Issue 5 Thursday 28 March 2024
School Watch 13 17 88
Look, Listen and Report any incidents.
Call School Watch on 13 17 88. If you see a crime in progress,
call Triple Zero (000).
We can all help to keep our schools safe. If you see or hear anything suspicious,
call School Watch on 13 17 88 to report the incident,
even if it appears to be minor. In an emergency or if you see a crime in progress dial Triple zero (000)
School Resumes Monday 15 April 2024
Acting Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
Term 1 Wrap Up
I don't know about you, but this term seems to have passed by quickly. It's no surprise, given how busy it was with welcoming new families and Preps to the Carbrook Community, introducing our 2024 Senior Leaders, organizing activities like the Mini Beast Incursion and the Easter Hat Parade, and events such as Parent Information Evening, Heart of Carbrook Day, Naplan, Parent Teacher Interviews, and various other excursions and incursions.
A huge thank you to our dedicated Carbrook Staff for their hard work and commitment to providing our students with enriching learning experiences.
Personally, I've thoroughly enjoyed being back at Carbrook State School and being part of this wonderful community. I feel fortunate to work alongside such dedicated professionals and families who are committed to providing a safe and positive learning environment for our children. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Easter break, and looking forward to seeing you all back on Monday, April 15, 2024.
What’s happening next term?
Looking ahead to next term, our Year 6 students will be heading to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland for a school camp after the holidays from Wednesday April 17 to Friday April 19, and we'll also be hosting our Annual ANZAC Day Commemorative Assembly on April 24, 2024, where all families are invited to join us.
We're excited to welcome back Mrs. Kaitlin Burnett, who will be returning to Carbrook State School as an Inclusion Teacher, supporting Year 1 students.
Additionally, I am pleased to share the outcome of the HOD-C advertised position for Carbrook State School. Ms Jessica Carson was successful in the selection process and will commence her appointment as HOD-C Term 2 at Carbrook. Jess comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience with curriculum, the science of reading and leading professional learning teams and a school improvement agenda in her current school. We look forward to working with Jess in the near future.
School Facilities Upgrades
Over the Easter holidays, our Prep amenities will be getting a make-over and throughout Term 2, our Junior and Senior Amenities will be updated and refurbished. We look forward to having these facilities modernized for our students.
Increased Play breaks
It is well known that participating in physical activity is central to a child’s health, development and psychosocial wellbeing. Regular activity supports brain development, bone strength, muscle control, balance and coordination, and helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Being active can positively affect sleep patterns, mental health, concentration, self-esteem and confidence (DoH 2009, 2017a).
Next term, we are providing children with more play time which will include 30 mins play at first break and 20mins play at second break. Throughout the day, children will receive 20 mins designated eating time, in addition to a health snack break during the first session of the day. We hope these changes will assist children’s mental health, enhance cognitive skills like concentration and memory and improve engagement and performance in the classroom. Our wonderful P&C also supported these changes to benefit our students.
This is a gentle reminder there are no toys (soft or hard), pokemon cards, balls or other items to be brought to school. We ask for all parents to support us in ensuring children only bring the necessary items needed for school such as hat, jumper, lunchbox, water bottle, reading book or other school related materials.
We are fortunate that all our children at Carbrook have access to sensory tools in the classroom, games to play before school such as uno and balls/equipment to use during play times. Thank you for your ongoing support regarding this expectation.
We are very excited to introduce you to the PLAY IS THE WAY program. Our Social Skills lessons across every classroom in the school will be ‘rebranded’ to be called ‘PLAY IS THE WAY’ and will be working on this play based program that builds social engagement, interaction and behaviour education. Please see below for the official synopsis of this program.
PLAY IS THE WAY® is a behaviour education process that helps teachers create a safe learning environment in which students can train to be self-motivated learners with the emotional strength to pursue their personal best and the self-control to work with others in an empathetic and cooperative manner.
Play Is The Way® uses physically interactive games, supported by 5 key life raft concepts and a simple, yet powerful self-reflective questioning process. It is a process that accompanies students throughout their primary school journey.
Play Is The Way® games are much more than amusement. They do far more than develop physical skills and fitness. Every game, no matter how simple, is a structure by which children learn about themselves and others.
Games are mini societies in action. Like societies, games ask children to make significant and worthwhile contributions that will be of value to all. In the hands of teachers, Play Is The Way® games transcend the limits of amusement and become tools to assist in the development of emotionally intelligent, happy and purposeful students.
Each fortnight, I hope to include one of the articles from this program, so stay tuned! 😊
Five Life Rafts
Year 1 Habitat Heroes Excursion
Habitat Heroes
On Monday 18 March the Year 1 students, teachers, support staff and parent helpers travelled to Manly for an exciting day on the bay. The Moreton Bay Environmental Education Centre (MBEEC) teacher set the scene by revising the concept of habitat and encouraging students to predict habitats that may occur within Moreton Bay. We spent the day learning about living things within the bay and how we can help to protect them.
We voyaged onto Moreton Bay aboard a boat called Inspiration and the students participated in a variety of hands-on scientific investigations as they explored the bay's habitats and inhabitants.
We explored the intertidal zone at the Manly Foreshore to explore this habitat close up and compare it with the other bay environments. Students discovered organisms that reside in this habitat, identified them by examining their external features and consider how their survival needs are met. Students reflected on their day to determine how they can apply their learning in order to become Habitat Heroes.
Easter Hat Parade
They have been working hard creating their own special Easter hats and there were lots of bunny ears, chicks, eggs and flowers on display.
Preps sang and danced to the Bunny Hop song and Little Peter Rabbit with a special singing performance by some very proud Prep students. Year One’s dazzled with two renditions of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in both Swedish and Chinese. Year Two’s finished off the parade with Mr Clickety Cane and then the Easter Bunny Hop dance.
Thank you to everyone who came along to support our Junior School!
Library News
To highlight Neurodiversity Celebration Week, the Year 6 cohort created 'diversity cubes' that featured information about neurodiverse authors. They created a display in the library to showcase the power of individuality.
They studied authors such as Dav Pilkey (Cat Kid and Dogman), Libby Scott, Tom Angleberger, Satoshi Tajiri (Pokemon), Jeanne Betancourt (Pony Pals) and Jackie French.
Jackie French is an Australian author and honorary wombat (part time). Even though Jackie is dyslexic, she has written over 200 books. Jackie claims that she may not be able to spell but believes that ‘Every child must learn to read and you can’t read if you don’t have a book.’
Getting books into children’s hands is certainly something our library agrees with. Students are encouraged to independently choose from our large range of books to find something that interests them at the time. This might lead to some unusual choices jumping into their library bags and to this we say, ‘Great choice!’ Choices are powerful and children will be more engaged to read a book that they have chosen themselves.
The school library may be closed for the holidays, but the local council libraries will still be open for your little readers to choose their next weird, wonderful and engaging book.
Happy holidays.
Bookclub News
The whole library team would like to extend a massive thank you to our Carbrook Community. Our first Book Club catalogue was a tremendous success. It is obvious that our children have a great love of reading as you managed to raise $243 in reward dollars for the school. This money goes straight back to our library in the form of new and engaging books.
Once again THANK YOU to ALL !!!