Issue 20 Friday 6 December 2024
School Watch phone 13 17 88
Look, Listen and Report any incidents.
Call School Watch on 13 17 88. If you see a crime in progress,
call Triple Zero (000).
We can all help to keep our schools safe. If you see or hear anything suspicious,
call School Watch on 13 17 88 to report the incident,
even if it appears to be minor.
In an emergency or if you see a crime in progress dial Triple zero (000)
School starts back on
Tuesday 28 January 2025
Please be advised
Kimberley College finished their academic year, yesterday.
Please note that there will be no Kimberley College bus services or supervision available for Carbrook children for the rest of this year at Kimberley College.
We kindly ask families to make alternative arrangements for their children’s transportation home for the rest of 2024 school year.
Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause some families.
Principal Fiona Keswell
Dear Carbrook Families
Next week
Please be reminded of the information for next week:
- Students will be grouped together in mixed year level groups and will be rotating through different activities with different teachers across the week. Students will not be in their usual classrooms. Our office staff will have the timetable where students will be throughout Week 11 for any early pick-ups or late drop offs.
- When students arrive at school they will go to the undercover area. This is for all Prep-Year 6 students. They will remain in the covered area until the bell goes at 8:55am.
- At 8:55am all students will go to the hall. At this time, they will be divided into their activity groups and go with the teachers who are facilitating the first activity of the day.
- Students will be released at 3:00pm by the teacher they are with at the time.
Book pack drop off 2025
Our amazing P&C will be coordinating a book pack drop off day for our families. This will enable book packs to be dropped off to school before the first school day of the year so that it is one less thing for families to juggle on Day 1. Please understand that our staff will be in training on that day and will be unavailable to meet families. There will also be no classroom access.
- Friday 24 January 2025
- Anytime from 10:00am to 1:00pm
- Drop your book pack/s to the hall
- Look for the name of your child’s class and leave the book pack in that spot. It will be delivered to your child’s classroom from the hall by our P&C.
- Please ensure book packs are clearly named with your child’s name, child’s teacher and class name.
- Access is to the hall only, please keep your children with you. No access to any other areas of our school will be possible.
Thank you to our P&C for supporting our families with this service.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated staff for all that they do each and every day. We have an amazing team of staff who go above and beyond every day. Carbrook State School is a very special place because of their efforts and their work.
I wish our students and our families a safe and relaxing break. The upcoming holiday period is often the only time of year that our families get to spend quality time together. I hope you enjoy the time connecting as a family and enjoying the special things that come with this time of year.
I have truly enjoyed my time at Carbrook State School and thank the staff and community for making me feel so welcomed. I know that Mr Winrow is very much looking forward to being back next year. Thank you and happy holidays.
Deputy Principal Kerry-Ann Reese
Academic Reporting – Semester 2
Carbrook State School’s reporting processes reflect the requirements outlined in the Department of Education’s P-12 Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework and associated policies. The following information provides further background and details on the academic reporting process and how judgements are made in order to award the overall results seen on the report card.
At Carbrook State School, Semester 2 report cards will be emailed home to parents at the end of Week 10 and made available online via QParents. If a parent requires a printed report card, these can be requested at the school office.
Schools are required to provide written reports, at least twice a year, on student achievement. A 5-point scale is used and varies depending on year level as shown in the table below and an explanation of the reporting scales are also provided on the front page of student reports for parents.
What does a ‘C / Sound / Working With standard mean’?
For all Australian Curriculum subject areas, students are assessed against the relevant achievement standard for that year level. It is important to recognise that the Australian Curriculum achievement standards clearly outlines the expectations of ‘C/Sound/Working With’ standard. If your child achieves a ‘C’ standard (or equivalent), they are operating at the year level standard/expectation. A ‘C” means that the student is achieving everything required for the subject at that stage in their corresponding year level at school. Therefore, attaining a ‘C’ for achievement means your child is on target for their age and year level.
How do teachers make judgements on student achievement?
During each term, teachers collect and moderate evidence to make overall judgements on a 5-point scale in order to award final ratings on the end of semester report card. Teachers use a range of assessment strategies and tools to gather evidence of student achievement for reporting. Each assessment task or tool has a Guide to Making Judgements (GTMJ) accompanying it and therefore will have specific assessable elements for the task. Each assessment task used for reporting is linked directly to the curriculum expectations and the criteria used for judgements will reflect this. After marking an assessment task, or using the assessment tool, teachers also take part in a moderation process where they discuss and share student work with the year level teaching team to collaboratively grade pieces of work. To allocate an overall grade for a semester, teachers use the portfolio of assessment tasks from across the semester to make an on-balance judgement for that student’s achievement to the 5 point scale. Teachers also meet to moderate final semester results using the agree criteria, helping achieve consistent judgement for overall ratings.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s report card, please contact your child’s teacher.
Walkers' Club Update
Community News
A message from Transdev Buses for the start of 2025
Transdev would like to inform you of upcoming changes to Transdev services that will be implemented starting Term 1, 2025.
Attached to this email, you will find a document outlining each of the upcoming changes in detail for the Transdev buses, including a tab with the new timings for each route.
They encourage you to review the attached document carefully, as it contains information about how these changes may impact your student’s transportation to and from school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Transdev via email
Transdev Queensland +61 7 3248 6100
PO Box 1190 Capalaba, QLD 4157
Transdev appreciates your understanding and cooperation during this transition. Their goal is to ensure a smooth and seamless experience for all students using Transdev services.