Issue 14 Thursday 31 August 2023
Dates to Remember
Pupil Free Day tomorrow
Friday 1 September 2023.
* Subway Meal - 8 September 2023. Orders no later them Wednesday 6 September 9am.
* Last day for Term 3 is Friday 15 September 2023
* Remember to return all consent forms and payments for Swimming or Surf Awareness Program
Physical Education and Health Program Learn to Swim
Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 Students
Cost: Payment of $32.00 must be made via internet banking or BPoint by Monday 4 September.
BSB: 064-170
A/C Number: 00902152
Account Name: Carbrook State School
Reference: Your Child’s Name & Class & Activity e.g., T.Smith 2023 Swim
Please complete the Permission Form, Indicate Swimming Ability and Consent Form
All payments must be made and forms returned to the class teacher by Monday 4 September.
Surf and Beach Safety Program
Prep, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 Students
Excursion details: Date: Monday 11 September – Year 2
Tuesday 12 September – Year 4
Wednesday 13 September – Prep
Thursday 14 September – Year 6
Cost: Payment of $29.00 must be made via internet banking or BPoint by Monday 4 September 2023.
BSB: 064-170
A/C Number: 00902152
Account Name: Carbrook State School
Reference: Your child’s name & Class & Activity e.g., T.Smith 2023 Surf
Please complete the Permission Form, Indicate Swimming Ability and Consent Form
All payments must be made and forms returned to the class teacher by Monday 4 September.
Principal Sonya Wilson
Dear Parents and Carers
Education Queensland recognises that young people in Queensland are experiencing mental health concerns at increased rates and levels of complexity and schools need to be equipped to respond appropriately to students' mental health concerns. To support Queensland State Schools and their students, funding has been provided to schools to employ wellbeing professionals through the Queensland Government's Student Wellbeing Package. Packages have been provided to schools to employ wellbeing professionals based on the size and the complexity of the school. Schools have been given the option to employ either a psychologist, a social worker or additional Guidance Officer time. At Carbrook State School we have elected to employ a psychologist. The psychologist will be part of our school’s support team. The whole-school approach to promoting mental health and wellbeing, assists us to create a supportive school environment that develops and sustains all students’ social and emotional capabilities.
Psychological services provided through the student wellbeing package initiative support identified students with mild to moderate mental health concerns by providing short-term, tailored therapeutic intervention. The psychologist works collaboratively as part of the school team to build capability, identify and intervene when students are diagnosed or presenting with mild to moderate mental health concerns and implement evidence based strategies and therapeutic intervention to support students.
Referrals to the psychologist will come from Carbrook’s Student Support Services(SSS) and will require parental consent. The mental health concerns must directly impact on a student’s academic success and/or functioning at school. The psychologist service will be for students who have a barrier to them accessing a psychologist outside of school and not for students already accessing a psychologist privately. A referral to the psychologist will entitle them to 10-12 individual/group sessions of 50-60 minutes duration. Students who are deemed to have ongoing/long term support needs, or severe mental health needs will be referred to outside services. Once all referrals are received, the psychologist will prioritise the list of students based on need.
I am pleased to advise that Larissa Baxter has now been appointed to Carbrook State School and will commence at Carbrook State School in Term 4. Larissa will work at Carbrook State School all day Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Larissa to the Carbrook Community.
Kind regards
Sonya Wilson
Larissa Baxter Psychologist
My name is Larissa Baxter and I will be working at Carbrook State School Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings starting in Term 4, 2023.
Fun facts about Larissa
I am happily married with 2 wonderful children.
My family pets are 2 cats, a herd of sheep, and millions of bees.
Throughout the year, I will harvest and process honey on my weekends.
I love jokes.
Many thanks,
Larissa Baxter
Provisional Psychologist, Therapy Pro
Did you know that the QParents portal is coming soon to Carbrook State School? The QParents portal will provide secure online access for parents to their children’s information anywhere, anytime, through a smartphone, tablet or computer. Parents, have you registered your email address with us? Email is a great way for us to keep in touch with you about the upcoming launch of the QParents portal.
To find out more, go to
Deputy Principal Liz Cook
It has been another busy fortnight again at Carbrook State School, with the remainder of the term looking quite full also.
As you are aware in Week 10, our students will have the opportunity to attend either daily swimming lessons or a day in the sun (hopefully!) at the Surf Awareness program.
This aligns with Education Queensland’s requirement for all students to be provided with the opportunity to engage in appropriate water safety and learn to swim programs.
To support you as the parent/caregiver in preparation for this excursion for your child, the timetable outlining who and when the programs will take place in Week 10 is below. The timetable lists the staff members from Carbrook State School that will be supporting each class/cohort of students in addition to the staff running the program.
Below you will also find attached PDF documents of school created social stories to engage in with your child to support any possible questions/anxieties of these programs, particularly if this is the first time your child has participated in these programs.
Swimming Lessons – Victoria Point YMCA
Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 Students
What to bring: (Please make sure all items are clearly named)
- Swimmers/togs
- Sunshirt (compulsory)
- Swimming cap (compulsory). Please write your child’s name on the front of the cap in large letters so it is clearly visible to the instructors
- Roll-on sunscreen (applied before lessons)
- Towel
- Thongs to walk to and from the school/pool/bus
- Goggles (optional)
- The pool has a ‘no cap – no swim policy’ all students must wear a cap while swimming.
Surf Awareness Program – Raby Bay Foreshore
Prep, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 Students
What to bring:
- lunch and afternoon tea
- water bottle
- Swimmers/togs – one piece is preferrable
- Sunshirt (compulsory)
- Swimming cap not required as they wear nippers caps for safety
- Roll-on sunscreen (applied before lessons)
- Towel
- Thongs to walk to and from the school/beach/bus
- Goggles (optional)
- The program has a ‘no swim shirt, no swim’ policy
Enjoy the last fortnight of Term 3, 2023!
Warm regards,
Liz Cook
Celebration of Learning
We dusted off that most time-tested of performance arts - the flash mob - at our Celebration of Learning on Wednesday evening. In what must be Carbrook record-breaking numbers, students delighted onlookers with a suitably proud display of their joy for movement to music. They danced all the classics (with some commendable parent and staff participation) and then shook their manes - and the school’s PA system - as they pranced like glorious unicorns. All participants should be so proud of their entertaining teamwork, and thank you to families who remained at the celebration longer so their youngsters could display the fun times we have at Thursday morning dance!
Year 5 Leadership 2024
Library News
What a Book Week!
Thank you to every single person big and small that was a part of getting their child / children ready for Book Week. Whether it was cutting up sheets to make Princess Leia dresses, making boxes into masterpieces, creating heads with paper mache or hunting down costume shops, we would like to say, thank you. All of these tireless efforts made this year’s Book Week Parade the best parade ever with so many amazing characters.
Book Week parade was certainly the highlight of the week but many other activities have been part of Book Week.
Books on Blankets was a big hit with many students heading to the Quiet area or the Library for Storytime.
Our READ, GROW, INSPIRE garden overgrew with many new reads and Parker now has his new READ, GROW, INSPIRE library bag, only one part of Book Week.
The Carbrook State School Book of the Year will be announced next week. The Children’s Council of Australia have announced their winners and it will be interesting to see if the students of Carbrook agree.
The READ, GROW, DESIGN pillowcase competition has closed. There are some beautiful designs, and the winners will be announced at parade next week.
We hope everyone had an amazing Book Week.
But…the book excitement has not ended yet. Time to get excited because BOOK FAIR is open. We have been waiting for what seems like forever, but Book Fair is finally open in the Art room.
You will be able to take home titles like the latest Bad Guys and Dog Man books. Look out for some great junior fiction books like Baa Baa Blackbelt or Non Fiction books like The Horse Encyclopedia for Kids. There will also be some eye catching posters and fun pens, sharpeners and erasers.
As part of the Book Fair excitement, we have been running a ‘Hats off to Reading’ colouring in competition. The following students were acknowledged on parade and received a $10 voucher to spend at Book Fair. Arlie Prep, Jayden Prep, Indie Year 1, Thea Year 2, Alex Year 3, Sophia Year 4 and Jenna Year 6. Thank you to all the students who entered.
Be quick though because BOOK FAIR closes Monday 4 September 8:50am. We can’t wait to see you there.
Book Week Pictures
Preps 2024
On Wednesday 23 August the wonderful Kindergarten children joined our Prep students for “books on blankets”. Teachers and students sat on picnic rugs, in our Prep playground, and read quality picture books together. The children all had a fabulous time! This week we have started our Pre-Prep interviews. It has been a pleasure meeting the children who will be joining us at Carbrook next year.
Pre -Prep readiness testing has begun this week for all Prep 2024 enrolments.
If you have a child who is born between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019 they are eligable for Prep 2024. Contact the office on 3209 0888 to get your enrolment forms.
Teacher Aide Recognition Week
Carbrook State School celebrated on Thursday morning with a morning tea, gift and student acknowledgement.
Thank you to all Carbrook State School Teacher Aides.
Subway Day - Friday 8 September 2023
Orders online only.... no later than Wednesday 6 September 2023 9am
Order your subway through our online tuckshop website only.
Follow the link below
If you have any concerns, please contact the P&C on
Next P&C Meeting
Tuesday 12 September 2023 4pm - 6pm
Thank you to the P&C and Parent volunteers for the wonderful night at the Disco last Friday night.
The night was enjoyed by all the children and I think some parents too.
Our focus for the month of August has been on community involvement and building relationships within our school community. On Saturday 19 August 2023, YMCA was lucky enough to be a part of Prep Open Day alongside our teaching staff at Carbrook State School. We had a wonderful morning meeting our new families starting in 2024. This month our students at YMCA have been busy preparing for our bake sale to raise money for the RSPCA as well as collecting donations in Term 3. We raised a whopping $194.95 for the RSPCA. Thank you to all of our families for supporting us! Vacation care is approaching very quickly; we have an exciting program planned. Bookings will open in the next few weeks. To make bookings you can complete this through My Family Lounge or alternatively email the service and we will happily assist you.
Community News
"Sharks Camp 2023 - September.
Sharks Camp is a four-day volleyball camp designed to cater to athletes of all skill levels. With elite development opportunities available and pathways into club and state-level volleyball, this camp has something for everyone!
The Dates:
Tuesday 26 September, Wednesday 27 September, Thursday 28 September, Friday 29 September
We usually hit capacity pretty quickly, so if you're interested sign up today to secure your spot!!
Visit our website for more information"