feels valued and capable of making a difference.
The impact of this unit extends beyond the classroom walls. Students are now more mindful of their actions and their ability to influence those around them positively. They have embraced the importance of empathy, understanding, and kindness in their interactions with others, both inside and outside of school. We are confident that these skills will serve them well in their future endeavours and contribute to their overall personal growth and success.
As parents and guardians, your support is invaluable in reinforcing these valuable life lessons. We encourage you to continue engaging in conversations with your child about their experiences and encourage them to apply their newfound skills in their daily lives. Together, we can nurture their leadership potential and help them become compassionate, responsible, and influential members of our community.
Super Hero Day
Thank you to all Carbrook families who dressed up as their favourite Super Hero on Friday 4 August for HeartKids.
Your gold coin donation enabled Carbrook State School to raise $355.05. These proceeds will go towards supporting people affected by CHD as well as funding vital medical research.
Year 2 Super Hero Day
Dress Like a Super Hero Day!
On Friday, 4 August, we came dressed as our favourite Super Hero! This was to raise money and awareness for ‘Hero for HeartKids’. In Year Two, we had some amazing Super Hero costumes on the day.
We have also been learning about being our own Super Hero in our every day lives. Each week in our Social Skills class, we have been learning about having the power to choose. Every single person has the power to choose their behaviour in each situation. Sometimes this behaviour is an ‘expected’ behaviour. Sometimes this behaviour is an ‘unexpected’ behaviour. Year Two discussed that we each have the super power to choose our behaviour. Therefore, we are all ‘Powerful Pals’. This is because we have the power to choose how we behave and interact with others. Being a Powerful Pal is Year Two’s Superpower this year!
Check out some of our Powerful Pals!
Year 4 Excursion - The TWITS Show
On Friday 4 August the Year 4 cohort visited the Redlands Performing Art Centre in Cleveland to enjoy “The Twits Show”. This show tied in perfectly with our English unit, as we are studying the Roald Dahl classic “The Twits” this term. Mr and Mrs Twit are the nastiest couple you could ever hope (not) to meet. They are both on a quest to be meaner than the other – but, is there someone out there who can out-twit the Twits? The show was full of trickery and wickedly-funny pranks. This Roald Dahl adored classic encourages us to treat others with love and care and showed us that if you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams. It was a fun filled morning for the students and staff that attended.
“I liked that show because it was the first time I have been to the theatre and it was so exciting. I really liked the wormy spaghetti trick.” - Harley
“I loved the costumes, the lights, the characters, the whole set, the magic, the monkeys turning the house upside down, actually the whole show was really brilliant!” – Natasha
“I really liked the details on the stage, the actors, the costumes, the humours, the story line and the thrill of being at the theatre… instead of reading it we could see it all! It was a great experience!” – Hermione
“I liked the magic, the monkeys, the dancing guy at the back and the birds in the tree. It was my first time visiting the theatre and it was great!” – Zavier
“The best thing was Mrs Twit getting stretched.” – Elayna
“I loved the whole show! “– Ivy
Celebration of Learning
Celebration of Learning
This year, Carbrook State School will host our 2023 Celebration of Learning evening on Wednesday 30 August 2023. We will open the classrooms to showcase student learning in various areas of the curriculum including the ARTs, Science, Technology, English and Mathematics.
Classrooms will be open from 5pm to 6:30pm. Families will be welcome to visit classrooms and view at leisure the great learning that has occurred in each class/year level. All children are to be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Performances by our School Band, Strings and Choir as well as an impromptu preformance by our Flash Dance Mob.
We look forward to celebrating the achievements of our Carbrook kids with you all.
Next Meeting Tuesday 12 September 2023
at 4pm in the Administration Block.