Term 4, 2021 W4 School Newsletter
Colour Run
Acting Principal, Sonya Wilson
Enrolments open for 2022
Childcare Centre Visits
Every Minute Counts : School Attendance
SEP, Fiona Broquesa
Academic Coach, Leonie Barnham
Playground Rangers, Charlotte Minty
STEM News, Sheri Walls
Music Strings, Luke Bushell
5B Science , Rebecca Story
3A News, Sarah Bingham
3B News, Deidre Klatt
Fire Fighter Visit, Year 1 and 2
P&C News
Student Annoucements
Acting Principal, Sonya Wilson
Dear Parents and Carers
Term 4 is always an exciting and busy time of year with many events planned to complete another successful year of engagement and learning.
All Year 5 students will commence the Leadership selection process, participating in a series of leadership activities to be run at the school during Term 4 of 2021 which will include; Playground Leader Training, YLead ‘Student Leadership Day', Q&A forum with Year 6 Leaders, Speeches, Voting and Announcement to the Carbrook School Community in Week 10.
Letters and nomination forms will be sent home with students next week allowing students with their families to engage in reflection and discussion prior to completing and returning the nomination forms.
All Year 5 students have participated in the Playground Leader Training with Mrs Minty. It was wonderful to hear the response of one of the students, Nate:
“I want to be a Playground Ranger because when I was in Year 1 I had a really nice Playground Ranger so I want to give back to the school community.”
The Daniel Morcombe Foundation promotes Day for Daniel on Friday 29 October. Day for Daniel is a great opportunity to start the conversation with children about their personal safety and to build community awareness. At Carbrook State School we will be promoting personal safety through the Bravehearts’ Ditto Show for all students in Prep – Year 3.
Students will have the opportunity to experience the Ditto Show provided by Bravehearts on Monday November 15th. It introduces children to the basic principles of personal safety, along with strategies and behaviours they need to stay safe. ‘Ditto’, the Bravehearts’ mascot, comes to life as the star of the Ditto Keep Safe Adventure Education Program. The show runs for 35 minutes and is delivered in a fun, interactive and engaging manner. The program does come at a cost of $9.00 per student.
Students will bring home a note with an attached parental consent form next week. Parents are welcome to attend the sessions. Please indicate on the parental consent form if you wish to attend the session along with the students.
Teaching personal safety is everyone’s responsibility and at Carbrook State School we take that responsibility very seriously.
Sonya Wilson
Acting Principal.
Thank you to the P&C and Carbrook Community for their generosity
and kindness for World Teachers' Day.
Enrolments open for 2022
Enrolments for Prep to Year 6 for 2022 are open.
Call into the Administration office and pick up an enrolment pack or you can download the enrolment papers on the website, www.carbrookss.eq.edu.au
Childcare Centre Visits
It is with great pleasure that we are returning to visit our local Child Care Centres, starting next week.
Mrs Sarah Turgeon and I will do weekly visits to Play and Learn ELC Vincent Street and Play and Learn Centre Cornubia. Bright Horizons Child Care Carbrook will bring their students to the school each Wednesday.
Sarah and I will be familiarising the students and staff with the ways of working at Carbrook State School. We will also be immersing students in early Numeracy and Literacy concepts.
We are particularly looking forward to sharing the many and varied learning opportunities that Carbrook State School offers.
These include our specialist Music and Physical Education teachers, our STEM program, Year 4 one to one computer class, Special Education Program unit, YMCA - Outside School Hours Care Provider, Instrumental Music and Strings specialist teachers, Intervention and Enrichment programs and much more.
Carbrook State School feels very privileged to be resuming this important community interaction with our local centres.
Leonie Barnham
Academic Performance Coach
Every Minute Counts : School Attendance
Every Minute Counts ensures that we support our parents in having their child attend school for the maximum amount of time, as well as ensuring that our teachers make the most of instructional time, that we do not miss an opportunity for learning to take place.
School starts at 8:50am. Teaching our children to be punctual is a life-long quality habit. Ensuring children are ready for school and ready for instruction is paramount for the trajectory of their learning.
At Carbrook State School, our attendance target is 95%. To achieve this target, children must have less than 10 days absent in the school year. All absences must be explained. If your child has a serious illness that requires more than 3 consecutive days off from school, the school must be notified and a medical certificate provided. Of course, sickness cannot be avoided, however it is important children know the importance of attending school and how every minute of every school day counts.
Parents your support in building attendance as a quality habit in their educational journey is greatly appreciated, this also includes being ready for instruction at 8:50am.
Unexplained absences
At Carbrook State School an automated system is used to inform parents via a SMS message if your child/children have not arrived at school. As instruction commences at 8:50am and class rolls are marked by 9am, any students that have not arrived by 8:50am will be considered absent and therefore an automatic message will be generated in the system informing you that your child is absent from school.
If/When you receive an SMS message you will be required to reply to the text to explain the absence or if you believe your child/children is/should be at school contact the school office immediately on 3209 0888.
Please phone the Student Absence Line on 3209 0860 before 9am to advise of any/all occasions when your child/ren will be absent from school.
All mobile numbers need to be current. Please advise the school immediately if your number has changed.
SEP, Fiona Broquesa
SEP Before School Support
Just a reminder that SEP is open at 8:30am for SEP students to access a quieter morning environment. Our lovely Mrs Pocock is on duty and happy to talk, draw or play with you to ensure you start the day on green!
SEP Play
At first break - come on your own for some quiet time. We do fun things like playdough, kinetic sand or crafts.
At second break - Bring a friend. When the weather is good, we access the playground outside the prep rooms and use their beautiful new sandpit. Or sometimes we enjoy a game of bullrush on the grass.
Academic Coach, Leonie Barnham
An important pedagogical practice that is woven into my lessons as the Academic Performance Coach, is encouraging students to have a ‘Growth Mindset’.
“'Hard-working' is what gets the job done. You just see that year after year. The students who thrive are not necessarily the ones who come in with the perfect scores. It's the ones who love what they're doing and go at it vigorously.”
-Carol S. Dweck
What Is a Mindset?
Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation.
The Two Types of Mindset.
According to Carol S Dweck, there are two basic mindsets: fixed and growth. If you have a fixed mindset, you believe your abilities are fixed traits and therefore can't be changed. You may also believe that your talent and intelligence alone lead to success, and effort is not required.
In contrast, if you have a growth mindset, you believe that your talents and abilities can be developed over time through effort and persistence. People with this mindset don't necessarily believe that everyone can become Einstein or Mozart just because they try. They do, however, believe that everyone can get smarter or more talented if they work at it.
What Is a Fixed Mindset?
“I can’t do it.”
How often have you heard a child speak these words?
This “can’t” language reflects a fixed mindset. Those with a fixed mindset believe qualities like intelligence, skills and talents are fixed and can’t be developed further – they can’t do it and they’ll never be able to because they believe they just aren’t good at it. They are fixed in their thinking because they believe talent reflects success, not effort.
What Is a Growth Mindset?
“I can’t do it yet.”
In contrast, people with a growth mindset see challenges and learning as opportunities for growth. Failure to them, is just part of the process. With a growth mindset people believe that effort surpasses fixed ability, and by working hard to overcome challenges, they can in fact, achieve more.
The Impact of Mindset
Your mindset plays a critical role in how you cope with life's challenges. When a child has a growth mindset, they tend to have a hunger for learning and a desire to work hard and discover new things. This type of mindset can often lead to improvements in a child’s learning and achievements.
Dweck believes that unfortunately many children possess a fixed mindset about learning. Helping them to switch from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset is one of the most important things we can do, as teachers and parents. By switching to a growth mindset, children can learn to view challenges as opportunities, to develop an “I can” attitude, and to discover a value in, and love of, learning – even when it’s hard!
Playground Rangers, Charlotte Minty
Throughout 2021, our Playground Ranger team has provided an invaluable service to our Carbrook State School students. Each week a team of 35 leaders have been rostered onto various playground duties to support younger students with social interactions, safe and fair play. They have engaged in peer mediation and refereeing of soccer and football games.
This week, our upcoming leaders in Year 5, participated in a Playground Ranger Induction Training Course, which will enable them to ‘shadow’ a current leader in their role before trialling an independent duty. The purpose of the training was to encourage the Year 5 students to become aspiring Carbrook State Sschool Community peer leaders.
Our amazing Year 6 leadership team is excited to hand over the reins of responsibility to such an enthusiastic group of students. Thank you, Year 6 and all the best, to our upcoming leadership team, from Year 5!
STEM News, Sheri Walls
This week in STEM all classes have been working on solving problems using algorithms.
Prep and Year 1 have been learning all about coding using an algorithm. They have used an algorithm to retell the story of the Gruffallo. They have also been using the Beebots and coding them to follow directions.
Year 2 have started to learn how to code using block coding. This week they started to use block coding on the website www.code.org They practised writing an algorithm and had lots of fun testing their algorithms with their friends.
Year 3 have continued their investigation of Micro:bits and coding them. They made a rock, paper, scissors game with their micro:bits that used the shake function. They have also explored coding the buttons on the micro:bits to do different things.
4A have worked on completing their Scratch game. They have all made a simple paddle game and will now work on making their own version of the game. 4B have completed their Lego robots and are now learning how to make them dance.
STEM Gallery
Music Strings, Luke Bushell
Mr Bushell, the Strings Teacher would like to invite parents to come and watch the Amati Strings group perform a pop up concert before school on Wednesday, 3 November 2021, 8:30am in the undercover area. While on school grounds, Carbrook State School kindly asks that you respect current COVID Safe guidelines by using the Check In QLD app on arrival and to wear a mask as social distancing cannot be guaranteed. Looking forward to seeing you there to enjoy the show.
5B Science , Rebecca Story
3A News, Sarah Bingham
In Year 3 maths last week, students created a variety of 3D object models to show their understanding of the properties of 3D objects. They used these materials to show the faces, vertices and edges. Students were also tasked with describing these characteristics. They thoroughly enjoyed demonstrating their knowledge in a fun and hands-on way.
3A Maths Gallery
3B News, Deidre Klatt
Maths 3D Objects
3B Maths Gallery
Fire Fighter Visit, Year 1 and 2
Today the students in Years 1 and 2 were fortunate to have a visit from the fire fighters at the Beenleigh Fire Station.
The visit is part of the Fire Ed program for schools.
The aim of the program is to assist students to develop an understanding of the dangers of fire and the appropriate response should they be in a situation where fire is involved.
The Fire Ed program engages students in interactive, collaborative learning experiences to promote their understanding of good and bad fires, the dangers of smoke, dialling Triple Zero (000) in an emergency, the role of the emergency services in helping in a fire emergency, safety around fires and having a school and home escape plan.
The students learned important lessons during the visit today, as well as having an opportunity to meet and thank our local fire fighters who are such an important part of our community.
We would like to thank Robert and his team, for visiting today and providing us with the important knowledge needed for fire safety.
We look forward to the follow up visit next Friday.
P&C News
As you are all aware, the P&C have their very first outdoor movie night on Saturday, 6 November, which we are all very much looking forward to. Please don't forget to purchase your tickets online.... here's hoping the weather is kind to us.
A huge thank you to Melissa McMahon, Paintin' Time & Corrine Guterres Real Estate Agents for their kind sponsorship of the evening.
We have World Teachers' Day today. This year we are doing it a little differently and we are really getting kids involved in showing their appreciation for our teachers. I'm sure the teachers will love what the kids have got in store for them.
We are very busy behind the scenes at the moment organising our annual Christmas raffle. We have got some wonderful local businesses really getting behind us who have very generously donated to our Christmas raffle. Keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks for the link to purchase your tickets.
As always, we thank you all for your continued support of Carbrook State School.
Your P&C Team,
Bec, Mel, Jade & Shara PandC@carbrookss.eq.edu.au
Next P&C meeting is on Wednesday, 3 November 2021
@ 5:30pm, in the Resourse Centre
All welcome
Student Annoucements
World Teachers' Day Friday 29 October 2021.