TERM 4, 2021 W8 School Newsletter
Acting Principal, Sonya Wilson
Student Leadership
We had the pleasure of listening to the Year 5 Leadership speeches on Tuesday. Students took responsible risks nominating, preparing, rehearsing and delivering their speeches. They spoke with conviction about the Carbrook qualities as well as the 4 Bs, wearing their uniform with pride and the important role they play in modelling the Carbrook ways. Students shared their desire to give back to the school community through Leadership roles, Student Council and Playground Rangers.
Speeches were delivered with confidence and determination. Aspiring Sports Captains shared their passion for sport, promoting participation and the qualities of sportsmanship and being a team player. Students shared their long-held aspirations to be a school leader, promoting and encouraging student voice.
The nerves were evident, but students managed and their peers were visibly supportive and encouraging. Our emerging leaders are to be congratulated on the preparation and delivery of their speeches. They have done themselves, family and school proud.
End of Year Class Cheese Burger Party - Thursday, 9 December
This year the school will be joining with the P&C to subsidise the class parties with a Cheese Burger Meal. Traditionally students have brought a plate from home to share for their class party, however, the sharing of food in this manner does not comply with the current COVID guidelines. As an alternative, the School will provide students with a popper, chips and chocolate and the P&C will subsidise the cost of the burger reducing the cost to $2 per child. Payment for the Cheese Burger Meal will be collected by the P&C via the online tuckshop ordering system.
Orders will be open Monday 29 November until Friday 3 December. Gluten Free options will be available for ordering. Any additional dietary requirements need to be emailed directly to class teachers.
Students will receive their Cheese Burger Meal for first break on Thursday, 9 December. Students will still need a snack for brain-break and second break.
We have seen how appreciatively students engage with Cheese Burger Meals and thank the P&C for their support in facilitating the class parties.
Academic Coach, Leonie Barnham
It has been another busy two weeks in the Academic Performance Team. I have continued to implement intervention and enrichment in reading and comprehension, as well as extension in math.
Students have continued to be engaged with the Powerful Practices of Reading and using the Visible Thinking Routines.
A favourite Thinking Routine for students is ‘chalk talk’. Chalk Talk is a routine for silently considering ideas, questions, or problems and responding to others' thinking.
This routine highlights the notion of building understanding in a collaborative way by putting forward ideas, questioning one another, and developing ideas further. Students using this routine can remain anonymous if they choose to, hence freeing them up to take greater risks with their responses and thereby offer more depth with their ideas and responses.
'Step Inside' is another Visible Thinking Routine that enables students to explore different perspectives and viewpoints as they try to imagine things, events, problems, or issues differently.
This routine asks students to ‘step inside’ the role of a character or object—from a picture they are looking at, a story they have read, an element in a work of art, a historical event being discussed etc and to imagine themselves inside that point of view. Students are asked to then speak or write from that chosen point of view. This routine enables students to open up their thinking and look at things differently. This routine helps to make abstract concepts, pictures, or events more lifelike for readers.
The extension maths lessons that I have been implementing, have had our students thinking hard, as they unpack a variety of problems to solve, spatial knowledge challenges and mathematical quizzes.
My goal in these lessons is to enhance students' mathematical frame of mind, foster logical thinking, improve their ability to construct generalisations in maths and promote mathematical curiosity, creativity and perseverance.
The highlight of these lessons has been the collegial manner in which the students have worked, assisting each other, articulating possible solutions, working as a team and attempting new strategies which their peers have suggested.
The maths extension lessons are an opportunity for mathematically minded students to work on multiple maths investigations and problems, to ‘think deeply about simple things.’ Professor Arnold Ross.
SEP, Fiona Broquesa
Throughout the year the Department of Education Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist have been supporting staff and students around handwriting, PE participation, self-regulation, motor skills in Prep and social skills for peer interaction.
Some strategies which have been successfully discussed and implemented with the school team include integrating movement into learning.
Examples of these include hand warm ups prior to tabletop tasks and movement breaks. See examples below:
o Praying Position - Push hands together, holding hands close to chest. o Monkey Grip - Pull hands apart. o Finger Taps - Tap fingers on a table top, imitate sequences. o Finger Separation - Spread fingers as far apart as possible. o Finger Flicks - On a table top, as if flicking something with each individual finger. o Shake - Shake hands to relax. o Finger Separation - Practise separating fingers in group patterns, i.e. thumb from index finger or index from middle finger o Hand Strengthening - Squeeze/squash a ball to strengthen hand muscles. o Hand Massage – use oil or hand cream as a bonus. o Finger Rolls - Slightly separate the fingers of one hand and place palm down on table top, with the side of the other hand, press and roll over the finger joints. o Finger Grasps - Instruct the student to grasp each finger in turn with all finger pads of the other hand, pulling gently from palm to tip along each finger. | o Bear walks - Walk on all fours with bottom in the air and straight legs. o Frog jumps – start in squat position, jump forwards and land in squat position. o Crab walks - Start in bridge position, move backwards, forwards or sideways in this position. o Starfish jumps (Star jumps) - Start in standing position with hands by side then perform a start jump. o Popcorn push-ups – Start sitting on chair and put hands by sides, resting on the chair. Hold onto the chair, keeping feet on the floor and lift bottom off the chair and hold for 5-10secs. o Caterpillar Crawls - Start in bear pose (hands and feet on floor with bottom in the air), walk hands away from your feet until your back is flat, then walk then back in. o Dinosaur stomps - Start in standing and lift one leg up as high as you can and stomp it back down. Swap legs and keep repeating. o Chair push ups – start standing behind your chair with arms on the back of the seat, perform a push up on the seat. |
SEP Gallery
Child Care Visits
Mrs Sarah Turgeon and I have continued our weekly visits to Play and Learn ELC Vincent Street and Play and Learn Centre Cornubia. Bright Horizons Child Care Carbrook, have brought their students to the school each Wednesday to participate in our lessons.
Over the past two visits we have been working with the students on aspects of the four B’s of Carbrook……… Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe and Be a Learner.
We have brainstormed with the students what it looks like to be safe and to be a learner and have been very impressed by the responses put forward by the children around these two topics.
Our visits have included introducing the children to some of our Quality Habits- ‘lock your eyes in’, ‘lock your ears in’, ‘sit like a learner’, ‘hands and feet down’ and ‘close the gaps’. The students have enjoyed participating in role play activities, responding to questions, identifying quality habits when Sarah and I are modelling them and generally engaging in our lessons in readiness for Prep 2022.
We continue to be very impressed by the readiness of our Pre-Prep students and the knowledge and skills they already possess prior to their journey into Primary School.
Sarah and I would like to sincerely thank the staff at the three centres for their warm welcome each Wednesday and their preparedness for our visits.
We feel very privileged to be part of the learning at our local Early Learning Centres.
Leonie Barnham
Academic Performance Coach
STEM, Sheri Walls
Prep and Year 1 have finished their work with writing algorithms and using the Beebots. Prep/1 were very excited to demonstrate their new knowledge to Mrs Reese and a group of new parents on Friday. They could all explain what an algorithm was and showed the new parents how they could program the Beebot to follow their instructions.
Year 2 and Year 3 have become scratch coding experts this term. They have made a ping pong game and they have spent some time customising their game. There were some very interesting game designs! It’s been amazing to watch their progress this term, from the start of the term when they had very little coding knowledge, to the end of the term where they are fast becoming coding experts!
Year 4 have finished working with the Lego robotics kits. There were some very creative dancing robots! Year 4 students showed their creativity and coding skills by making their robots dance, display text and move to music.
Prep - https://youtu.be/MW2at2pSUaU
Year 1- https://youtu.be/qt9tghwb2PI
Year 2 - https://youtu.be/zWd17Gnkk_k
Year 3 - https://youtu.be/Jra407eyu90
Year 4 https://youtu.be/tKzGECwKf9c
Student Council
Wow! The Student Council has been blown away by the entries for Carbrook’s Got Talent. We have had dancing, singing, Rubik’s cubing, magic tricks and many other talents. It has been a heart-warming experience seeing so many students proudly shining in their chosen talents.
The Student Council had a tough time narrowing down all our entries to select the finalist. But after many discussions and meetings they were able to come to a decision. The finalists are;
- Scout P/1
- Alex 1B
- Callum 1B
- Aria 2A
- Gabrielle 4B and Summer 4A
- Grace 4B
- Mackenzie 1A, Sophie 1A and Archer P/1
Congratulations to all our finalist. Wednesday 1 December at 12.45pm classes will be viewing the finalists' performances and winners will be announced.
2B, Amanda Kennedy
4A, Sheri Walls and Julianne Lee
4A Stop Motion Project
This term in Science the Year 4s have been learning about erosion. To culminate their learning about erosion, the Year 4 students were challenged to create a stop motion video that showed a form of erosion happening. It was a more difficult task than some of them first believed. However, they all worked extremely hard on the task and are very excited to share their videos with everyone!
The part my group and I enjoyed was the challenge, decorating and the teamwork of this task. The thing we found difficult was holding the camera in the same position.
By Emma, Hazel and Aroha
Our group enjoyed the teamwork, the challenge, the going through the music and the challenge of editing.
By Grace, Gabby, Tallulah and Skylah
Our group liked that we didn’t rush it and it didn’t take long to get up to the erosion. Our group didn’t like that it looked easy but was hard and that you had to keep the camera still.
By Lorelei and Camryn
Our group found this awesome challenge difficult but extremely fun to do. The hardest part of this challenge is to get the set out of the beach.
By Sabine, Carter, Keenan & Archie
Our group had fun doing this amazing challenge. It was an amazing experience doing this. All of us had a great time.
By Asha, Oscar and Josh
We found it difficult to put the photos in order. We enjoyed the results and were proud of ourselves.
By Katie, Sophie, Pyper
Our group enjoyed this activity because we got to have a fun time working as a group. It made us have good experience in teamwork. We disliked making the mess as we had to clean it up.
By Charlotte, Emerson, Katie and Riley
We enjoyed drawing and cutting out the fish. What was challenging was getting the perfect camera angle.
By Cole, Sean and Ethan
Video Link https://youtu.be/SB76_6UfOJg
6C, Tegan Simone
On Friday, 19 November Matthew was invited to Shailer Park State High School’s swimming carnival to represent Carbrook State School. He competed in several events with the Shailer Park High School Year 7 cohort and was the only Year 6 to attend.
Matthew placed 1st in freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke events. He was also a part of the 2nd place relay team.
Congratulations Matthew on your success in the pool and representing Carbrook State School with such pride.
Carbrook State School P and C
As the year quickly draws to a close, I would like to say a huge Thank You on behalf of our P&C Executive team to our school community for all your support this year.
It has been a very messy 2 years, but you have really dug deep and supported all of our fundraisers that we have been able to hold.
We managed to pull off our Pie Drive the same day a lockdown was called, we also managed to pull off our Easter raffle and Hot-Cross Bun drive the same day a lockdown was called earlier in the year & let us tell you, there has been tears, sleepless nights, laughter and craziness.... but there has also been so many smiles from the faces of our Carbrook kids, which makes everything that we do so worthwhile!!!
So Carbrook community, we thank you!!
And one last thing..... don't forget to purchase your Christmas raffle tickets... there are only a limited number of tickets, so get in quick.
A huge thank you to some generous donations from the following businesses:
Q Power ~ Electrical & Automation
Corinne Guterres Properties
Carbrook Golf Club
Bayside Wake Park
Melissa McMahon - MP for Macalister
Subway Eagleby
McDonald's Loganholme
The Slab Lads
BOQ, Victoria Point
Bunnings Loganholme
Coles Loganholme
Woolworths Cornubia
Wild Clover Collective
The Grove Kitchen + Bar
Jemma Parfitt, Massage Therapist
Safeguard Scaffold
Revive your style - Shan Phillips
Your generous donations have been greatly appreciated.
Carbrook State School P&C Committee